We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Abuse and Recovery". If you have expertise in Abuse and Recovery and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
As a psychologist, I’m often asked what is the psychopathology of individuals in abusive relationships?
The perpetrator’s mental health status is usually more self-evident, whereas the victims’ mental health status is clouded with the psychosocial politics of domestic violence ... Views: 928
If you have read my writing, you may know me as someone who encourages people to recognize intimate partner violence. But, I wonder if you know why I’m so steadfast about this.
Learning to Meditate Is Like Learning to Mate
I’m reminded of the days when I taught biofeedback and ... Views: 844
If you’ve read my writing you know I’m a proponent of leaving an abusive relationship quickly and quietly, when you decide to do so.
Now that doesn’t mean you jump in the car and go “out of the blue.” No not at all. Because if you do, chances are you’ll be ... Views: 770
When children go away to college and get away from “who and what” the controlling family members want them to be, a window opens up. What they discover is their essence. Now here’s the gem...
That essence is a composite of their formative years. If you were in their lives ... Views: 844
Often times we hear that leaving an abuser, can be deadly. According to FBI reports 75% of all homicides by intimate male partners occurred after the victim left. Battered women are far more vulnerable to physical attack as well as attacks to their personal privacy, their civil liberties and ... Views: 780
Can we bring justice to family courts? That’s a highly political question, and I think the answer has more to do with the nature of the human beings behind the system and the misconceptions of those using the system to seek safety.
We hear of battered women falling through the cracks of ... Views: 774
Women say, I was glad when he hit me, because I finally realized what was on my plate. I finally got it. This is abuse!
Do you need the altercations in your home to become physical before you can see them for what they are? If so, you could be making your remedy more difficult, more ... Views: 1308
Breaking the spirit of people I am sad to say is an accepted method of control in our society. It is done in some cases as part of a regimen of discipline, by others unwittingly as they are not aware of their own destructive powers. People do it to other people and humans do it to animals.
... Views: 12262
Do what you’re called to do and the universe will support you. You’ve probably heard this, but may be scratching your head thinking about your bills, responsibilities and all of the what ifs...
This is understandable. So rather than jump in with blind faith, I want to invite your ... Views: 1210
When divorce and domestic violence are before the court, the children can often serve as the vehicle for the perpetrator to save face and maintain control over the family. Sound familiar?
If you are in family court with an abusive partner, or abusive ex-partner, and there are children ... Views: 979
I have found in my research that often survivors do not know that their problems are related to experiences of sexual abuse in their past. In fact, in my research six of the ten participants did not link their psychiatric disturbances to their history of sexual abuse. They were completely ... Views: 1195
What is the difference between “being abusive” and “being an abuser?” I hear this question by people trying to determine if they are entangled in intimate partner violence, even when they don’t know this term. What they want to know is: Am I in a dangerously abusive ... Views: 894
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…
Right. No time for hanging around today.
Lots to do, so let’s get organized.
First things first.
Make a list.
Now where’s my note pad. I know I left it here somewhere.
Isn’t it amazing how things just disappear around here?
I ... Views: 1855
A common question people have about individuals in abusive relationships is: why do they stay? A more perplexing question to bystanders looking in is: why do they go back? And moreover, why do they go back again and again and again?
It is estimated that a domestic abuse survivor will return to ... Views: 986
Parents are often the instruments of change for adult children in abusive relationships. And at the same time, they can also impede the change process.
The Process Yields the Result
Psychotherapy is a process; it’s not an injection. Even though there are psychotherapeutic techniques ... Views: 822
The journey of recovery from sexual abuse can often be a journey of pain that over time may become hopeful longing and turns towards the end into delight. Even though most survivors understand recovery as a lifelong process, a significant milestone is usually achieved when coping without ... Views: 1111
A 12-year old South Carolina boy was shot and killed while trick or treating on October 31. Members of his family were shot and injured.
Werner Lippe, a 66-year old jeweler, has confessed to killing his wife and disposing of the body.
Four men have been charged with the deadly shooting of ... Views: 1457
The value of the diagnostic label has more to do with the way it impacts the person with the condition than anything else.
Can you remember a time in your life when you had a medical condition and you received a diagnosis that immediately lifted the weight off your shoulders and sent you to ... Views: 739
Just the other day someone made the statement that child sexual abuse is normal because it happens so oft en. Maybe it’s only a problem because we (society) make such a big deal out of it.
Well, that was quite a challenge that turned quickly into a heated discussion. I can understand though, ... Views: 2332
Domestic abuse is not uncommon. According to a 1998 Commonwealth Fund survey almost one-third of American women have reported being physically abused by a husband or boyfriend sometime in their lives. 30% of Americans claim to know a woman who has been a victim of domestic abuse. All races are ... Views: 2350
Chemical dependency has been beaten like a dead horse. There are causal theories from genetic predisposition to various theories of learning, which has contributed greatly to a social construction of reality--a clearing that needs to be re-visioned. Discussed here will be psychological and depth ... Views: 7346
It’s no secret that we use our adulthood to work out our unfinished business with our parents. And when domestic violence is on our plate we may even see it as an opportunity to get even.
Young people in abusive relationships sometime remain in these relationships because their parents ... Views: 780
It is well know that only about 7% of communication is expressed in language. 93% of all communication is expressed in body language, facial expression, and tone of voice. That means the better you are able to ‘read’ the other person’s non-verbal expressions, the better you will be at connecting ... Views: 1391
Now that I have your attention, allow me to explain why I know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that our choices and decisions either make or break our true destiny and purpose in God. If you are not where you want to be, there is still hope for you. My purpose is to exhort women leaders and others ... Views: 1863
The moment the verbal assault springs off his/her tongue, the natural reflex is “ouch.” Correct? But lucky for you, it doesn’t have to be.
Let’s face it, you cannot control what’s up with another person, much less what they dish out, but you certainly can control ... Views: 2007
Research * has shown that survivors of sexual abuse often feel support and understanding is missing when they disclose having been abused. Research has also shown that survivors who are not getting appropriate support when they disclose having been abused are more prone to develop post traumatic ... Views: 4201
To decide during childhood, whether as an ideal from a dream or fantasy, or from being impressed or influenced by others in the community, to delve into the netherworld of drugs and alcohol--actually choosing to live a life of chaos is one of those mysteries of human behavior. Most addicts do ... Views: 7121
We know the drama of domestic abuse from the outside looking in, as it is popularized by the media and by entertainment mediums. But the silent insidious inner deaths that take place are more pervasive and, and in some cases, more debilitating for the domestic abuse survivor.
What are the inner ... Views: 857
Abusive women put their men in the doghouse when they are misbehaving. And the shame these men feel is no different than that felt by battered women.
It’s a shame that has many dimensions:
a) I let my partner down.
b) I don’t measure up to my partner’s expectations and/or ... Views: 847
Violence in the family is a major source of teen female violence. The future well-being of a society is directly linked to its ability to care for and educate its young. Families that cannot successfully care for their young, nurture the seeds of future violence and criminality. Until we learn ... Views: 1684
Domestic violence survivors often wonder what next? Now, that I’m no longer defined by my role in my “other life,” then what next... Who is this person? What is this person? What ought this person be doing with her life?
In some respects this pondering is typical of battered ... Views: 833
The truck I stole to have a place to sleep was a white Toyota with yellow and orange stripes, lifted with fat tires and no power steering. Everything I owned was stuffed into a dark green hefty trash bag, including a birthday card my mom had managed to get to me when I had turned 16. At the ... Views: 1700
This information is a purposeful broadcast.
What is Narcissism? Narcissism is an unhealthy focus on self that affects others in unhealthy ways. Everyone to some extent is narcissistic. Most people ‘want the good stuff’ and from a psychological point of view: everything we do is for some ... Views: 13039
A frantic mother of a 15 year old daughter of a local suburban neighborhood tells her therapist that her daughter has quit the cheerleading squad, no longer dreams of college and becoming a lawyer, and her childhood friends have been replaced with friends she has never met. Her daughter has ... Views: 3018
Critical thinking (sometimes referred to as directed thinking) is purposeful, reasoned and goal directed--it is thought and knowledge and the relationship between them. To break it down more: the critical component is the evaluation that is most often agreed upon, and thinking is obtaining the ... Views: 9762
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Abuse and Recovery. Abuse and Recovery deals with countering and overcoming physical and mental harm of any degree or severity. Kathryn Seifert is the Official Guide to Abuse and Recovery.
How Children Become Violent, by Kathryn ... Views: 1155
Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, pain, injury, or other physical suffering or harm.
Psychological abuse or emotional abuse is a form of abuse characterised by a person subjecting or exposing another to behaviour that is psychologically ... Views: 1095
What is the essence of addiction from a scientific standpoint? What facts support the foundation that supposes that an “addict” has no control and that free will has nothing to do with their ability to stop? What indicates that without help, they have little or no hope of recovering, from this ... Views: 2126
The anti-social nature of drug addiction results in a "Life-Style". The addict becomes out-of-synch with the social structure in which he must live. Addicts begin to associate only with other addicts or drug dealers and then transcend into the subculture of drug use. Paranoia triggered by ... Views: 4241
Straight off the top… Addicts for one reason or another, have a problem coping with every day life in our Society! Drugs fill some void in their life, family or personality. A large number of people, who progress to the stage of drug use that is Addiction, are self-medicating! Many Addicts’ ... Views: 1709
For lots of student, sex is part of the college experience. For better or worse, decisions about sex (whether or not to do it, with whom, and when) are thought about and talked about a lot.
"I didn't plan on sleeping with anyone when I went to that party. This morning I woke and there was a ... Views: 819
I have been asked the other day whether people need to go to a psychotherapist or counsellor to recover from sexual abuse. I think that is a really good question. Does a person need therapy to heal? I don't think it is necessary to go to a psychotherapist or counsellor. However, they need ... Views: 1005
One of the most essential steps in healing and recovery is to take back your personal Creator given power. First, you must come to the realization that taking back your personal power is possible and necessary. Realize that the only person you can change is yourself. You have the ability to ... Views: 2079
Rape can have a devastating effect on a person’s life. Some of that effect can be easy to identify. It is not uncommon for people to have difficulty in sexual relationships, trusting, feeling an irrational sense of guilt amongst may other things. How else can it affect a person’s life? Can a ... Views: 2934
While many behavioral and psychiatric disorders have a biological base, they may also have roots in early childhood maltreatment and in exposure to violence. The overlap between behavioral /psychiatric disorders and histories of childhood trauma is greater than has been previously ... Views: 2302
Domestic violence negatively affects everyone in the family — the offender, the spouse, the children, and the next generation. Stopping and healing violence in the home will involve the whole family getting help, with or without the offender, whether reunification is antici¬pated or not. ... Views: 2456
Broken bones, ruptured spleen, bruised swollen tissue, and ultimately a diagnosed clinical condition labeled as “degenerative disc.” Such a label can connote a permanent, defective body part, and ultimately an image of broken body.
I hear domestic violence survivors talk about their ... Views: 1024
What’s with the water for domestic abuse survivors? Water can be like soap to the body on a cellular level. It flushes out the impurities in the system. And let’s face it when you live with someone who tells you that you are junk...toxicity builds up in your system.
So how do you ... Views: 850
What’s wrong with her for “letting” him talk to her like that? This is the first thought of an outsider looking in on an abusive encounter of an abusive relationship.
Dr. Phil was interviewing a couple obviously in an abusive relationship. He asked the woman how she felt about ... Views: 892
“Where is your Mom?” asked a little boy to another. The little boy replied, “I don’t know.” From his point of view, she was lost. She was gone. She left him. She abandoned him. ...And the conclusions go on and on, each one with more and more potential to fracture a ... Views: 962