This time of year, it's important to clear out the clutter and start the year with a fresh approach.

I completely detoxed my own office over the break and couldn't believe how much stuff I had accumulated that I didn't need. I do my regular mini-clean-ups weekly and the major ones around 4 times a year.

If you walk into my office it's orderly and I can easily find what I need, it was more the folders, books and stationery that had mounted up and was stored in my cupboards. What annoyed me was finding 2 sets of refill cartridges for my colour printer sitting in a box...and I had just ordered another complete set! So I now have enough to last me for most of the year.

You see I got lazy. The area I store my stationary was a bit untidy and I couldn't easily see the refills so I automatically thought I didn't have any.

How often is that the case for you? You cannot easily find or see what you have amongst the clutter so you buy extra, only to find out later you already had the items in stock?

The Downsides of Clutter...

1. Takes up space
You may have to move or buy more stuff to store your clutter

2. Wastes time
You're constantly looking for things

3. Clouds your mind
You're unable to focus

4. Poor image
You look out of control and unprofessional. You can lose business.

5. Costs money
You buy things you already have but can't find.

Your time is worth money and it is wasted when you're searching through the clutter.

6. Affects your health
Clutter is depressing and overwhelming which impacts on your well-being. Your stress increases and your motivation to work decreases.

7. Distracts you
With so much to look at, it's easy to wander off track and find other things to do. This is a real trap for entrepreneurs.

The challenge for most people who are surrounded by clutter is that they are overwhelmed and don't know where to start first.

In the first week of my upcoming "Productivity and Profit Accelerator Program" we will cover this subject in great depth so that you are clear on what action steps you need to take to destroy the clutter in your life. Yes it is in all areas of your life. Mental clutter bogs you down just like physical clutter. You cannot see clearly and can often run off course and not achieve what you want. You are more decisive and make better decisions when you are less cluttered.

The Final Word
Ensure you start your year off on a positive footing. Don't let another day go by where you are drowning in clutter. Take action today to rid yourself of the mess so you can make way for more success.

Lorraine Pirihi
Australia's No. 1 Productivity Coach

"Committed to helping small business owners and
entrepreneurs work less, earn more and have a life!"

Author's Bio: 

Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's No. 1 Productivity Coach. She's a dynamic, motivational and powerful presenter, an author and leading business coach. Lorraine specialises in helping small business owners and entrepreneurs have more time, make more money and have a life!
For more information on how to increase your productivity and your profits in your small business, subscribe to Lorraine's widely read ezine ‘The Organised Times’. Go to:
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