According to the American Heart Association more than 65 million Americans over 20 – almost one in every three adults - suffer from high blood pressure, and 30% of them don’t even know they have it. In fact, the older we get, the more likely we are not to do anything about it. Scary? You bet! Especially since high blood pressure is often a precursor to heart attacks and strokes, among other health problems such as kidney failure and eye problems!
So what exactly IS blood pressure anyway? In its simplest terms, it is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels. The heart pumps blood into the blood vessels (arteries) which carry the blood throughout the body. If the blood pressure is above a certain level, it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries. Normal blood pressure is defined as a reading of 119 or below for the systolic blood pressure (the first or top number) and a diastolic blood pressure (the second or lower number) of 79 or below. PRE-hypertension is defined as 120-139/80-89, and high blood pressure is defined as 140 or above over 90 or above.)
Most people with high blood pressure manage to keep it under control either through medication or lifestyle changes or a combination of both. Medication works most of the time but sometimes causes unpleasant side effects, and lifestyle changes – particularly exercise and diet – can also be effective but are sometimes a case of “too little, too late.”
But a remarkable new device – RESPeRATE – has been pioneered as the first FDA-approved non-drug medical device that can be safely used in conjunction with medication and lifestyle modifications and has been clinically proven to reduce blood pressure without any side effects. What is it? It is a portable, hand-held, computerized electronic (battery-operated) device that guides users through a series of breathing exercises – personalized according to the individual – causing the muscles around the small blood vessels to relax, thereby reducing the blood pressure.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it really is. According to research by InterCure, the New Jersey maker of RESPeRATE, “structured therapeutic breathing, if performed without an effort or particular concentration, can significantly lower blood pressure.” However, since such therapeutic breathing is difficult to achieve without extensive training and coaching, RESPeRATE takes over by establishing a “personalized melody composed of two distinct inhale and exhale guiding tones.”
In reality it is an exercise in controlled breathing. Users listen to the melody – there are several to choose from - through special headphones. They synchronize their breathing to the tones - when the tone goes up, they inhale and when the tone goes down, they exhale – gradually developing a slower breathing response that lowers their blood pressure concurrently over a period of time.
Seven separate clinical studies proved that RESPeRATE reduced the systolic pressure (the upper number in a blood pressure reading) by up to 36 points (an average of 14 points) and the diastolic pressure (the lower number) by up to 20 points (an average of 9 points) after just eight weeks of regular use – usually 3-4 weekly sessions of 15 minutes each. In fact, a study in the American Journal of Hypertension found that RESPeRATE even reduced high blood pressure when three or more medications were taken at maximum dosage!
RESPeRATE is so safe that it is sold as an over-the-counter (OTC) product and does not require a prescription. People with certain medical conditions are advised to still consult with their physician prior to using RESPeRATE only because these particular conditions were not included in the clinical trials. According to Intercure, these conditions include: active ischemic heart disease/unstable angina; severe congestive heart failure; chronic atrial fibrillation; stroke resulting in permanent impairment; chronic renal failure; severe asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); chronic bronchitis and emphysema; major organ failure and sleep paralysis. However, the fact that some readers may have these conditions does not necessarily preclude their use of RESPeRATE. Their physician will be in the best position to evaluate whether or not it will interfere with any current treatment.
RESPeRATE has been featured in major publications such as the American Heart Association's textbook, Hypertension Primer, the renonwed Mayo Clinic's publication, On High Blood Pressure, John Hopkins' Heart Bulletin and The Wall Street Journal. It has also been featured on major media networks such as CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox.
High blood pressure is no laughing matter, and Herald readers may find RESPeRATE to be a valuable tool in managing their blood pressure in the future. It might also prove to be a safe and natural way for many people to rid themselves of dependence on high blood pressure medication entirely or, perhaps, never have to start using it in the first place. And, although RESPeRATE significantly reduces blood pressure for most users, the results may naturally vary with with each individual, so InterCure offers a full money back guarantee if your blood pressure is not reduced within the first 8 weeks. Sounds like a safe bet! Readers can refer to for further information about this remarkable new medical discovery.
Jim Evans is a 41-year veteran of the health and fitness industry and internationally recognized fitness consultant.
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