Taking a close look at the different “success formulas? I found that each differs only slightly from the others. Each “formula?represents the method/steps these individuals used to reach they’re goals. It would be my guess, they probably didn’t even have a formula when they started on their respective journeys. These “formulas?developed over time. Just like yours and mine. However, as I studied each published “formula,?I found a fundamental component of success missing. Each formula was missing the guidance of making a Commitment.

Visualize a four-legged stool. Let’s say that the seat represents your goals and dreams. In my personal “success formula?each of the legs represent one of the following: “Take Action Mindset? “Take Risks? “Always Seek the Truth?& “Stick-to-it-ness.? Now, let’s add one more component to my Success Stool. All sturdy stools must have rungs, which hold the legs firmly in place. These rungs are the “glue? which prevent the legs from spreading and the stool from collapsing. Over time, the legs would wobble severely if these rungs were loose or not present. These rungs, on our Success Stool, represent Commitment.

I’ll bet that you can recall a time when you sat on a stool that was less than rock steady. Do you remember how uncomfortable that feeling was? A few years ago, I was attending a party for a friend. His home has a beautiful kitchen bar with wooden barstools surrounding it. I noticed that there was one vacant stool, and I thought myself lucky to find a seat and one close to the food to boot! As I climbed upon the stool, my friend stopped me and warned that it was unsafe to sit there. He informed me that the legs were OK however, the rungs were coming loose and they could give way at any moment. With total disregard, I continued my climb upon the stool. He was right, it was a little wobbly. As I sat there, everything seemed fine.

Then it happened. From behind me, I heard someone call out my name. As I turned to see whom it was, I must have turned a little too aggressively. You guessed it! The stool collapsed in what felt like slow motion. I tumbled to the ground with the stool, and found myself embarrassed by the dozen onlookers whom were now snickering. Ironically, it was my friend who called my name. He just looked at me and shook his head. He then exercised his right to say - “I told you so?

This is a great example of what can happen to your Success Stool when your Commitment rungs are not firmly in place. Your goals and dreams can never be fully achieved without your Commitment for what you want to do in life. Have you ever engaged yourself into a project and then lost your interest in that project? I sure have! The reason we didn’t complete the project is because we failed to Commit to its completion. Sure, there are projects, which are difficult to get passionate about, like house cleaning. These are not the projects to which I am referring. The projects to which I’m making reference, are the ones which you want to do because they make your life better, enable you to get more out of life and tend to move your life to the next level.

No matter what you choose to be a goal in your life, you must tackle it with a great deal of Commitment, passion and vigor. Your passion will strengthen your commitment to achieving your goals & dreams. Without the synergistic effect of these components, your goals & dreams will continue to go unrealized, because you will tend to give-up or lose interest at the first sign of adversity. Your commitment and passion are like rocket fuel - with it you can travel anywhere in your universe. Without it, you’ll never leave the launch pad.

So, no matter which “success formula?variables you choose to develop, your success equation must contain a constant. That constant is Commitment. The plain, hard truth is that Commitment comes from within your soul. It’s identified by that feeling of “failing is not an option.? There are no secrets, it is up to you to bring your Commitment to the psychological forefront. By pursuing the things in your life, which you are passionate about, you will enjoy greater success and fulfillment because you are now using your time to achieve things, which truly matter. Conversely, pursuing things in your life for which you have little or no passion, is a total and utter waste of time. And remember successful people do not squander time!

Author's Bio: 

Michael Homas, CSL is a professional speaker who speaks/trains on topics including Leadership, Customer Service, Interpersonal Skills Development and Personal Achievement. He is the President of Michael Homas International located in Phoenix, AZ. His captivating, engaging and impactful style make him an audience favorite. Michael is also the author of You're A Winner & I'll Prove It! an inspirational handbook to help one
find their direction and realize their greatness. Contact him via e-mail address mhomas@earthlink.net or visit his website, www.michaelhomas.com