In this 3 part article, we are going to get straight to the juice! I am going to share with you 21 steps that if applied to your business, you WILL be unstoppable!

My challenge and action for you is this: Begin applying 1 idea each week, just ONE! Go through all 21 and start from the beginning again. If you keep doing this over and over, there is no way you can avoid being completely unstoppable not just in your business, but in ALL areas of your life!

1.) Perpetual self-development: Take 30 minutes every morning and learn or read something positive, and that will improve your life. It's no secret that millionaires are constantly improving themselves. This habit will allow you not only to grow, but bring out a new connection with authentic self.

2.)Know your outcome: You got it! Keep your eye the prize and stay focused! Entrepreneurs multi-task and are well-known for creating ideas, but not completion. This won't get you anywhere fast. Instead of working IN your business, and getting buried with all of the business, why not start working ON your business by focusing on profitable projects that create impact.

3.) Environment: THIS IS HUGE! Clean up your environment. I'm not just talking about your desk and files, I'm talking about everything. Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and feed your soul!

4.) Unshakable Faith: This is interesting because when I was first getting started in my coaching business I wasn't making any money, and God knows we needed it. Everyone who loved me (with one exception, my mother, God I love her!) would ask me why I didn't go back to work? They'd ask why I was putting myself through this pain. My reply was that I knew without a doubt that this was the path I was meant to take. I had unshakable faith!
All of the wealth masters that I read about had an incredible habit of having rock solid faith, even when things didn't look so good for them. I'm not talking about religion; I'm talking about this deeper knowing that you know that you know, that you know; this is without a doubt the path you are meant to take.

5.)Take time for YOU!: As a self-proclaimed overachiever, like most entrepreneurs, this will probably be the most difficult to adhere to, so I'm going to help you out with that. Go to your calendar right now and place 5 individual days you are going to take off, just because GASP! I can hear it all now, but I can't do that?! Just do it! You'll thank me for this later. That's not it, now go and place 2 separate 7-10 day vacations on there. It doesn't matter if you don't know where you are going put them on the calendar anyway. Now smile and take a deep breath. When you take these days make sure you completely unplug.

6.) Wash, Rinse, Repeat until it becomes effortless! Napoleon Hill called this Cosmic Habitforce! Repeat positive patterns until they become effortless. And, if you train with me, you'll know that I want you to learn this quickly! If you book 50 discovery sessions right in a row, you are going to get really good at them. If you just book 5 a month, there is too much leg time to get discouraged and not be very good at doing them; therefore, no positive momentum forward, and they will feel like...Yup, you guessed it! Work!

7.) Track every penny! I'm not talking for accounting purposes that are why you have a bookkeeper. I'm talking about so that you have a clear understanding of how much money your household (not just you!) attract each and every day. I bet you are bringing in more than you think! If not, that is okay too. Just know that tomorrow you can do something about that, so you won't have to write a zero on your sheet. Money likes attention let the abundance flow to you by what you put out there in the world!

Author's Bio: 

Debra Larson is a Transformation & Wealth Coach, founder of Simply Wealthy by Debra. Debra, an award winning coach, empowers highly conscious women entrepreneurs around the world on how to turn their own true gifts, passions and purpose into a profitable, meaningful business thru simple, doable, yet result driven concepts and systems. She prides herself in helping her clients achieve transformational results by weaving timeless truths and Universal Laws with mastery marketing counsel, teaching on everything from mindset to marketing that assists you in growing yourself while empowering you to fulfill your life's purpose. You can find out more about Debra and get free tools, tips and steps to becoming simply wealthy in your business & in life at: