There are a lot of widespread myths about braces out there. If you've heard any of these, getting orthodontic treatment may make you feel disheartened. So, here are seven busted myths about braces, invisible aligners, and retainers.
1. Your teeth stop moving once you reach a certain age
Over the course of a lifetime, the human body experiences numerous physiological changes. And frequently, these modifications might transform how the body is shaped. The same is true for your jaw, which changes shape with each change in your body (for example, when a baby switches from milk to solids and they no longer need to have a jaw shaped for attaching to a breast). The idea is that teeth can move throughout the course of a lifetime due to changing jaw forms.
2. You'll notice a significant shift right away
Teeth shifting is a gradual procedure that takes several months to complete. Blood veins, nerves, and ligaments must change shape in order for teeth to move the bone around them. When excessive force is used, tissue necrosis and shorter roots may occur as a result. Throughout treatment, your orthodontist will keep a careful eye on how quickly your teeth are moving to move them as safely and effectively as possible. If you are still looking for a specialist, you may try to search “best orthodontist nyc”. Be sure to check their qualification and patient reviews before going to one.
3. My wisdom teeth are causing my teeth to be misaligned
It's understandable why so many people believe that wisdom teeth can cause the other teeth to the crowd, but there is now a sizable body of research that refutes that view. No matter if the wisdom teeth are present or have been removed, studies have shown that teeth will normally migrate forward throughout life. The size, shape, and initial placement of the teeth can significantly influence any crowding. Whether or not you still have your wisdom teeth, wearing your retainers as directed will ensure that your teeth won't move.
4. Braces are painful
Last but not least, many Americans anticipate that wearing braces will be painful. We're happy to say that this is not the case.
Now, every time they are tightened or applied for the first time, you could feel a little discomfort. But for the most part, you won't notice anything and will quickly become used to them. Keep in mind that over the years, orthodontic care has advanced significantly.
The headgear of the 1980s has given way to invisible aligners. It is also far quicker, more efficient, and less uncomfortable. Without your knowledge, your teeth are shifting toward their ideal location.
5. The only advantage of wearing braces is a straight smile
The benefits of wearing braces are endless! The condition of your teeth has a cascading effect on the rest of your body. Although a straight smile is frequently the first consideration when thinking about getting braces, there are actually a number of other ways that a visit to the orthodontist may also benefit your oral health. A severe overbite or an open bite can harm teeth, and teeth that are not properly aligned may be more prone to decay or gum disease.
6. Clear aligners are just for adults
While it's true that young children who haven't fully erupted their adult teeth shouldn't use clear aligners, teenagers can if their dentist or orthodontist thinks it's appropriate.
While the aforementioned material will aid in your research, a qualified and licensed dentist or orthodontist is the best resource for comprehensive information on the clear aligner treatment process.
7. Over time, your braces will corrode
It makes complete sense that people would think this, given that braces are composed of metal and are placed in your mouth, where they are quite likely to come into contact with many liquids. However, braces are constructed of stainless steel or a titanium alloy, both of which are exceptionally rust-resistant metals. As a result, your braces won't rust no matter how long you wear them—whether it's six months or a few years. There is no reason why you should feel any discomfort or corrosion as long as you take exceptional care of your braces, clean them frequently, and avoid eating hard foods like apples that could damage them.
I am Amelia Grant, a journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness, and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life, I wish the same for everyone.
Our attention to ourselves, to our daily routine and habits, is very important. Things that may seem insignificant, are pieces of a big puzzle called life. I want to encourage people to be more attentive to their well-being, improve every little item of it and become healthier, happier, and stronger. All of us deserve that. And I really hope that my work helps to make the world better.
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