My clients and regulars to my ezine have heard me say many times that the gold in your business starts with the list. Having a list of interested potential clients, who want to know more about you and your services, will provide you with a long-term, successful, business.

And guess what?

When you have a list in place of potential clients who are interested in you, your services and your products they come to you! You don't have to go out and find clients - they're right there!

And to achieve this you need to create a List Building System, so that you can continually add people to your list, and have a ready pool of clients who want to buy your products and services.

There are many different strategies that go towards creating your successful list building system, and today I'd like to share with you three free, and often overlooked, list building strategies. And they're all easy to implement too!

1. Leverage the power of Amazon. I bet you didn't realize you could use Amazon as a list building strategy! It's very easy to do. If you have an account there, simply click on Your Profile along the top, and update your profile. Include as much information as you can about you and your business, and include a link back to your website. Then set about:

* Writing book reviews. If you have favorite books that you've read and have found invaluable to you in your business, write a review about them. You don't need to have purchased your book from Amazon to write the review either. Simply find the listing for that book and write your review. The author will appreciate the positive comments, and your profile will be hyperlinked in the book review - giving readers the opportunity to find out more about you!

* Building a Listmania. A listmania is simply a collection of books/audio products that you have found useful and you've pulled them altogether in one place, so that anyone looking for books/products on a particular topic can view your listmania to see what you recommend. It saves them having to trawl through the website researching the information themselves!

2. Trade 'Thank You' page space. When someone signs up for your newsletter, what does your Thank You page say? I'll bet it says something like, 'Thank you for signing up to my newsletter' - not very inspiring! Instead, use this space to recommend colleague's newsletters. You could add, 'Here's a list of newsletter I find invaluable and I'd like to recommend them to you too'. And better still, ask those colleagues whose newsletter you're referring to do the same for you! This is known as co-registration (or trading 'Thank You' page space), and is a wonderful way to build your list quickly.

3. Use the power of Email Signatures. This is a very simple way to build your list. At the bottom of every email you send out make sure you include a link to your newsletter sign-up page and a snippet of what your free taste is about. The beauty of this strategy is that you never know who your email will get forwarded to, and who will read your email signature and sign up to your list.

Now that I've shared with you three simple list building strategies, pick one of them and implement it TODAY! Don't waste any more time in building your list.

(c) 2008 Tracey Lawton

Author's Bio: 

Office organization expert, Tracey Lawton, teaches professional speakers, coaches, and authors how to create the essential online marketing and office organization systems needed to operate an efficient, organized, and profitable business. Learn how YOU can create an efficient and organized office in 7 EASY steps, and receive free how-to articles at