Here is how our physical world works. When we wish for something, that energy goes out into the world and every suitable person around us is given the opportunity to make it happen. The one who follows his intuition and provides our wish, goes through a kind of metamorphosis, because of this very act, which enables him to also get his heart’s desire. This type of activity happens all the time without our conscious awareness of the process.
We must however be careful what we wish for. I once had an ambition to experience unconditional love. No sooner said than done. I met a man who was gorgeous to look at, had a charming personality, was beloved by everyone and made me the envy of all my friends. He was also incapable of intimacy, was a womanizer who resented women, and totally lacked ambition beyond acquiring a sports car. His fantasy was to stay home and have his wife be the breadwinner. Since I had nurtured secret thoughts of becoming a high-powered executive and having my husband take care of the home front, we were certainly a match there.
I had obviously not thought things through very well. My vision was a fuzzy portrait in pink of endless bliss. Had I given it some thought, I would have realized that in order to know if my love was unconditional, there had to be conditions which were not lovable. The insidious aspect of my wish was that, I was condemning myself to dealing with nothing but tests of my resolve to love no matter what. When I finally understood my blunder, I yelled “No! I want to be happy!?and I immediately felt as if a huge boulder had been lifted off my shoulders, my chest became too big for my ribcage and I could have sworn that my feet were no longer touching the ground. I must have taken quite a leap on my wheel of life because right after that revelation, I left the man, left my job and left town.
Sometimes we get in our own way and prevent the things we want from happening. One of my friends, who considers herself to be a very positive person, gets exasperated with me on a regular basis because I can always find whatever it is she just looked for and did not see. If she would only listen to her personal dialogue, she would discover the source of her problem. As we walk down the aisles of a supermarket, she says things like: “It’s not there, I already looked. Maybe they ran out. I bet they no longer carry it because it wasn’t there last week either.? By the time we get to where we’re going, the woman has talked herself so blind that she couldn’t spot her own mother. After I encourage her to look again and she confirms that “it?is not there, I reach over, right in front of her face, and grab “it?because “it?was there all the time. She created her reality with her negative affirmations and our system, obligingly gave her what she claimed to be true.
I know a woman whose wishes only manifest after she feels she has suffered enough and deserves something good to happen. She once wanted a fur coat made of a special type of pelt, but the opportunity to get one never presented itself. Years later, she saw a different type of fur and thought how nice it would be to own one. After all, hadn’t life been hard? Didn’t she deserve a little happiness? A short while later, she was offered a fur coat, but it was the type she had wished for years ago. Obviously her initial desire for a fur coat was much more intense than the more recent one, but her original wish was unable to manifest until she became open to it.
I tried to tell the lady that she could get her wishes a lot faster if she gave up her need to deserve them.
The mechanics of wishes are simple. Picture what you want, then let it go and get out of the way. There is nothing you need to do except stay loose as a goose, with eyes and ears wide open and assume from that point forward that everything anybody says to you on the subject is a message from your Inner Self, guiding you to your wish. A point to remember is that you are never given any lead-time. If you feel an urge to do something, act on it immediately. Most of the time there is only a small window of opportunity because, in many cases, the cooperation of other people is required. Let me give you a real life example of how wishes come true.
I had a dark, tiny studio apartment with only a sliding door for light and I dreamed of a spacious one bedroom with enough light to grow plants, where I could smell the ocean breezes. Of course, that was ridiculous, since the four hundred and fifty dollars I was paying for the studio was about as far as my budget could stretch.
I was toying with the idea of looking at apartments toward the end of the month, but the leader of the youth program told me that I would have to spend the last weekend of the month training for my volunteer job.
Someone standing nearby overheard us and asked where I planned to look. I told her that I really wanted something near the beach but was afraid that my budget could not handle it. I said I would probably look in the paper anyway, even if for no other reason than to acquaint myself with the area. She said: “I never look in the paper. I just go to the area where I want to live and walk up and down the blocks.? Fortunately for me, I was already acquainted with how wishes worked, so I took her statement as a clear message from my Inner Self regarding the method I should use to look for my apartment. I also concluded that I should start looking that same day since the end of the month was being blocked.
Although the first few apartments I looked at were in the expected nine hundred dollars a month range, I kept on going. Then I came across a small sign written on a three-by-five postcard pinned to the building’s front gate which was nestled between two huge bushes, making it practically invisible from the street. The apartment was a corner one bedroom on the third floor overlooking the ocean, with a pool in the courtyard. It was just perfect so I held my breath and asked how much. I almost fainted when I heard four hundred and fifty dollars a month.
Now I was faced with the next hurdle. The manager wanted to run a credit check and get references. When I told her I was unable to provide either of those, she replied that as long as I had a job, she guessed it would be enough.
Then came the hard part, the money, which I had none of and payday was more than two weeks away. She wanted a deposit to hold the apartment in my name, so I gave her a check for one hundred dollars, gambling that she would not cash it until the apartment was mine and by then, I hoped to figure out some way to cover it.
The next day the manager of the apartment building called me at work and asked if I was still interested. She said that a lovely young woman came by to see it right after me and begged her for the apartment, but since I had given her a deposit, she felt she could not oblige the lady without my release. I, of course, said I wanted it and would be there that night to complete the paperwork.
The conditions of the lease were first and last month plus a cleaning fee, which came to more than a thousand dollars. I donned an air of authority and said that I would make out a check for the first month’s rent but it could not be deposited until the end of the month. I would pay the cleaning fee when I moved in and the last month would be paid in two installments over the following two months of the lease. For a moment, she looked shocked. There was a long pause, then she finally said: “I guess it will be alright,?and I was in! I am sure she was bewildered that she let me get away with it, but she still allowed herself to go with her intuition.
The trick to getting what we want is to ignore our intellect and all its logical arguments as to why we cannot have it. Nothing I did in this instance was logical. I went looking for an apartment in the middle of the month in an area, which was too expensive for my budget. I wanted a one-bedroom apartment for the same money I was paying for a studio, and I went looking without any money in the bank.
Please note, however, that timing is very important. Had I not followed through on the guidance when I got it, “the lovely young woman?would have gotten there before me and I would have never known that I missed out on anything. Had I not dared to write the deposit check because it exceeded my bank balance, the manager would have felt no qualms about letting the “lovely young woman?take the apartment. By the way, the apartment was not listed in the newspapers. Had I not been flexible enough to change my search technique, I would have never known about it.
A few months after I moved in, I found out that my apartment was the only one rented at that price and asked the manager why. She replied that since the building had no elevator the landlord felt that people would be reluctant to walk up three flights of stairs and tried to sweeten the deal. Right after I moved in, however, he changed his mind and I ended up the only beneficiary of his misconceptions. Wishes come true every minute of every day. Unfortunately, most of us don’t recognize them. One reason is that our wishes never look, in real life, the way we picture them in our heads.
I once answered an ad for an administrative assistant position in the marketing department of a large company. I had a mental picture of a job where I would have responsibility, autonomy and be on the cutting edge of the industry. All the things I imagined available in a marketing environment. I did not get the job. Instead, I was offered a position in research and development. I pictured this sleepy dusty lab, full of eccentric eggheads and the thought depressed me. But, I was out of money and I needed a job quickly, so I said okay. It turned out that the job I got was the job I wished for and the job I interviewed for and thought I wanted was just a “go-fer?position.
An important thing to remember is that when individuals give us gifts or do us a favor, they benefit as well. In our Society, it is considered good manners to demur or refuse gifts of any value. Do not deny yourself because of some inane code of behavior whose origins most of us don’t even know. No matter where your wish comes from, accept everything offered you in the knowledge that the giver is also the receiver and if you just take it and say thank you, everybody wins.
Jenka is the author of "A Heaven on Earth" which was written in response to the many requests from her students throughout her career as a teacher of Human Alchemy.
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