Did you know that you do not have to know everything in order for you to make a start?
Did you know that you can just take a step, any step and given enough time, you will get the results you are focused on getting?
I know it seems too simplistic and so you think that if you stay sat on the fence, waiting for clarity and certainty, then maybe, just maybe, every good thing will come to you…
Unfortunately, what tends to happen, is not much at all!
So, instead of sitting still, waiting, why not just ask yourself, what you want to do?
And then do that.
You can choose to take the simplest next step that will bring you joy…
It may not seem strategic…
It may not seem to lead anywhere immediately and yet, imagine that every day, you did more of what you wanted to do and therefore slowly but surely, started to crowd out things you do not want to do…
Given enough time, what do you think your life would look like?
At the moment, your life is mostly a set of activities that you feel you SHOULD do, that you feel you MUST do, that you feel is essential for the well -being of those in your life…
And you have not paid that much attention to your own needs and so, most days, you are not even sure what you want to do…
And I get it…
I understand that you want to care for the people in your world…
It is noble…
Except there is a part of you that feels resentful and dissatisfied with the way things are…
And that in itself, is an indication that you are not on the right path for you…
Because if it feels horrid, then you can pretty much assume that it IS horrid and not what your life is supposed to be about!
And I know you think that people cannot go through life just doing what they please but who told you that? Some other person, probably a parent or teacher who felt stuck in a life they did not want. Why on earth would you take their word for it?!
For every activity that you don’t want to do, there is someone out there who absolutely adores doing it so why not find them and pay them to do it so that you can fill your life with more of the things you do like to do…
Did you know that it is easier to create wealth when you are doing things you actually like to do?
I mean, your thoughts are elevated because you are happier…
Your creativity steps up to an all time high because you are loving what you are doing…
And overall, you see more opportunities because you are released from doing things you do not want to do…
Surely you are worth that.
Surely, your goals and dreams are worth paying attention to…
Because you have bigger ideas than just serving the people in your world right now, don’t you?
I mean, what you are doing right now, is great and all, but it is not the full extent of your dream, is it?
And you KNOW that if you just lived out your dream, you would impact and change the lives of more people but… and this is a big but…
You worry about leaving the bird in hand, to chase the bird in the bush…
You worry that you do not really have what it takes to make your big dream happen…
You worry that people will consider you selfish if you chase down your own dreams…
You worry that you will give it all your attention and then you will still not get it…
You worry that you will lose all the familiar things which though they are dissatisfying, they are sure… You know how to handle this current situation but the dream in your heart?!!! now that is too much of an unknown!
For a long time, I felt like this…
I felt that I had to limit my big ideas and just stay sensible and be thankful for what I had.
And yes, there is room for gratitude over the life we currently have – By a lot of people’s standards, it is absolutely awesome but we are not most people…
And for me, I knew I was called to impact a lot more people and so yes, though I tried to fit in what I could in the moments between my 60- 80 hour pharmacist work week, it felt dissatisfying.
And I had a feeling that the people in my world would consider me selfish if I did not continually do what they had come to expect from me…
(In fact, some of them have told me that, now that I am living life my way)
Finally, I hit rock bottom which will always happen to you if you persist in ignoring what you know in your heart is your calling, or even if you just persist in thinking that your dissatisfying existence is all there is…
You will finally hit rock bottom and then you will make one of two choices…
Numb yourself and settle into it
Break free and claim the life you are supposed to live…
For a few years, I tried number 1…
I was numb inside, I stopped believing anything great could happen to me…
I settled into being a pharmacist for the rest of my life…
And I sold all my personal development books – “That stuff was for other people, not me” or so I thought…
And then I lifted my head 4 years later and realised I was still broke, still unhappy and I still had a calling…
Thankfully, I woke up then.
Most people get too comfortable in the daily struggle – They retreat into a moan-y existence where they complain about not having anything they want but then when faced with a plan to get it, they say they cannot do it and go right back to moaning.
I am not that person and neither are you.
You and I choose to experience all that life has to offer…
We cannot settle for less…
So, yes, you will need to wake up as well.
Because I can tell you right now, that though the work is hard, it is sooo completely satisfying…
To be doing work you choose to do and making money from it…
This is HEAVEN…
What you are currently doing is working pretty hard, slogging it out every single day in a life you do not enjoy but think you must live with, doing things you do not want to do…
And it feels soul destroying.
So, I call you out.
I ask you to start daily doing something you actually want to do and slowly but surely, crowd out the stuff you don’t want to do.
Seriously, pay someone else to do some of the work that does not agree with you…
You will create the wealth to pay them, if you let yourself follow your bliss, invite people into your world and ask them to buy something from you…
Stop over thinking it…
Stop thinking it is impossible…
And make yourself important enough to give it a chance to work…
And as some wise person said, when the people show up, bill them!
And little by little, YOU CAN design a life you actually adore every part of…
Make it your goal to do that.
To deliberately eliminate from your life things you do not like doing and fill it with work you do love…
Stop thinking it is impractical because then it always will be to you and you will make it so.
There are people all over the world, right now, designing a life doing only what they want to do, so why not you?
STEP 1 – Ask yourself what you want to do…
STEP 2 – DO IT to the best of your ability today
STEP 3 – Eliminate things you do not enjoy doing little by little…
STEP 4 – Find someone who does not mind doing some of the stuff you feel must be done (It does not have to be done by you, you know? )
STEP 5 – Rinse, repeat until every area of your life makes you feel happy…
STEP 6 – Yes, you need money so make a solid commitment to make money doing only what you want to do. It really is this simple – Make a decision and stick to it.
STEP 7 – Do not get distracted by things you think you ‘SHOULD’ do – Once you eliminate them, do not be tempted to take them back.
STEP 8 – Do not buy into the lie that you are being selfish – You really are more effective at supporting others when you, yourself, are happy.
STEP 9 – Know deep inside that you are created with purpose and that that purpose usually shows up in the things you like to do. Literally, follow your bliss and let it lead you to clarity.
STEP 10 – Start sharing what you are up to in a public arena like social media, invite people to find out more about whatever it is that you like to do – Yes, be a little strategic and package it up in some way that makes it palatable to potential customers. Have a way to stay in touch with people who seem to be attracted to you and then regularly ask them to buy something or build a big enough audience so that you can sell access to them.
10 steps you can work into your life now and if you are uncertain about exactly how, then work with a coach to help you implement and start creating wealth in all areas, on your terms.
I did and my life, my business has jumped up in leaps and bounds.
The life we are choosing to live, is not something to be done alone when you are surrounded by ‘norms’, you have to choose to work with people who get you, who will call you out and make it okay for you to design your life the way you want it. And that is what the Deliberate Millionaire (RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/deliberateMillionaire) is about…
A group of entrepreneur leaders who are choosing to live life and make money on their own terms – You can find out more and join us at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/deliberateMillionaire
It is time to fight for, to create the life and the business you want.
PS – I just put together a free 90 minute daily plan for online business success, do you want it? Get it at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/90min
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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