Vince Lombardi once said, “Fatigue does make cowards out of us all”.

When you are run down and feeling drained, the choices you make are not the same as when you are feeling energized and alive. It is up to you to make yourself a priority and take consistent action toward supporting your mind and body in order to live your life to the fullest. Here are ten tips to adopt for high energy living.

1. Review Your Goals

Review your written, long-term and short-term goals everyday. Note any inspired actions you can take that day that will move you closer to achieving your goals. Keep track of your success.

2. Script Your Day

Have a plan for your day. After you have reviewed your goals, write a short description about what you want to have happen that day. Write about how you want to feel and what you want to accomplish. Also, write about how you want to behave and how you want others to behave toward you. Writing down your expectations will program your mind to manifest what you want to experience.

3. Eat for Energy

If you haven’t already, adopt a lighter way of eating by adding more fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from heavy, starchy meals that leave you feeling sluggish. If you need help adopting an eat for energy lifestyle, there are many great books on diet and nutrition. Be sure to choose a program of eating that feels good to you and fits your lifestyle.

4. Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water

I’m sure you have heard this one, but have you incorporated this practice into your daily routine? To make it easy, plan ahead and prepare the amount of water you want to drink that day by filling up a pitcher or by setting out the bottles of water you want to consume that day.

5. Maintain a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)

A positive mental attitude is not something that happens to you. It is something you deliberately choose. The more positive you are, the better you feel and the more energy you have. “There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself.” Stephen Lundin

6. 5-Minute Refreshment Breaks

Taking frequent 5-minute breaks throughout the day can reduce the stress level in your life. Some suggestions; take a walk outside, spend time visualizing your goals already accomplished, do some deep breathing or stretching, or put on your favorite music and dance around. Make this a habit so you can stay balanced and on top of your game.

7. Daily Exercise

Are you doing some type of aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day? Here is a reminder of the benefits: improves sleep, relieves stress, burns fat, suppresses appetite, enhances mood, stabilizes chemical balance and brightens self-esteem. Get out and move your body.

8. De-clutter Your Environment

Clutter adds to your stress level and sense of overwhelm both consciously and unconsciously. Take a moment and think back to a time when you finally finished a cleaning or de-cluttering project and get in touch with that sense of relief you felt. Straightening up your home or office on a daily basis improves your sense of power, control and self-satisfaction.

9. Sleep for Success

We all need to experience deep rejuvenating sleep on a consistent basis. Our bodies need time to repair themselves. Find your natural rhythm and stick to it. Go to bed at the same time and arise at the same time. Successful, high-energy people are not chronically tired.

10. Make Yourself a Priority

Set aside one hour each day just for you. This time can be broken up into 2 half hour sessions or even smaller amounts of time. Use this time to work on your life plan, write in your journal, meditate, take a walk in nature, read, participate in a sport, or just relax. You deserve it.

Action Challenge

Pick at least one tip and make a commitment to do it everyday for a month so it becomes part of who you are and how you function for High Energy Living.

Author's Bio: 

Kathy Atkinson is the owner of Creative Life Coaching, a personal growth and self development company offering products and services to support your quest for happiness and success in your personal and professional life. Since 2000, Kathy has been coaching clients in the US and abroad via the telephone.

Kathy's life coaching web site - Eight Keys to Success offers a plan and a process for taking charge of your life. Check out the success keys today at

Kathy specializes in using EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, to help business owners, professionals and individuals release the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that cost them financially in their careers and emotionally in their relationships. Experience this amazing process for yourself by downloading the Free EFT for Anxiety Relief script and audio recording today. Visit for more information about the Emotional Freedom Techniques.