Rev. Tony Ponticello is The Official Guide to "A Course in Miracles". You can find complete information on Rev. Tony Ponticello and his products by visiting Community Miracles Center - A Course in Miracles.
In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer
We are standing smack in the middle of a global shift. If you think life is going to continue as ... Views: 1895
On our forgiveness path, we examine many aspects of our emotional life. For instance, what is the difference between sympathy and empathy, and how do they fit into a life dedicated to generosity and healing?
We are often taught that sympathy is the same thing as love. "Oh, you poor thing!" ... Views: 4433
“Another tree is almost down??!! What am I going to do this time?” Although it had been nearly three years ago, it seemed as if just yesterday, a massive tree had fallen down in my backyard nearly demolishing the corner of my quaint home in my peaceful neighborhood. I remembered that cold ... Views: 1510
The Five Signs
Five profound mystical experiences that verified the existence of something greater than the body’s eyes can see.
By Joe Wolfe
Author of Letter To A Prisoner
The First Sign
My first recollection of the sensation of ‘being in a body’ was very uncomfortable. The clothes ... Views: 2279
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
I believe in the latter.
—Albert Einstein
Need a miracle?
You have the resources to create your own! Whether you need a miracle regarding your health, finances, or ... Views: 1814
Do you know the difference between hoping and knowing? Hoping has you wanting a new outcome—knowing has you living it. Hoping comes with skepticism—knowing stems from conscious intention. Whatever you call that Higher Being in your life, it is always delivering according to the strength and ... Views: 7783
The Law of Attraction principle states that like attracts like, whether positive or negative, and it is always in effect whether you are aware of it or not. This principle, taught in the book and movie The Secret, has been around for hundreds of years.
Recently we’ve seen this information ... Views: 1510
If you think about the last time you got upset about something someone did, it’s good to remember that it is never their action that has the power to take your peace but how you reacted to what they did or said. Facts don’t cause us upset; only interpretation of facts cause us upset. It may ... Views: 1887
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. She has published countless books, four of which - including the mega bestseller A Return to Love and the newly-released Everyday Grace - have been #1 New York Times bestsellers. Her titles also include Illuminata, A ... Views: 2485
In a world of fast cars, fast computers, high technology with fast lives, it is difficult to maintain a balance in your life. Emotions and negative thoughts can cause a complete breakdown in self-confidence and personal behavior. Often there are times when everything breaks down resulting in ... Views: 1721
Religion lays claim to truth in one way or another. A Course in Miracles is not a religion and it doesn’t attempt to dole out predictions of truth like a deck of tarot cards. It has as its goal the changing of one’s mind to enable us to recognize truth when it comes knocking. ... Views: 3061
Are you moving in the right direction? When things happen in the world that are so far beyond your control, it can feel unsettling. And even though you think you are the master of our own success, watching the news these days can eat away at your beliefs.
Daily affirmations, positive ... Views: 1992
Miracles life coaching gets rid of limiting beliefs by using positive affirmations, daily affirmations, digging into subconscious beliefs and practical life coach training.
Miracles life coaching is similar to a course in miracles, taught my Marianne Williamson.
Admit it. You believe you ... Views: 1526
Beloved One,
What follows is a transcribed talk from a captivating short video titled 'Sinlessness Within'. It captures the essence of what A Course In Miracles is all about.
The Peace of God is shining in you now. The Peace of God is my one ... Views: 1582
“So, why is forgiveness so important?” you may ask. The reason is this: Forgiveness is the pathway to peace of mind and when your mind is at peace, the world is a beautiful place to be. We all want that! The kind of forgiveness that we are talking about is not the kind that involves ... Views: 2892
Does God have a specific plan for us, something in particular He wants us to do with our lives? Normally, I would address this question by discussing passages from A Course in Miracles (there are many that answer this question quite explicitly; see, for instance, W-pI.135.18). In this ... Views: 2047
“A Course In Miracles” says that learning forgiveness is our only function here. One of its most beautiful passages on this topic reads. “The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.”(T.26-IX-6) It is very ... Views: 1910
Please Note: The following term is defined in the context of A Course in Miracles.
What is the difference between false forgiveness and true forgiveness?
Short answer: According to the Course, the basic difference between the two is that false forgiveness sees sin as real, while true ... Views: 3109
Please Note: The following term is defined in the context of A Course in Miracles.
In religious experience', or a sacred experience where an individual comes in contact with transcendental reality. Habel defines religious experiences as the structured way in which a believer enters into a ... Views: 5597
Please Note: The following term is defined in the context of A Course in Miracles.
What Is Atonement?
Question: Would you be able to do a lesson on the Atonement? I know it means an undoing. Is it an undoing of the separation? Would you know what steps we can take to achieve it? Is Atonement ... Views: 4938
Please Note: The following term is defined in the context of A Course in Miracles.
What Is a Miracle?
What is a miracle? Obviously, to understand A Course in Miracles we must understand what a miracle is. By calling itself A Course in Miracles, it implies that its whole purpose is to educate ... Views: 1674
Please Note: The following term is defined in the context of A Course in Miracles.
Spiritual Path of ACIM
The teachings of A Course in Miracles can be so beautiful, so profound and attractive. Yet even when we have felt that beauty and come to love the teaching, we can remain puzzled about ... Views: 2250
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles. Considered by many of its students to be their "spiritual path," the book A Course in Miracles has sold over 1.6 million copies since its appearance in 1975. As its title suggests, its purpose is to train us to ... Views: 1353
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles. Considered by many of its students to be their "spiritual path," the book A Course in Miracles has sold over 1.6 million copies since its appearance in 1975. As its title suggests, its purpose is to train us to ... Views: 1486
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles. Considered by many of its students to be their "spiritual path," the book A Course in Miracles has sold over 1.6 million copies since its appearance in 1975. As its title suggests, its purpose is to train us to ... Views: 1449
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles. Considered by many of its students to be their "spiritual path," the book A Course in Miracles has sold over 1.6 million copies since its appearance in 1975. As its title suggests, its purpose is to train us to ... Views: 1411
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles. Considered by many of its students to be their "spiritual path," the book A Course in Miracles has sold over 1.6 million copies since its appearance in 1975. As its title suggests, its purpose is to train us to ... Views: 1905
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***There Is No Sin - by Robert Perry, the Official Guide To A Course In Miracles
Most of us don't use the word "sin" very much; it has a rather distasteful ring to it. But the concept, I believe, is deeply embedded in our psyches. What is sin? I am not versed in theological treatments of it, but I think I have a good grasp of the popular concept, the one lodged in our ... Views: 3036
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***Who Was Jesus? - by Robert Perry, the Official Guide To A Course In Miracles
It seems to me that almost everyone carries respect for Jesus. I find it remarkable that one man can command respect from such a broad spectrum of people. Yet we have so many different ways of seeing him: the divine Son of God sent to earth to die for our sins, a wise teacher, a social prophet, ... Views: 1442
Most of the time I find human nature to be depressing. We all seem so clearly out for ourselves. Put us together and inevitably trouble ensues; we fight, we divorce, we molest, we rob, we kill. We wage war not just on the battlefield, but on every field—in the bedroom, at the office, even ... Views: 5037
What would you do if you began receiving communications from an Inner Voice? What if the Voice brought you more understanding, love and abundance? What if that Voice enhanced your Spiritual growth? What would you do if you realized that your experience could be a universal experience - available ... Views: 2056
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We're all familiar with the phrase "Give 'til it hurts." Yet a recent scientific study shows that giving really feels good. The brain registers positive feelings not only when you give to another person, but can even do so when you ... Views: 1729
We are all familiar with the idea of the “Son of God.” This is the Christian notion that Jesus of Nazareth was God the Father’s only begotten Son. Even without hearing a theological explanation, we know what this means. A father looks upon his son as an extension of his own ... Views: 1416
We are all familiar with people who live completely in the past, lost in their memories of long ago, but we usually label such people senile or mentally ill. Certainly we are not among them. Or are we?
Lesson 7 in A Course in Miracles* says, "I see only the past." To help us get a handle on ... Views: 1656
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***What's In A Name? - by Robert Perry, the Official Guide To A Course in Miracles
While it is true that a rose by any other name would still be as beautiful, names exert a powerful influence on our minds. Think of how a beautiful name can create a good first impression. Think of the thought that goes into the naming of a child. And think of how it would feel to have no name. ... Views: 1306
You're an absolute newbie to A Course in Miracles who has just acquired a copy of the book (or has just opened that Course book that has been gathering dust on your bookshelf). You want to begin working with it, to try it out and see if it's something that you want to pursue further. How do you ... Views: 1509
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***Tolerance - by Robert Perry, the Official Guide To A Course in Miracles
Our standards for how things ought to be are among our most prized possessions. In our eyes, the fact that we have high standards demonstrates that we are a quality person. Our high standards appear to elevate us far above those people who think anything is good, those people who have no ... Views: 1511
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***I Rest In God - by Robert Perry, the Official Guide To A Course In Miracles
Our need for rest goes very deep. Who does not look forward to a peaceful rest? Even more important than rest of the body, however, is rest of the mind. Who of us does not yearn for rest from our cares and anxieties, our sense of burden, and our crippling fears? While rest of the body is easily ... Views: 1483
If you have spent much time exploring spirituality, you have probably heard about A Course in Miracles*. Maybe you have even “done” it. A huge number of spiritual seekers—New Age, Christian, Buddhist—have read the Course or at least have it sitting on their bookshelf. It ... Views: 1557
Honesty is a central topic in human relationships. We all want to be told the truth, and we all try to think of ourselves as honest persons. Even so, the fact remains that we all lie, even if only in little ways. We offer excuses that are not the real reasons for not getting something done. We ... Views: 1401
A Gift in My Life
My friend Nel is a woman whom I can never forget. She is bright, funny and very excited about energy work—a part of my life that is very important to me. It really pleased me that she was in tune with my work and liked to share the healing energies. She practiced Reiki and was ... Views: 1251
We tend to go through life feeling accused from many corners, from bosses, children, former (and current) spouses. Defending ourselves against these accusations can seem like a full-time job. We seem to be always offering our counter-explanation of the same events, in which the blame quite ... Views: 1282
We rely so much on our eyes. Seeing is believing, the old saying goes. But what exactly do our eyes show us? If you think about it, all they see is form—shapes in motion. Yet what we really want to discover is what things mean. We want to know if something is good or bad. We want to know ... Views: 1137
We all know how it feels to have someone angry with us. If that person is close to us, it can turn our world upside down. At that point we usually apply any one of a number of strategies. We might go on the offensive, or the defensive, or withdraw and avoid confrontation, or appease the person ... Views: 1976
Being open-minded is something most of us value. We may hold our point of view, but we probably realize that being open to other points of view is good. It improves our chances of arriving at the real truth. After all, out of all the people and all the views out there, what are the odds of our ... Views: 2093
We all know that we are supposed to be patient, yet we are usually ambivalent about it. Patience means waiting calmly, without complaint, for something that we hope will occur. Waiting patiently often feels like reining in wild horses. We would like to step in and force that desired outcome. ... Views: 3483
I personally believe that God gives us jobs to do in the world. In essence, these jobs amount to helping others on their journey to total freedom. The outer form of these functions may look quite mundane. They may look like parenting a child, or running a small non-profit organization, or even ... Views: 1298
Is it not remarkable how our feelings about ourselves can rise and fall with such rapidity? When we do something really useful or say something really intelligent, we can feel great about ourselves. Yet a moment later we can feel like an idiot, as we do or say something else. Clearly, we see ... Views: 1108
We all love to be on the receiving end of gentleness. It feels wonderful to be treated gently. Yet, on the giving end, we wonder if being gentle can get the job done. We live in a world resistant to change, even change for its own good. If we are going to make a positive difference, surely at ... Views: 3879
How to be helpful to another is something we all wrestle with. When someone I care about is in need I find myself struggling to locate the right words, and I worry that I will bungle things. In short, I become filled with self-concern. It does not take a genius to see that being caught up in ... Views: 2584