Social Media

The gap between the user and business is finally coming to an end, and that is all because of the invasion of social media. Social media directly points towards all those platforms, that is reducing the gap, and promoting interactions. Unless one lives under a rock, nobody is alien to the popularity of all the social-media applications.

From Linkedin and Facebook to Instagram and Pinterest, everyone, especially businesses need to consider each platform a passage to woo their audience and win the hearts of the masses. One needs to realize the power and invest their time and efforts in social media to stand out in the cutting edge competition, especially the businesses that have just started. But to work with social media and make the most of its power is not that simple, or is it?

Of course, for a brand new startup, it would be difficult to get hold of the power of social media, in a go. But if evaluated, assessed, and studied properly, social platforms have the potential to draw masses, and also to upheave the revenue funnel.

So to give everyone a boost, here is a list that startups must live by, to successfully relish the perks of social media. Take a look;

1. Stick By Social-Media

Committing to social-media is the first and foremost thing that one must follow, in order to achieve success. If anybody thinks that using social media for business is a piece of cake, then they had another thing coming. Just like any other form of marketing, social-media has its own challenges. Here are a few of them;

• Increasing engagement
• Creating good quality content
• Generating a larger audience

A lot of times companies quit within a few months of entering this platform, but they forget that to reap its benefits one needs to wait for almost a year. This is because it takes time to about the content that the audience resonates with. So stick by it, and create plans and goals for success.

2. Don't Shy Away From Showing Off

The direct implication of the term showing off here is on one's personality. On social-media, the audience craves for one's true self. So don't hold back and welcome social media with open arms, it is the only way to display uniqueness.

Analyze the top brand on social-media and find out what exactly makes them special. Is it the content? Is the strategy? Take care of the following things;

• Stay caution to following a robotic approach
• Make new connections
• Cater good experiences
• Connect with the users
• Display the service

3. Listening Comes First

As already mentioned above, social-media is first and foremost a medium to enable seamless communication. It is an open-end platform which provides a great opportunity for businesses to communicate and engage the users.

On one hand, the rising popularity would elevate the number of comments, but on the other, it would also increase the demand for more. So for more inspiration for social-media content, make sure to take inspiration from the customers. A lot of goods ideas might come from the comment section only.

4. Follow Video Marketing

Video marketing is undoubtedly one of the best and most engaging trends present in the social-media. The best technique to follow here is to work along with the topics that work the most, for the targeted audience. Sort the blog content with the most number of views and comments, and create video content around the same.

The key is to start with a technique that works, and maintaining consistency.


These are the most helpful tips, which would help your business to grow on social-media platforms. But one must know that, even if these are general tips and techniques, they might differ a bit from process to process. Therefore, it is recommended to properly analyze the ongoing trends in the industry, and then take the final step.

Even after careful evaluation, there are chances that you might miss out on some important points. In that case, it is a must to reach out to the experts for help. One must keep in check with all the points and work accordingly.

Drop a comment below to let us know if you liked the article, and also feel free to share personal views of social media. But till then stay hooked to this space for more information.

Author's Bio: 

Harjot Kaur is a Business Head at Techugo - a mobile app development company, spending her day with her selling and convincing skills, helping in converting leads, and closing customers. She is technology graduate and when she is not busy in her usual business talks, she explores new technologies, and shares her knowledge through writing.