When starting a regular fitness regimen, we focus so much energy on the outer body that we forget to take care of our inner world. We look in the mirror or at the scale and mentally punish ourselves for not being good enough. Continuously thinking we are fat or unattractive only reinforces that reality. Words, whether spoken or thought, fuel the energy that forms our bodies, attitude and life.
Imagine a tapestry interwoven with high-quality silk compared to one that is made with low-standard yarn. Anyone can see the difference in the beauty of the textile made with superior materials. Considering each strand as a self-thought, envision the threads that say “I am beautiful,” compared to the strings that say “I am ugly and fat.” If lesser strands of thought are used to create our life’s tapestry, we avoid workouts and cheat on our diets. The result is ultimately weaving the fabric of a body that we treat poorly and dislike.
Our subconscious mind operates in repetitive patterns. We experience each day with a similar routine. We get dressed, brush our teeth and drive to work with our minds practically on autopilot. Just as our physical reality operates in patterns, so does our thinking. Over two-thirds of our daily mind chatter consists of the same thoughts as the day before. These recurring thoughts come from our subconscious mind. The challenge is to begin feeling self-love when the old habit is the reverse. Just like getting back into a workout schedule, we have to consciously talk ourselves into waking up an hour early so we can get to the gym. Since our subconscious influences our experience, our conscious mind has to intervene and alter the embedded behavior until it becomes our new way of being.
To program success and motivation, put an index card next to the alarm clock that says, “Every day in every way, I am getting thinner and fitter,” “I am worth it,” or any other phrase that feels right. Since we are still in a light trance when we first awake, this idea will easily enter the subconscious mind. After a few weeks in a new routine, the mind will automatically repeat the inspirational ideas. Too often, our self-talk convinces us to stay in bed and make bad food choices, and we give up. Thoughts precede any action and our thoughts and self-talk are the real culprit for failed fitness goals. Waking up every day saying, “I am never going to lose weight,” is exactly what will happen. Starting the day with enthusiasm ensures that we stay on track, and a body we love will emerge.
In addition to cutting back on fatty foods, consider going on a low-negativity diet. Just like tracking points or reducing calories, cut back on your destructive opinions throughout the day. When experiencing a self-defeating idea, immediately say “cancel,” and replace it with a constructive alternative. Ideas that represent your low self-image are the blocks that keep you stuck in a rollercoaster weight pattern. When you lose weight without changing the internal dialogue, your discouraging thoughts will ultimately drive you back to sabotaging actions. You cannot be thin and beautiful on the outside, if you hold an inner belief that you are ugly and worthless. Most dieters say they lack willpower, but their will (or thought) is powerfully directed toward failure instead of success. Another helpful exercise is to visualize your goal weight or shape every day. Holding this image in your mind is like placing a carrot for the subconscious to drive toward as it supports your healthy living program.
Building a loving relationship within is a powerful component to your fitness regimen. Remember that nurturing beliefs naturally support healthier actions. As your attitude changes, you will see all areas of your life transform. By weaving encouraging thoughts into your day, you create the tapestry of a beautiful you inside and out.
Debra Berndt, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Dating Expert and creator of The Dating Makeover. Debra has appeared internationally on radio and television promoting the power of the subconscious and self-hypnosis to attract true love and anything you want in life. Hypnodeb.com is the fastest growing provider of self-hypnosis products, including effective weight release cds and products.
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