This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Customer Service. Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. Its importance varies by product, industry and customer. Todd McDonald is the Official Guide to Customer Service.

Clued In: How to Keep Customers Coming Back Again and Again, by Lewis Carbone, is a valuable resource for people interested in Customer Service, and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Book Description

Good, bad, or indifferent, every customer has anexperience with your company and the productsor services you provide. But few businesses reallymanage that customer experience... so they losethe chance to transform customers into lifetimecustomers.

In this book, Lou Carbone shows exactly how toengineer world-class customer experiences, oneclue at a time.

Carbone draws on the latest neuroscientificresearch to show how customers transformphysical and emotional sensations into powerfulperceptions of your business... perceptions thatcrystallize into attitudes that dictate everythingfrom satisfaction to loyalty.

And he explains how to assess and audit existingcustomer experiences, design and implement newones... and "steward" them over time, to ensurethat they remain outstanding, no matter how yourcustomers change.

Experience as a value proposition
Building systems that reflect your customers'deepest needs and desires

The mouse vs. the orange roof
Why Disney succeeded and Howard Johnson'sfailed

The disciplines of experience management
Experience assessment, auditing, designing,implementation, and more

Experience stewardship for the long term
freshing your experiences to reflect changingneeds and desires

* Understand how your customers think and feel, and how they interact with your products
* and services
* Assess, audit, design, implement, and steward any customer experience
* Beyond Disney and Harley-Davidson: solutions for every industry, product, or service

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Customer Service. The Official Guide to Customer Service is Todd McDonald. Todd McDonald has been in the human resource and training industry for over 20 years. He served as Executive Vice President for American Media Inc., where he worked for 10 years. In his tenure with AMI, he worked in multiple capacities including management of the product development, human resource, training, marketing, and sales areas.

Additional Resources covering Customer Service can be found at:

Website Directory for Customer Service
Articles on Customer Service
Products for Customer Service
Discussion Board
Todd McDonald, the Official Guide To Customer Service