Confidence coaching is widely recognised as an amazingly effective method for improving self-confidence, especially for women who lose track of their own goals whilst bringing up children. Often as the children grow and become more independent women reflect on aspirations they dreamt of before they had children.

However, actually having sufficient confidence to take the first step to work towards these goals often leaves those aspirations forever on the back burner. This is when confidence coaching proves to be of massive value. Coaching allows them to take time out from juggling all the demands on them so that they gain a clearer perspective, achieving better life balance, relieving stress and improving health.

Confidence coaching enables them to overcome the doubts, worries or limiting beliefs that they may have around the prospect of expanding their horizons. Habits such as always putting the needs of their children first, or, negative thoughts such as guilt when taking time for themselves, can be addressed in a safe, non-judgemental environment to empower them to find the time and confidence to start moving towards their chosen goal.

Many mothers subconsciously think they will address their goals or aspirations when the children grow up, resulting in actions being delayed and creating a lifestyle without time for themselves. Coaching enables them to address any limiting beliefs they may have about their abilities. Often they may feel they are not clever enough to pursue a new career as they have been out of the workplace for some years. They may not feel they have the confidence to step outside of their comfort zone and expand their horizons, even if they truly desire to. Perhaps their fears stop them trying in the first place.

With the support of a life coach, they are able to choose appropriate small steps towards their goals which they know can be achieved within the demands of their current lifestyle, thus avoiding any delays in progress. It is often natural for them to overlook the time management skills, diplomacy, support, encouragement, people skills, negotiation skills, budgeting skills that they use everyday without thinking. Effective coaching can raise their awareness of all the skills they have

For example, if a woman wished to re-start her career she could update her CV, research new career paths, find out about retraining, or courses to attend. Even if the first step is making a telephone call to a local college about evening classes, it is still a first step. Once the first step is taken, confidence can only increase leading to further actions creating an evidence bank of successes reinforcing the fact that they can take control and move towards a life goal they desire.

Once a woman starts making substantial progress in one area of their lives, their increased confidence enables them to feel able to work on other areas. Perhaps they would like to work on living a healthier lifestyle, try a new venture, take up a new hobby, contribute to the community...the options are endless. Not only does she benefit from this renewed zest for life but all her positive changes can only enhance her relationships with all of those around her.

Undoubtedly, confidence coaching provides massive benefits to these important members of society enabling them to experience the enormous joy raising a family brings, without losing sight of their own dreams.

Author's Bio: 

Helen Jones is a highly skilled Life Coach and founder of Vital Spark Life Coaching. She is listed on the International Coaching Register and is the Press Officer for the European Coaching Institute. She coaches individuals on areas such as self-confidence, work/life balance and career change. To know more about Helen’s expertise, visit Helen is one of the leading experts in the UK on coaching for weightloss and has helped pioneer the remarkable Meaningful Change Weightloss Programme.