Basically, in every professional job position there are different interview questions. If you are applying for an administrative position, you should be aware that there is a long list of possible administrative interview questions. Administrative interview questions are sorted into different groups and are primarily aimed at finding the right candidate for the position. Since the administrator is expected to carry a lot of tasks, the screening for this kind of job may take several steps and may involve numerous, if not all administrative interview questions.

In some schools, preliminary administrative interview questions are done for initial screening. One of the questions that may arise is why you want to be considered for the job position. Answer this question truthfully and with confidence, this question may be your qualification for a second interview.

After making the initial cut, there are more administrative interview questions waiting for you. These administrative interview questions are usually grouped into eight concentrations to better analyze the candidate’s competence and qualifications. The following is a list of the main concentrations which administrative interview questions are often grouped.

· Background and Past Experience. One of the administrative interview questions that helps the interviewer determine past experience is “tell me about yourself”. When answering this question, it is important that your answers are related to the job position you are applying for, whether it is for a principal or dean position. Also, highlight your positive qualities and emphasize your strength.

· Student Relationship. Your relationship to the students can be determined by the knowledge you have about students’ traits and character. As an administrator, you should have a positive influence on your students’ lives. The administrative interview questions for this tackle about how much you know about your past students and your expectations for the students in the school to which you’re applying.

· Leadership. Most administrative interview questions are created to specifically bring out how many leadership skills you have. You should have brought special development in your previous campus and you should use this in the application process for this job.

· Handling Situation. Most hiring managers want to hire an administrator with vision. Thus, some administrative questions are aimed at bringing out your ability to handle a situation by proposing a hypothetical situation for you to answer. In addition to that, they will try to determine if you can handle challenging situations such as angry parents and troublesome students.

· School and Community Development. A good administrator has the ability to boost staff morale or can contribute and facilitate collegiate support. Because of this, you should be ready to answer administrative interview questions related to this issue. Are you capable in handling disciplinary problems? Do you have the ability to encourage and support your colleagues? What do you expect from the parents of the students?

Be aware that these administrative interview questions differ from campus to campus, but the basic interview tips still apply. When answering the administrative interview questions be sure to respond confidently and professionally, use eye contact and appropriate nonverbal communication. A good tip is to know your interviewer before the interview and be familiar with the campus and the student body. By following these administrative interview tips you are sure to be prepared for your interview and make a positive impression on the interviewer.

Author's Bio: 

Landon Long is the founder of You can download his FREE "Resume Rebel" Video Course to learn how to write a resume and stand out in a slow economy.