Hiring a cleaning service can be an arduous task. It becomes even more complicated when you hire one for aged care. Amidst the current problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining the cleanliness of an aged care home while abiding by the social distancing norms can raise several questions related to the safety and sanity concerns.

In the following lines, we will have a look at a few such common yet essential questions that you should ask the cleaning service before hiring them for aged care homes. As we understand that this is a situation where the aged people and the kids are in the most vulnerable condition, so asking these questions is a must for you before you go for the hire. So we suggest you read this article till the end to learn the questions that you should ask the aged care cleaning service.

How do you manage your shoes and uniforms?

Amidst the current insecurity that has crept into the mind of the people regarding the management of the personal belongings at a medical institution, this is a very valid question that you should ask the aged care cleaning in Camberwell that you are looking to hire. Proper management and disinfection of shoes and uniforms are very essential for the staff of the care agency and you should have a clear idea about that.

How do you fare with the surgical masks?

Several things should be considered by the staff of a cleaning service while they are working in aged care and wearing the masks is one of them. So while hiring such an agency, make sure that they know about the proper usage of surgical masks around the aged people at the care facility.

What are the appropriate PPE kits that you have at your disposal?

In the current circumstances, the medical staff must wear appropriate PPE kits inside the medical institutions. Similarly, anyone coming to provide Coronavirus deep cleaning for aged care in Caulfield North should also have a clear understanding of how to deal with the PPE kits and wear them appropriately inside the care facility.

How do you manage the liquid soap and handwash?

Another integral element for protection against the COVID virus is frequent handwashing, which means that the cleaning services should have a steady supply of liquid soap and handwash at their disposal. So while selecting one, you should ask them about how they handle the liquid soap and handwash when working at an aged care facility.

How do you manage the overall hygiene of the staff?

While getting aged care COVID disinfection in Albert Park done, it is essential for the staff of the care agency to manage their overall hygiene as per the guidelines prescribed by the institution. This is another important element that you should enquire about before hiring the staff for the aged care facility.

From the above piece, we can get a clear idea about the questions that you should ask while hiring aged care cleaning services in Albert Park. In the current situation, it is mandatory to keep a strict eye on the various rules and regulations prescribed by the medical institutions and this is why the cleaning services should abide by these rules while getting the job done at a medical facility with aged people in it.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this piece is the owner of one of the most reputed agencies that provide services related to aged care cleaning in Camberwell, aged care cleaning services in Albert Park, aged care COVID disinfection in Albert Park and Coronavirus deep cleaning for aged care in Caulfield North.