2010 – Where are we headed? Just what are we marching to? Who are we associating with?
With all the seeming chaos in our world there is always divine order. The world’s theme is “harmonizing chaos.” Boy, do we need it now! A conscious person will endeavor to create harmony wherever they are and in whatever situation they find themselves.
In the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu the #20’s are located on the forehead above the two eyes. This “safety energy lock” is known as “Everlasting Eternity.” Gently holding these two points will calm down a hyperactive child or adult. (one can wear a headband with a small button in these places) The #20’s are located on the little fingers. All the life force energy of the body goes through the hands. By gently holding our little fingers we can help to open up this point. Holding #20 with the same side #16 (outside ankle) will help a frontal headache.
According to Corinne Heline in “The Sacred Science of Numbers” “Two is the formative mother principle, the heart, the keeper of the Cosmic Records. Two is the emotional life, unleashed on the lower planes, and transmuted on the higher. The symbol or numeral of the figure 2 is the descent of spirit into matter.” The everlasting eternity of spirit caught in material form. The #2 in Jin Shin Jyutsu is known as “Wisdom as seen through the Creator’s eyes.” It is located on the hip bones and can be helped by holding the ring fingers.
According to Corinne Heline “Ten is formed of the pillar and circle (10), the masculine and feminine, or the Father-Mother God Principles respectively, by which all things were created. It represents the productive powers active in the Garden of Eden and which were expressed by Adam (man) and Eve (woman) before whom all created things were brought and by whom they were named. The words male and female digit 10.”
The #10’s are located on the upper scapula (the “wings of the back) This “safety energy lock” is known as the “outpouring of unlimited life force.” Some people have called # 10 the money point. If someone is born on the 10th day of the month they have amazing fortitude, an unending supply of energy. Holding the index fingers will help open # 10 and will also help you to breathe.
God Goddess does supply us with our needs. The birds, the trees, the great whales of the sea all have the Great Spirit watching over them. So Do We.
We humans, with our thinking and fear sometimes do not have the faith that we will be taken care of. We are co-creating our lives with every thought. “Thoughts are things. Energy follows thought.” (Hermes) I like to say every time we think there is a chemical reaction in the body.
Abundance has become a key word in our lives. Is there an unlimited supply of life in our world! Yes. Is there an unlimited supply of $ in our world? For some people, yes.
What is abundance? Is it always hard cold cash? Can it be our families, our friends, the love we share? I know we need money is this world to live. My sister Marjorie used to say, “The world is run on green pieces of paper.” The ideas of abundance can be transformed. Maybe we can start exchanging the gifts of the many talents we have. Start taking care of ourselves a little more. Grow that vegetable garden or tomato plant in pots. Bake that bread or cookies we are famous for, and share with a friend or local farmer.
2010 – 2 plus 1 equals three, the Trinity. Father, Son or daughter, and Holy Spirit Mother. The # 3’s are located on the back on either side of the third Thoracic vertebrae. You can help # 3’s (“Defense against problems and discomforts,” “Understanding,” The “Door,” the body’s Antibiotic) by holding those points or holding your middle fingers. One of my students taught me that when she feels a cold coming on she holds her middle fingers and drinks a lot of water. It helps to keep the cold from manifesting!
Can we create everlasting abundance in our lives? Can we choose to have faith and work toward the belief and goal in an unending supply? Will God Goddess in us provide all of our needs? Divine order reigns – this is the ultimate law, no matter the appearance. (“Do not judge by appearances.”)
There is a higher law, there is payback Karma. What goes around comes around. We may not have all the material possessions we want, or paths that WE choose. As my Mother used to say, “And then there’s God.”
We can choose to be loving in the face of obstacles and fear. We can be good to ourselves and a help to others. We can help to create an Everlasting Abundance in our lives.
Remember, “God is in control.”
©2010 Merry C. Battles
Merry C. Battles, LMT has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology.
Merry is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6" It is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas. Merry is a Continuing Education Provider for Massage Therapists in Florida with 3 Introductory courses in Jin Shin Jyutsu. Her classes are open to all people.
Merry has been a student of the ancient spiritual mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.
Merry has an Expert Page on Self Growth called "Walking the Spiritual Path Expert" under Spiritual Growth.
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