Someone once said, “I don’t believe that paying extra for organic food will benefit anybody but those who sell it.”

There are a lot of people out there who are opposed to buying or eating organic food. I do not know why, but it is possible that the main reason is that it is hard to change; the status quo is always easier to maintain.

When it comes to health in general, and organic food in particular, there is a lack of information. Consumers are bombarded with mixed media messages about what is better for them, and they do not know what they should do. Also, the size of the organic industry is relatively small; organic farmers and companies are still not big enough to compete with their nonorganic commercial counterparts.

Furthermore, organic laws are not standardized worldwide and do not even exist in some countries, which makes it hard for organic producers to thrive. As a result, organic food is not easily accessible and often has the image of being for so-called health nerds.

So what do you need to know about organic food? Going organic can have a tremendous effect on your health. Knowing about organic food and its effects on your body is the first step toward making your own choices about your health and well-being.

What Is Organic?

The definition of organic food differs depending on whom you ask. Most Western countries, Canada being the first in 1999, have established national organic standards that make the definition clearer.

In the United States, for example, organic food is defined as food that is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers, or sewage sludge-based fertilizers, bio-engineering, or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled “organic,” a government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to the local supermarket or restaurant must be certified too.1

Organic farmers also use methods such as crop rotation, recycling wastes to return nutrients to the land, effective pest management of encouraging beneficial predators and micro-organisms, and providing attentive care for farm animals.

After reading the definition of organic food, you start to realize that nonorganic food can have strange things. If “sewage sludge-based fertilizers” are not allowed on organic farms, are they used in ordinary farms? Sewage sludge! And that’s not all: nonorganic food is treated and sprayed with a cocktail of pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals that the average person is not aware of. And these chemicals are used even more abundantly in countries where the laws are not as defined.

Is Organic Food Better for Us?

Yes. In short, organic food is free of chemicals. Chemicals are toxic to the body. The more toxins we have in our bodies, the more prone to disease and illness we are. To get rid of toxins, our body uses all the essential nutrients, and we end up with very little to stay healthy.

People react differently to toxins, just like they do to medicines or foods. The effect of toxins will depend on the levels of toxins in the food, the period of exposure, and the health of the person receiving them. For example, a lot of cancers often occur at an older age because certain individuals have had a lifetime of toxin exposure that the body can no longer handle.

Some other effects of chemicals and toxins in our bodies include hormonal problems, infertility, asthma, eczema, allergies, headaches, and brain-related disorders such as mood swings, depression, autism, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Is organic food more nutritious? The nutrient content of the plant is determined mostly by heredity, but also by the mineral content of the soil. And because organic soil is exposed to crop rotation and many fewer chemicals, it is very likely that the products are more nutrient-dense.

Does organic food taste better? I think so, but I am biased. So try it for yourself and decide. To me, for example, the difference in taste between an organic and nonorganic apple is huge. A child once asked me, “Does organic food taste like fresh flowers?” I do not know because I have never eaten a flower, but I sure would like to think so.

Do organic fruits and vegetables look better? Probably not. Fruits and vegetables are not supposed to look perfect. If you buy a tomato, for example, and it looks perfect, then you take it home and it sits in your fridge for over a week, still looking perfect, then it’s probably modified and sprayed. Natural fruits and vegetables have a shorter shelf life, and it is very normal to find them with some bruises and odd shapes.

What Can You Do?

* Do not stop eating fruits and vegetables for fear of pesticides and chemicals. The benefits of fruits and vegetables outweigh the possible risks of chemicals.

* Wash fruits and vegetables very well before consumption. Washing with water is not enough. Wash fruits and vegetables in a tub of water with added sea salt, vinegar, or baking soda to remove all the spray residues. You can also buy a small brush to scrub them with.

* Start your own vegetable garden in your backyard. This is very simple and economical, and as organic as you make it.

* Encourage local vegetable vendors by buying their produce if it is not sprayed.

* Find out which farms have organic milk and organic or free-range chicken and eggs, and buy from them.

* Buy organic food if you have access to it. Although organic products are marginally more expensive, you are not just paying for a more “natural” version, you are also paying for the organic farming and handling that went into it. With more people buying organic products over time, prices will go down.

* Buy organic food for babies and children. Children’s bodies react very readily to chemicals, just as they thrive on natural foods.

* Get more information on how to get organic food by asking your local supermarket for their organic products or visiting a health food store.

Organic Food Myths

* Organic food has no pesticides at all. FALSE: Organic farmers are allowed to use various specific chemicals (not including cytotoxic chemicals that are carbon-based).

* Organic farmers use no antibiotics. FALSE: On organic farms, antibiotics would not be permitted as growth stimulants but would only be permitted to counter infections.

* All organic products are better for us than nonorganic products. FALSE: I saw a fruit jam at the supermarket that was labeled “organic.” However, when I read the ingredients, I found that the first ingredient was organic sugar. Although the product was organic and all the ingredients in it were organic, that jam had more sugar than it did fruit! Shop smart.

** This article is one of 101 great articles that were published in 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health. To get complete details on “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health”, visit

Author's Bio: 

Alia Almoayed, BSc, MA, Dip BCNH, mBANT, is a nutritional therapist running a busy nutrition consulting office in the Kingdom of Bahrain, serving the whole Middle East region. She writes regular health articles for several media publications, holds lectures and seminars about health and nutrition, and runs various weight loss projects. She is also the author of I Want Healthy Kids, a nutrition and lifestyle guide on how to raise healthy kids. For more information, to get regular email health tips, or to receive Alia’s free report entitled 5 Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Your Health, visit