As we start another year, people everywhere are looking for certain things in 2012. Well, whatever you are looking for, you will need to be well prepared for the opportunities, challenges, and rewards in 2012
So, here are my 7 Steps To Creating A More Rewarding 2012.
1. Know where you are, and where you are going -When I started my Life Coaching career, I absolutely loved meeting new clients who did know where they are in life, and where they would like to go. So, set defined and clear goals for the year, and then put a time frame on your goals! Following that, have a well structured and flexible roadmap to achieve your goals. Just remember, you may face obstacles. So, flexibility is the key here!
2. Invest in yourself - If I can quote the great Benjamin Franklin, I would say “If a man empties his purse into his head no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” Constantly look for ways in which you can increase your knowledge. You can start with simple means, such as reading a book, or listening to audio resources. I read daily, and listen to personal/professional development materials on a daily basis. The best investment that you will ever make, is in yourself!
3. Be mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared - Please remind yourself that any obstacle can be overcome mentally first! How would it serve you, and others around you if you created and sustained a mindset which supported your goals and your vision? Keep reminding yourself that your results in 2012 will be largely influenced by your mindset! Also, learn to master your emotions. If you can master your emotions, you will be well on the path to master your life. One of the easiest and effective ways to emotional mastery is to continually ask yourself a simple question “What could I do differently to master my emotions?”. Now, to being physically prepared! Please ask yourself a question “Am I in the appropriate physical state to make 2012 a very rewarding year?” Do you have any health and fitness goals? Do you have a healthy diet, coupled with any form of exercise? Personally, I like what Motivator-in-Chief, Mike Lipkin said “2012 is an Olympic year. So, train like an Olympian if you have to!”
4. Live with passion –If you are doing something for yourself or for someone else, put passion into it! Please remember that passionate people are highly effective at what they do, and their passion can be very contagious. As a speaker, I have addressed many audiences on the subject of living your purpose with passion. The common message that I share with my audiences is that when we become passionate about something, we begin to make things happen, instead of waiting for golden opportunities to just fall into our laps! Ask yourself this question right now “What am I passionate about?” Followed by “How can I integrate my passion into making 2012 a very rewarding year for me?”
5. Create positive expectations of yourself –What do you expect of yourself? Please create positive expectations of yourself. Once we create positive expectations of ourselves, we operate from a point of empowerment! That is when we begin to see opportunities (even in obstacles). Please remember, if we do not expect much from ourselves, we should definitely not expect much from other people or from the higher source (be it God/Spirit/Universe). Your expectations of yourself will define how far you are willing to go, to make 2012 a very rewarding year for you!
6. Express more Gratitude – Grateful people are happy people! I have seen that time and time again. So, please continually make a gratitude list, and express genuine gratitude towards the items on your gratitude list. This is a very empowering exercise indeed. With all my coaching/mentoring clients (be it corporate CEO’s or people suffering from depression), I always ask them to create a gratitude list! The simplest things in life are worthy of our gratitude. Every single morning, ask yourself “What am I grateful for?”
7. Look for opportunities to make a positive impact– there are always people around you who may need or benefit from your help/support/guidance. Look around you constantly for opportunities in which you can create a positive impact in the lives of others. When my business donates to my favourite charities, I know that I am making a positive impact to those who need it most! It is very empowering realisation. I strongly believe in the power of giving, as it enables us to grow! Giving will not make you less, it will make you more. So, please reach out to those who could benefit from your kindness in giving!
I sincerely hope that the above mentioned 7 Steps will serve you in creating a very rewarding 2012!
Inspiring you to achieve more,
Ronny K. Prasad
Ronny K. Prasad is the author of the bestseller, WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE - simple insights for your inspiration & empowerment ( He is also an inspired speaker who empowers his audience with his enthusiasm and energy. His passion is inspiring and fulfilling lives, and sharing his insights with people around the world. He actively supports animal charities in many countries.
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