Have you considered having a personal rebirth this spring, recreating your life, planting new seeds to bring about a different harvest? A coach can help you do this.
"A garden in the early stage is not a pleasant or compelling place: it's a lot of arduous, messy, noisome work -- digging up the hard ground, putting in the fertilizer, along with the seeds and seedlings. So with beginning a story or novel." --Ted Solotaroff
That's like the beginning of coaching, too.
This is when the client starts working on getting rid of tolerations -- things we put up with that need to go -- a messy car, torn wallpaper, a toxic marriage, a bad job.
Most clients have a year's worth of work. It seems overwhelming at first, but getting the first things off the list gives momentum.
This is getting rid of obstacles -- pessimism, inability to generate options, financial difficulties …
For Jen, it was getting over her obsession about her ex-husband. "You told me that was the obstacle," she said. "You can't believe the energy it freed up once I got over him."
New plans and goals! Here are some my clients have had recently:
· Become a coach -A. L.
· Declutter my house. - M. M.
· Get balance in my life. - T.J.
· Find a new career. - J.D.A.
· Make a new life. - J. H.
· Get organized. - L.S.
The coach supplies fertilizer – encouragement-- so the client can grow. Helping the client gain empowerment, working on EQ competencies, optimism, life skills.
These are the goals achieved - when AL becomes a coach,
MM declutters her house, and JH has her new life.
Plant some seeds this spring and prepare to blossom!
©Courtesy, Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach. Coaching and Internet courses in emotional intelligence, applications to career and relationships. Women's midlife transitions. www.susandunn.cc, mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine, FREE sample coaching session.
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