Can you really increase your prosperity easily? Absolutely! You can definitely use an intention for money to help improve your financial situation. This type of prosperity intention has been used by many people (including me) and they have received wonderful results.

There are seven simple steps that you can follow to create a powerful intention for money. The following is a brief explanation of each step and a sample statement for each one.

STEP ONE – Understand the Truth of Life

Life is infinitely abundant. There is so much abundance and good in nature and in the universe that we could not possibly use it all. You want to recognize this infinite abundance so you can believe that you can really have some of it.

SAMPLE – There is only one Life. This Life is infinitely abundant. There is more than enough good for every person on the planet. This abundance is so infinite that it cannot possibly be used up.

STEP TWO – Identify With This Life

You want to recognize that you are part of this one Life. And if you are part of this one Life, then you must be part of this infinite abundance.

SAMPLE – Since there is only one Life, I know that I am part of this Life. I know that the infinite abundance that is the truth of Life is also the truth of me.

STEP THREE – Mentally Accept Your Good

When you are setting an intention for money you want to claim that you have it now. You accept the good in the present, not the future.

SAMPLE – I now accept that abundance is flowing into my life in expected and unexpected ways. I am receiving more money in my life than ever before. This money comes to me in ways of absolute good.

STEP FOUR – Challenge Any Negative Thoughts

There is a very good chance that when you are saying your intention for money negative thoughts and doubts will come up. If this happens, then you want to challenge them and declare that they do not have any power over you.

SAMPLE – Any belief that I may have that I cannot experience more money is now erased from my thoughts.

STEP FIVE – Reaffirm the Good You are Accepting

It is important to follow any negative thought with a positive one. You once again state the good you are accepting.

SAMPLE – I know that this intention for money is now bringing more abundance into my life than ever before. I receive money from all around me and it is a blessing in my life.

STEP SIX – Express Thanks

It is important to give thanks for this good. It proves to Life that you are so sure that you will be receiving more money you are going to say thank you for it now.

SAMPLE – I am so grateful that I am now receiving greater amounts of money than ever before. Thank you Life for this good.

STEP SEVEN – Release Your Money Intention

You release your prosperity intention to the universe. This means that you don’t worry about how or when it will happen. You have faith that it is happening and that money is now coming to you in the right and perfect way.

SAMPLE – I now release my money intention. I know that it is coming into my life at the right and perfect time and in the right and perfect way. And so it is.


Here is what the intention for money looks like when all the steps are put together.

There is only one Life. This Life is infinitely abundant. There is more than enough good for every person on the planet. This abundance is so infinite that it cannot possibly be used up. Since there is only one Life, I know that I am part of this Life. I know that the infinite abundance that is the truth of Life is also the truth of me. I now accept that abundance is flowing into my life in expected and unexpected ways. I am receiving more money in my life than ever before. This money comes to me in ways of absolute good. Any belief that I may have that I cannot experience more money is now erased from my thoughts. I know that this intention for money is now bringing more abundance into my life than ever before. I receive money from all around me and it is a blessing in my life. I am so grateful that I am now receiving greater amounts of money than ever before. Thank you Life for this good. I now release my prayer for money. I know that it is coming into my life at the right and perfect time and in the right and perfect way. And so it is.

Repeat your intention for money every day. Have faith and expect that more money is on its way to you. Before long you too can experience more prosperity and good in your life.

Author's Bio: 

Della Menechella is a Spiritual Success Mentor who teaches entrepreneurial women how to get unstuck so they can finally connect the dots to their vision. She has more than two decades of experience in combining spiritual tools, mental mastery, and practical applications to achieve powerful results. If you’re tired of working so hard or you’re not getting the results you want, contact Della at Go to and grab your free copy of the eBook, For Women Entrepreneurs - The Real Secret to Using the Law of Attraction to Achieve Business Success and Financial Freedom.