Alkaline water is effective to help slow down the aging process. Antioxidants or negative electrons in alkaline water helps the body to fight disease, and alkaline water from an alkalizer machine is an excellent source of antioxidants. By drinking alkaline water, acidosis, disease, and illness cannot flourish in your body's inner terrain. Alkaline water not only tastes smooth, but detoxify the body by flushing the liver, kidneys, and colon removing acidic waste. Plus, alkaline water is much more permeable than regular water.

For over two decades, the Japanese have been enjoying the benefits of alkaline water. People all over the world are now discovering the healthy benefits of alkaline water. There are many scientific pages about alkaline water, on the Internet, and many people's testimonials as to these health benefits. Alkaline water has health-enhancing benefits not shared by filtered water, RO, or distilled waters. With alkaline water, the ideal pH is between 9.0 and 9.5 alkaline. It also has smaller molecular clusters, millions of negative electrons that scavenge free radicals in our bodies, and a very low oxidation reduction potential (ORP).

Alkaline water (pH) is changing the health industry worldwide and is an important factor between health and disease. For example, normal cells that maintain a slightly alkaline pH level are much healthier than in an acidic environment. Drinking 1/2 your body weight in alkaline water daily is an excellent way for hydrating the body, and contributing to good health. Health experts are realizing how important alkaline water and an alkaline diet are for maintaining good health.

A water alkalizer machine provides a rich source of trace alkaline minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium) for the body to maintain proper pH balance. Trace minerals are important nutrients the body needs, yet mineral deficiency is way too common nowadays. RO and distilled waters cause mineral deficiency in the body over time. Plus, there are no minerals in those waters so they are acidic! Since the water clusters are smaller, other benefits of drinking alkaline water is that it assists in the absorption of minerals at the celullar level for the body to use. Healthy minerals are attracted by the alkalizer ionization process for assimilation by the body while acidic minerals are discarded (chlorine, flouride, nitrates, and chlorates).

Alkaline water is sometimes called reduced water because typically water molecules group together in clusters of 10 to 13 molecules. Alkaline water molecule clusters are split in half and grouped into 5 to 6 water molecules, thus it is reduced in size. Reduced alkaline water molecule clusters have been changed from an irregular shape to a regular hexagonal shape that passes through our body tissue much more efficiently than conventional water. It is this smaller, regular shape that hydrates you or any living organism much more efficiently than conventional water.

Alkaline Water is the best source for detoxification cleansing the liver, kidneys, and colon daily. Alkaline water does not treat or cure any disease and is not medicinal, but if consumed daily, alkaline water reduces the acidic waste allowing a natural health improvement. Alkaline water is just the first step to create an inner body terrain where disease and illness cannot flourish.

Author's Bio: 

Brad Hamilton has been sharing about the health benefits of alkaline water since 1997. He works with DBS International out of Orlando, Florida where he is a Divisional Manager with the company heading up the West Coast. You may contact him at Sign up for his free alkaline water ebook.