During my professional career in the holistic and alternative health business, I have been fortunate to come across many wonderful people on their paths to health. I have learned many things.
For example, that health and healing are not miracles for special people, but are available to anyone who wants to try. Unfortunately, in this day of Allopathic/Western medicine and pharmaceuticals, many people may consider holistic health and healing stories to be exaggerations, mis-diagnosis, spontaneous healing or outright lies.
I once had a client who was a Minister at his church. He was stricken with a certain cancer and was prescribed chemotherapy. He had surgery to cut out the tumor, but instead of chemo, opted to cleanse his body and take herbs, herbal supplements and an organic, whole foods diet.
At the same time, it just so happened that a man in his congregation was diagnosed with the same type of cancer. He had the tumor cut out then had chemotherapy. He died, and the minister went to his funeral.
The minister came for his appointment and told me he was confused. Why would God let this man die when he did the “right” treatment and he, himself lived and he did the “wrong” treatment? I asked him why he thought his choice was “wrong.”
I had client, a woman who was cleansing because she had breast cancer. I’ll call her Sandy. She had the tumor removed and instead of chemo, she opted to cleanse and take in "power" nutrition to allow her body to heal itself. It worked.
It just so happened that, exactly as in the last story, a friend was diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time. This was her best friend. Her friend had her tumor removed then did chemotherapy. Sandy came to me and told me she was confused. Why was her friend, who tried to fight cancer “the right way,” lying on her death bed while Sandy, who fought cancer "the wrong way," was feeling the best she had ever felt, even though she was 51 years old? I asked her why she thought hers was the wrong way.
Sandy came to me a couple weeks later and told me she had a revelation: God wouldn’t make a cure for only the rich or those with insurance – God would make a cure for everyone!
These are true stories. I have seen “miracles” of healing pneumonia with only the herbs Echinacea and Goldenseal. I saw a “miracle” when my own daughter was healed from serious lung problems with herbs and essential oils. I experienced a “miracle” when I was first diagnosed negative of Hep C after being so sick with it I couldn't hold down food.
I have met many wonderful people who had their own “miracles” of health and healing from all types of cancer, hepatitis, asthma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and even diabetes. We all agreed on something. We couldn’t heal when our bodies were full of toxic waste. And, it takes ten times the amount of nutrition to heal than it does to live on a day-to-day basis.
I believe the Universe, God, the Almighty, did make a cure for all of us. It is in the earth, the herbs, the plants, the mind and the spirit. Health and healing are available to anyone who wants to try. Just as the body can mend a broken bone, I do believe our bodies have the power to heal disease, given the right circumstances.
Cindy is a Certified Nutritional Counselor, Certified Colon Therapist, Author, Publisher and and Educator. She has worked in the holistic health field for 14 years and has trained many doctors, nurses and other health professionals in the field of cleansing and nutrition. You can learn more at springclean-cleanse.com
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