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In spite of growing evidence that self-publishing is poised to replace (or at least match) traditional publishing in the future, many conventionally published authors (and those striving to become such) still view self-publishing with contempt. They feel self-publishing companies and those ... Views: 1840
Dear High Achiever,
Know what’s the most difficult part about writing a weekly newsletter, a book, a training program, or anything?
The beginning.
Try this test: When you are done reading this FYI, open up a Word doc. Notice the cursor … sitting on the blank white page … just blinking at ... Views: 2707
No matter what kind of business you are in, there is no better way to become an instant expert than by publishing a book. Better than any business card, brochure, advertisement, website or blog, a book is a powerful tool that will open doors and lead to tremendous business growth ... Views: 2225
Over the past two decades I have produced and printed books for The Los Angeles Times, Simon & Schuster and Random House and still enjoy relationships with a number of friends at these publishing houses. I am therefore well aware of the horror stories on the street about what is being called ... Views: 2162
Self-publishing has such a romantic ring to it—that pioneer spirit or the “Don Quixote” approach to getting your title in print. Self-publishing may be the only option available to most writers these days as major publishers are facing the same hardships as the auto making industry who find ... Views: 2237
The field of information marketing has opened doors to limitless opportunities for lucrative online, home-based businesses even as the global economy takes a nosedive. Now, more than ever mindful entrepreneurs are finding ways to package their expertise of information into convenient forms such ... Views: 1856
Publish that book and you might win a free trip to Iraq. It happened to me. (Not that I accepted the trip, as I'll explain later.) The purpose of this post is to help you decide whether or not to follow that dream you have of publishing a book.
It's a big dream, also a mighty popular one these ... Views: 2203
If you want to know how to write a book that's written by someone else--i.e., a ghostwriter--make sure you know how to find a competent one, and be prepared to pay their fees.
Once there was a giant ship engine that failed. The ship's owners employed one expert after another, but none of them ... Views: 2185
There are many people who fear writing papers or articles. Many just think that it is too much effort and it is all simply pointless when no one reads it. To some people, reading articles also feels like effort, particularly if the article is dry and uninteresting. Well, articles are written in ... Views: 1987
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Self-Publishing. Self-Publishing is the publishing of books and other media by the authors of those works, rather than by established, third-party publishers. Modern advances in printing technology have made self-publishing easier and ... Views: 1851
Self-publishing is the publishing of books and other media by the authors of those works, rather than by established, third-party publishers. Although it represents a small percentage of the publishing industry in terms of sales, it has been present in one form or another since the beginning of ... Views: 3054
Everyone has their own style of writing. Some develop their writing skills through experience. Others just write from the heart. Either way, when your script is complete, hire an experienced copyeditor to “repair the damages.”
Publishers of all kinds prefer to see a manuscript edited prior to ... Views: 2270
When you are properly branding yourself and using a book as your business card, you gain instant credibility. Why? Because as a book author you are perceived to be an expert on the subject at hand. A book gives you natural credibility and expert status. That’s why, on the news, most guests ... Views: 2191