Environment is key when it comes to being successful in achieving your goals.

If you know me at all by now, you will know that I am all about the inside out rather than the outside in. So why am I talking about environment, isn't that about the outside?

Well yes ..... and no. I'll address the yes first.

When I am talking about your outer environment, generally I'm speaking about your workplace, home and who you hang out with. You know, everything that fills the space around you in your world.

And with the inner, it's your own mindset, the place you are cultivating your ideas, thoughts, emotions and so on. That space on the inside!

So taking both the inner and outer, let's look at the environment as if it was a garden and your goal/desire is a tomato seed. You plant your seed in your garden and if you give it the right soil, you water it and it gets the sunlight, it will flourish and bear lots of tomatoes for you.

However if you plant it amongst weeds, in soil with no nutrients, you don't water it, and it gets no sunlight, guess what .......... yes, it will die. Even though it is exactly the same as the first seed, got the same blueprint, the same potential to grow into a strong healthy tomato plant and bear much fruit, without the ideal conditions, it can't reach its full potential.

When you look at it like this, it's pretty obvious why so many of our desires/goals go un-accomplished if we aren't giving them the ideal environment to flourish.

So what can you do to ensure your environment is conducive to achieving your goals or desires? Well, here you have my top 3 tips on how to support the fruition of your desire/goals with regard to your outer environment. This is part one, part 2 and your inner environment to follow in a future E-zine.

1. Clear the clutter. Is your office space a mess? Do you need a filing system? Are you hoarding hundreds of pieces of “useful” paper? Does your computer need a clear out? Or is it your house that needs a spring clean? You'll be amazed at what a good clear out and tidy can do for you and your business. And don't forget your car. Getting the energy moving by shifting the stagnant affects all areas of your life including your business. A clear outer space will automatically improve your inner environment, you will be amazed at the improvement in your clarity of thought.

A bonus tip: Create new client files. Label 3 files, client 1, client 2, client 3. If you haven't got the space for new clients, the Universe can't send them to you. Show the Universe that you are ready by creating the space and being prepared. Have the contracts prepared, the files prepared. A system in place.

2. Surround yourself with uplifting people. You become like the 5 people you spend most of your time with. So look at who they are. Do you want to become like them? If not, start making different choices, consciously book in time with friends, colleagues, etc, that you admire. We tend to get into a routine and just do the same old stuff week in and week out without giving it much thought. This is your life! Choose who to spend your time with. Are they lifting you up, or dragging you down? And don't kid yourself by saying neither, we are either growing or dying, there is no staying the same. Join groups that are going to support you on your journey.

A bonus tip: Get a mentor/coach/advisor/teacher. Make it easy on yourself. Find someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and invest in yourself and your business. They have been there and got the t-shirt and can fast track you. Save yourself time, money and energy by learning from someone who has the experience. So many people make the mistake of thinking they are saving money by not investing in getting support, don't do it! (PS confession: I used to be one of them too :-()

3. Set up your environment for success. Are you self sabotaging? Do you check your emails every 2 minutes? Do you have a tv in your office that distracts you? Do you allow personal telephone calls to impinge on your working day? Do you have lots of wonderful inspiring quotes, notes, affirmations, plants, pictures, photos, vision boards around you? Is there a visual of your goals/desires and your progress towards them? These all form part of the quality of your soil. Make it nutrient rich, does your environment smell good? Make it easy on yourself, make it a pleasure. Treat yourself to an environment that nurtures you and your desires. Your seed will flourish and bear bountiful fruit given the right environment.

If you want the results in your life and business to change, you have to do something different. This is your opportunity. You have lots of options to make changes.

Go clear the clutter, arrange to spend some time with uplifting people, get a mentor to support you, and set up you environment for success. Make it easy on yourself, you totally deserve it.

Author's Bio: 

Sheela Masand was a co-founder and working partner of a multi million Euro business for over 12 years. Having worked through the struggle of how to find clients and make money in her own business, she now specializes in helping other heart-centred service professionals to do just that, all in a very authentic, non sales-y way.

Sheela can help you to attract more clients and make more money in a fun and authentic way. Visit www.sheelamasand.com to pick up a special free gift “Top 3 Secrets to Attracting Clients without Spending a Cent”.