Do you have any favourite TV shows? I do and one of them at the moment is "The Biggest Loser". Any show that highlights health and fitness to the nation and how important it is to your well-being, has got to be a good thing.

Sure it's an 'unreal' environment, the exercise regime is excessive and you've got to question some of the activities and challenges, however overall it's very interesting.

What happened this week was a good example. One of the team members had to choose the main food supply for the week for his team. The choices were between cabbages and unmarked tinned food.

Now if you were in this situation, had auditioned with thousands of others and made it through to be on a highly recognised prime TV show, and the reason was to lose excessive weight, what would you do?

It was a 'no-brainer'! Of course he had to decide on cabbages. Who knows what lurked inside those unmarked cans? Many canned goods contain high levels of salt and sugar which are not helpful to losing weight.

Even though they knew it was the right decision to make, some of Shaun's teammates still became upset. They didn't moan about the fact that he had made the decision, they were annoyed he hadn't consulted them first.

By the way, Shaun is a great guy so he'd be 'liked' by most people.

There are times in life, when you just have to make your decisions and get on with it. You can't please everyone all the time.

I've had clients who have been scared to make decisions in case it upset their team. As a small business owner you have to lead from the front and often you'll need to take control and make your own decisions.

Of course there are many times you'll need input from others, but don't rely on everyone else to approve what you do first before you take action.

This is what you call confidence.

How to Boost Your Confidence

1. Get fit and healthy. You've heard it so many times before because it works! Regular exercise and a healthy diet will do wonders for your self-esteem, your health and energy levels.

2. Learn how to manage your time and get organised.

You'll be happier, healthier and wealthier.

3. Lead from the Front

Work on yourself more than anything else and make sure you practice what you preach.

The Final Word

It's better to do something than do nothing, so go ahead and decide.

Lorraine Pirihi
Australia's No. 1 Productivity Coach

"Committed to helping small business owners and
entrepreneurs work less, earn more and have a life!"

Author's Bio: 

Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's No. 1 Productivity Coach. She's a dynamic, motivational and powerful presenter, an author and leading business coach. Lorraine specialises in helping small business owners and entrepreneurs have more time, make more money and have a life!
For more information on how to increase your productivity and your profits in your small business, subscribe to Lorraine's widely read ezine ‘The Organised Times’. Go to:
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