We are all privately talking to ourselves all the time.
Take a moment right now and reflect on these key questions:
• What percent of your inner talk (what you think privately) is negative?
• What have you been saying to yourself about yourself in the last 24 hours?
• What percent of your inner talk is loving towards yourself?
• How keenly are you observing what you think about and whether or not it is positive and coming from a loving source?
We all have negative thoughts that barrage us constantly and it’s easy to put ourselves down. “I’m too fat, too old, too tired. I’m never going to be what I hope to be. I’ll never experience real, sweet love. I’m so ashamed of myself.” Any of these sound familiar?
You might call this inner trash talk. It’s a constant flow of personal putdowns – by yourself!
This is not the love you deserve. You deserve to replace negative inner talk with positive messages to yourself - from a higher source than yourself, divine Love! And Love does have a message for you! Here’s just a taste of what Love (or your Highest Self) wants you to know and say to yourself:
• “I am worthy and I feel it and know it.”
• “I know I could be better, but I like myself as I am. I am making strong efforts in my life and that counts. In fact, it counts a lot.”
• “I love my special and unique qualities. I know deep within that I am a treasure. I live each moment in this awareness!”
This is inner Love talk. Think of it as your Highest Self speaking for you.
It’s a lot easier than you might realize.
Negative inner talk – self trash talk – is mostly a habit. Unfortunately, we’re accustomed to trashing ourselves. Once you realize that negative inner talk is habit talk, you become self-aware of your thinking and you can make a new choice. Every time you make the choice to replace negative with inner Love talk, you are establishing a new habit of loving yourself.
Eventually, you will feel something has gone wrong whenever you are not loving yourself in this way.
It doesn’t matter if you fail 1,000 times. What matters is that you become aware of your private thinking and replace those 1,000 negative thoughts with Love’s message from your Highest Self.
For example, at the end of each day, review privately the top three things you most loved about yourself that day. What did you do best? What was your best moment of thinking? What was your highest action?
Such positive inner Love talk breaks the habit of negative, recycling self talk. Let Love talk take the stage in your steady flow of inner thinking so you can experience greater freedom, relaxation, and happiness. Your life will open more easily to the realm of higher possibilities.
Here are more questions to help you create positive inner Love talk:
• What did I do today that was hard, but I did it well?
• How did I love someone well today?
• What did I learn today?
Productive questions like these generate positive inner Love talk and growth. And this habit will beautifully support and sustain you in hard times.
When you practice inner Love talk, you are re-creating your automatic response to every situation. The outcome is deeply stabilizing for more joy and greater emotional balance.
Another way to practice inner Love talk is to develop inner talk headlines that affirm your worth and then hit the “play” button repeatedly. For example:
• “Love is with me.”
• “I am growing steadily in my love skills.”
• “I am Love’s golden light of beauty.”
• “I accept myself.”
• “My life carries great value.”
Congratulate yourself repeatedly for every positive private thought you have about yourself and watch your energy increase. When negative talk begins again, don’t cave in to a re-run of old tapes. Replace them with these new and positive tapes of inner love for yourself.
You control the “play” button so practice being your top Love advocate. Everyone makes mistakes and can learn from their mistakes, including you. Give yourself the benefit of doubt when your old habit sucks you back down. Release it and let yourself soar once again into the inner love space you deserve.
This topic of Inner Love talk is life transforming. We expect nothing less than miracles to pour forth in your life. And this is where they begin - with your private, personal dialogue and communion with divine Love that moves into a steady flow of inner Love talk. We are with you and we love you. Welcome to the heart of Love!
© Copyright 2008 Scott & Shannon Peck
Dr. Scott Peck & Shannon Peck are Co-founders of TheLoveCenter, a non-profit organization “Calling everyone home to Love” They are authors of books on love & healing, including The Love You Deserve, Love Skills, Liberating Your Magnificence, and Love Heals (by Shannon Peck). For lots more love, visit www.TheLoveCenter.com. We are holding the space for you to receive all the love you deserve!
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