You can't find a place for your nuclear waste.
So you want to put it in my body.
Well, I won't eat it!

For almost 70 years we have been told that radiation is deadly poison, to avoid it at any cost, that it causes cancer and other horrible diseases and


Freedom, freedom to choose, what we eat, what we say, what we do in our own little lives. Our freedoms are being challenged on all fronts. Freedom of speech has been attacked. Would you believe the freedom to plant a vegetable or fruit so that it can produce seeds that will germinate?

Recently the FDA has approved the irradiation of lettuce and spinach. Cesium 137 is being used in this process. Cesium 137 is a by product of extracting plutonium from nuclear waste. It is hotter that nuclear waste. This is what is being used on our fresh fruits and vegetables. All this to "protect" the consumer. Why not clean up the processing plants that our foods go through? There has NEVER been a long term study to see what food treated with nuclear waste will do to our beautiful, efficient, human/divine bodies.

There must be a better way. I say let us do our little part to end this.

A CALL TO THE CONSUMER: Go into your local supermarket. Go to the produce manager and/or the meat manager. Ask them if they will be permitting irradiated produce or meat in their store. If they say they are going to "provide" this type of food, tell them you will not buy it and you want it to be labeled. It will put the fear of God in them (ie no $$$$$) It really takes a few minutes of your time and the possibility of protecting your family and friends from greed and bureaucracy gone mad.

This is a call to peace. This is a call to decency and the possibility to live in health and harmony on our beautiful Mother Earth.

2012 will bring the beginning of the 1,000 years of peace. Let this peace begin with me.

©2009 Merry C. Battles

Author's Bio: 

Merry C. Battles has worked in the healing arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu (an ancient form of Japanese Acupressure), CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology.

Merry is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6" Merry's book is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the twelve holy days. Her book can be used all year as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac.

Merry has been a student of the ancient mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.

Merry has an Expert Page on Self Growth called "Walking the Spiritual Path Expert" under Spiritual Growth. Please also visit