The Western diet has a love affair with "fast food". There are sugar laden breakfast cereals, snack cakes, fruit juices, and soft drinks. Our frozen, "already prepared" dinners and appetizers are high in sodium. Then add into that our "fast food" restaurants with foods high in fat and cholesterol, including but not limited to fried hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken, fried pies and the list goes on. These are a few of the food choices made every day by millions of people in our society. Study after study has shown us that a diet of these foods will adversely affect our health. Eating too much sugar can result in diabetes...too much sodium can result in high blood pressure....too much fat can result in clogged arteries leading to coronary and heart disease. All these things combined can lead to obesity which then begins to affect our bones, joints, cartilage and nervous system. Before long, you have a body with chronic disease(s) and riddled with inflammation!

These are our obvious "food enemies", but what about the unobvious? What other "foods" in our common Western diet, could result in chronic disease? According to Andrew Kinbrall AAL, the Head of Food Safety in Washington, D.C., All our food sources are questionable. Our food supply is being "genetically polluted" from the very first link in the food chain, the SEED! Scientists are just now beginning to study and question the affects of DNA altered foods on humans. In our quest to produce bigger and better foods, we may have opened ourselves up to a biotechnological nightmare.

Professor Terje Traavie at the institute of Gene Ecology in Norway is researching what effects genetically modified foods may have on organisms. His study of mice injected with growth hormones has shown that the foreign DNA material is found in their internal organs and then gone on to invade their DNA. His concern is that there is no control groups for these "genetically modified" foods which are on our tables in our homes and our restaurants being eaten by millions. There are no labels to advise us as a society what we are eating; it is to the benefit of these "genetically modified" food companies to keep the consumer ignorant.

Many scientists believe that many chronic illnesses and diseases and the weakening of the immune system may be a result of these biotechnological altered foods. This could account for innumerable cancers, the unexplained auto-immune diseases such as CFS, Fibromyalgia, Epstein-Barr Syndrome to name a few, as well as chronic headaches, migraines, even arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases. No one knows for sure what the long term effects will be on the human body. No one knows for what the long term effects will be on our future generations.

The facts known and documented are only on the effects of the animals being injected with this DNA altering technology. Some cows and pigs injected with growth hormones have suffered from unspeakable nervous system side effects, unable to walk or even stand. Some are so grossly large that they suffer respiratory distress and skeletal breakdown. DNA altered fish have produced offspring with birth defects and chickens that have been altered tot extinguish the brooking instinct have exhibited aggressive behavior. Even our wildlife is being put at risk with genetic altered grains and the escape of genetic altered fish into our streams and rivers. This genetic revolution has not been observed in a real eco system with real organisms and there could be an ecological catastrophe or alarming disease.

Everyone must take responsibility for their own health and know as much as they can about what they put into their bodies. We cannot depend on the purity of our food sources off the shelf or plate anymore. That healthy looking salad filled with fruits and/or vegetables, nuts, seeds, baked chicken strips and drizzled with olive oil, just may be a ticking time bomb when it comes to our bodies and "chronic disease"!

Author's Bio: 

Pamela A. Heyen is a Holistic Health Practitioner. Her practice Heyen Wellness Therapies educates clients on their "Whole" health, the Mind, Body and Spirit. The research on genetically modified food was prompted by her personal chronic illness diagnosis of Fibromyalgia in 1999. You can contact Pamela on her website