One of the most important aspects of any boss’s job is motivating their employees. While most leaders hire teams that can largely function on their own, it’s important to create an atmosphere where every role-player feels energized to take on their work. Davit Gasparyan, founder and president of the affiliate network Zero Parallel, knows the significance of encouraging employees to give maximum effort every day. Under David’s leadership, Zero Parallel has set itself apart as the premier network for those in the affiliate marketing space. Such an achievement comes as the result of successfully motivating his team to be the best. Here are a few tips that can help any boss get their employees to go the extra mile.

#1. Lead By Example

Unquestionably, the work habits of any boss will be highly scrutinized by employees. Expect your managers to follow your lead when it comes to how they manage their team. According to David Gasparyan, if you want your managers to run their department by following certain values such as hard work, attention to detail, and enthusiasm, then you better practice those values every day yourself.

#2. Make Communication a Two-Way Street

Since a lot of being the boss means telling others what to do, it can be easy to think that clearly spelling out your expectations is all it takes to be a good communicator. But true communication comes from listening as well. By positioning yourself as approachable and actively soliciting feedback from employees, you’ll not only make your team feel more valued—you’ll probably learn something about what your company could do better.

#3. Be Honest

Transparency is a must for any business leader. While there are always a few things that only senior management it privy to, every boss should strive to be as straight with employees as possible. Honesty is especially important when performance is lagging or problems crop up: David Gasparyan notes that sugarcoating or shielding employees from bad news is one of the worst things a manager can do. People will know when you’re not telling the truth, and they’ll be much more appreciative (and helpful) when you keep them in the loop. 

#4. Reward Good Work

Few things can be as demotivating as an employee going the extra mile for a project or task only for that effort to go completely unrecognized. Let workers know that their exertions are seen and appreciated. This doesn’t mean every job well done needs to be highlighted with a gold star sticker, but implementing bonuses, incentivized commissions, or other perks for enterprising workers will provide workers with a major incentive to keep working harder.

#5. Set the Right Tone

How an office is run can have a major impact on productivity. A work environment that encourages creativity, communication, and collaboration is likely going to better motivate your team. The best way to develop an office culture is to start from the boss: how you interact with others and your decisions about the office environment can tip people off as to what kind of behavior is expected or encouraged. If you want to foster more interdepartmental collaboration, hold small mixer events in office common spaces. Get people to connect more by offering up a snack bar where employees can feel comfortable chatting. You can instill a “looser” feeling just by how you interact with others as you walk down the hall or dress. Whatever culture you want, allow yourself to be the bellwether for the rest of the office. 

#6. Provide Resources for Success

A tree needs sunlight to grow; a car needs gas to drive; and every business needs specific resources to run at peak efficiency. Talk to employees to see what they need to do their jobs better: be it more personnel, better computers, or healthy snacks in the fridge. While it’s unlikely you’ll be able to deliver everything on a “wish list,” getting your team whatever you can could go a long way. And even listening to those requests can show your team that you’re invested in their success and that you are constantly looking for ways to improve your business.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Emma and I am an enthusiastic entrepreneur looking to make my mark in the industry. I have a great love for creativity and I prefer to incorporate that into my work. I love learning and experimenting with new techniques.