We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "New Age". If you have expertise in New Age and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Dowsing has been used for many centuries as a way to find things that cannot be easily seen with a person’s naked eye. It has been frequently used in the search for items such as underground water, so people will know where to place a well. It is used to find pipes that are buried underground so ... Views: 5366
As I made the two and half hour drive to Sedona, I could literally feel the shift in energy as I approached the mystical land of this area. Never have I experienced the flow of energy in any location as I do here. Driving through the majestic red rocks that seemed to be calling to me, I ... Views: 1118
The approximate “age” of a soul is oftentimes indicated by the very nature of the questions asked in the life. For example, when one asks of themselves “What is the purpose of my life, and why am I here? “ Well, rest assured we are considering an older soul here, rather than a younger one. The ... Views: 1133
Criticizing scriptures like The Bible, The Quran, The Bhagavat Gita and such other sacred books is ever undesirable. Such scandalous act hurts believers and leads to Frustration. Then what’s the solution if someone finds fault with the fundamentalist? Strangely, can we in any way hold ... Views: 2302
This article will present an interesting approach towards bringing about positive changes in one's life, using a combination of sigil-magick, brain entrainment, and the fundamentals of hypnosis.
Sigils are a symbolic representation of a specific desire, created from an initial statement of ... Views: 2998
Music is a key ingredient for any recorded guided imagery program, guided meditation, or hypnotherapy recording. If music plays an important role in movies, it’s even more important in guided imagery programs, because there's nothing for the listener to take in but the narration and the ... Views: 2497
Your life is not controlled by circumstances; you are blessed with success. You are exceptionally filled with ability to effect great results; you make progress that is making profit for you. You are in charge! You have a mindset that is not subject to being questionable.
Your appurtenances, ... Views: 1216
Kitchen design can simplify or complexity your lifestyle. Hence, it is necessary that when you are planning for kitchen renovations, you consider all factors that can ease off your effort required to work in kitchen. Here are the few kitchen renovations tips that can help you achieve desired ... Views: 1022
Right now in the United States there is a major presidential election campaign going on. Currently, the Republican Party is engaged in its primary process. This means that different Republican candidates are vying for their party’s nomination to stand in the general election against the ... Views: 3121
Key theme for 2012: facing the challenges and moving forward despite the uncertainty. The recovery has begun... but it is slow, erratic... we can't be lazy this year... Still, if we connect with the Dragon's energy, we can make magic...
Most interesting undertone for the year: the awakened ... Views: 1834
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s January 9, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: You have a natural financial comfort zone: multi-millions, a comfortable ... Views: 1743
The Simply Ghost Nights team were very honoured to be invited by the management of the Thackray Medical Museum to hold a ghost hunting event at this esteemed location, and for this kind offer we must thank the whole Thackray Medical staff for all their assistance in making the event run so well. ... Views: 1073
All things at any time or on any occasion meaningful for the good life are at all times in progress and to be had in all instance. A good state of body or mind, a large amount of money, properties and state of pleasurable satisfaction that you have a strong desire for, are obtainable. All things ... Views: 2496
A sculptor was once asked how he created such marvelous results from the stone he worked. He replied, "If I want to carve an elephant in stone, I simply chip away all of the stone that does not look like an elephant."
The artist's creative process involved finding the inherent qualities of ... Views: 1182
It has been predicted that at this time in history,we would experience a great awakening of humanity.Are we there yet [over the rainbow]? Or the opposite has happened-we are in some version of an Orwellian nightmare;society has descended into ignorance,materialism and mechanical ... Views: 1302
Are you ready to capitalize on the upcoming opportunities beginning January 23, 2012? A dynamic cycle of rebirth will be set into motion with the arrival of the Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon.
To be a recipient of the tremendous benefits of the Dragon, you must first eliminate all the ... Views: 1430
I am who I am. I am who I have always been. I am who I shall always be. I greet you with my personal love as Jesus. For during these moments I am quite perceptible here. It is as if my energy touches you. I express my love to you.
A year full of excitement and change lies ahead of you. It is ... Views: 1859
To most of us, who have spent our lives grounded in the physical plane that we like to call “reality”, the idea of crystal healing has made it’s way into the category of irrational superstition and “new age hooey”. It’s as if most of us are asking, how in the world can a rock be anything more ... Views: 1603
There are a huge range of tarot spreads available for use by people who read the cards. Spreads are important to a successful reading because they help to give a proper interpretation to the cards that are drawn and how they relate to each other.
The tarot spreads that are most common fall ... Views: 2169
If you have never had a psychic reading you need to consider the approach you will take to it in order to get the most from it. It is most important to look for an honest person that you can trust to do the reading well. But it is hard to be sure because unfortunately there are some people out ... Views: 1945
Tarot card meanings are not straight forward. Each card has its own individual meaning but this will change depending on a whole number of factors. The card will change its meaning depending on how it is put down on the table and also depending on how it relates to other cards on the table. ... Views: 1949
There are many New Age groups that have begun to form negative vibrations around New Age concepts- much ego is involved behind the scenes and many are manipulating the thoughtforms to bring the vibration of the positives down. Please remember to feel the vibration beyond the words. If you feel ... Views: 1390
Stress … it affects us all. But it doesn’t have to put a damper on your creativity. At least that’s according to pianist/composer Edward Weiss. Weiss is also the webmaster and creator of NewAgePianoLessons.com - a website that teaches beginning adults how to play piano in the New Age ... Views: 1735
Blessings and Love to each of you!
Sanat Kumara and Friends
through Athene Raefiel
It appears on a world scale that the immediate changes are not happening fast enough. There is still a great need for balance and sustenance.
The Governing Bodies of the World have dedicated themselves to a ... Views: 1533
Virtually everybody ends up wasting time somewhere along the line in their pursuit of spiritual awareness because the path is replete with pitfalls.
Don’t feel bad if you’ve taken a time consuming detour down a spiritual dead-end street. You’re not alone.
Below we list some of the most ... Views: 2091
Everywhere in this world of reality quite a few among rank and file have a vision but very few of us follow a mission. None of us is so flexible to listen to what others say. Often we utter, ‘We welcome every constructive and innovative ideas and comments thereafter.’ Unfortunately, we fail to ... Views: 1326
I am Kryon and I greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT. I greet you in the collective.
Kryon calls upon you to be in the highest attention for Lady Gaia in the present moment of your time. For she needs energy that is brought into the consciousness of Lady Gaia through you as channel. Before ... Views: 1432
(The Numerology of 2012)
The number for the universal year 2012 is five (2+0+1+2=5). To best understand the meaning of 2012 it is important to go back into numerical history to the millennium of the 1’s; that is, 1000 to 1999. One is the number of ... Views: 2165
In the October 1970 issue of a magazine called “Rashtra Dharma” was printed an article called “A Premonition Regarding the World’s Future”. It included many prophecies like partial destruction of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) (This prophecy was made in the January 1971 issue of Rashtra Dharma ... Views: 1498
Sabine Sangitar spoke about the ascension of planets Landras and Partoos on November 9, 2011:
In the meantime many things have calmed down on Landras.
The Pioneers on Landras, who are in the adaptation phase now, have for some time had the possibility to connect their 18 aspects whenever ... Views: 1287
I am Kryon and my love for you is immeasurable. Feel the energy of Kryon, for it is the energy of the New Age. The magnetic energy that has been flowing into you since the beginning of your first Steps. That will accompany you at the change of dimensions. I am a Nuni. Fused with a host of angels ... Views: 1579
11.11.11. A Special Day…What They Haven’t Told You
The day 11.11.11 is finally here. Will we fly away to seventh heaven? Will all the ills of the world disappear and will we find ourselves filled with complete love and joy? Is this the day we will get the first glimpse into spiritual ... Views: 958
I am Saint Germain and I greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT.
LAY'O'ESHA is the Crystal of freedom. And it is my task to embed LAY'O'ESHA in your light body, and you will decide how much of this freedom you want to absorb in your soul.
Freedom is a high energy and when it is released it ... Views: 1334
In order to ward off the fire of sorrow of Sagar’s sons it was necessary that River Ganga incarnate on earth from heaven. Bhagirath’s intense penance helped achieve the impossible and history is about to repeat itself today. In today’s times it is required that the Ganga of divine wisdom ... Views: 1094
I am Kryon and I greet each and every one of you with the words OMAR TA SATT.
A high collective has arrived in order to celebrate the festival of love and freedom together with us. You have been prepared very intensively. But the preparations beyond the veil have also been very ... Views: 1403
For steady human unity cultural unity is a must. In various directions of sustaining life we must establish all round unity. If instead of so many different styles of dressing everyone wears one type of clothing, three fourths of expenses of stitching will be saved and this saving can be used in ... Views: 1080
Quantum physics is confusing, confounding, and convoluted. It indicates that our universe is upside down, and what we think we see is not reality. In fact, physicists are having a hard time determining what reality really is. At the subatomic level, particles can be in two places at one time, ... Views: 7523
Have you ever shared this sentiment? Even when I know I should be grateful, many times I still find it difficult to bring myself to actually feel this way. Why is this? I should be grateful for life, I should be grateful for family, I should be grateful for every healthy breath I take... I know ... Views: 856
More than six billion human beings inhabit a small planet called Earth, a tiny warm Eden circling endlessly around an ordinary star at the edge of a galaxy, light-years from any other.
Who are we? Why are we here? Where did we come from? Do our lives here have any meaning or value? What is ... Views: 1323
Autumn Equinox is a powerful time when there is a balance between day and night, light and darkness. As we enter the sign of Libra we are also reminded of the scales symbolic of that balance.
The time to focus inward connecting to our soul is now during the Autumn Equinox. This inner journey ... Views: 1406
Partial transcript from 9/12/11 episode of my radio show, A Fine Time for Healing
Death is one of the greatest mysteries of life. Haven’t we all thought about what happens to us after we die. Every religion claims to have the answer, but all the answers differ. There are many points of ... Views: 2371
House protection spells can be beneficial, whether you feel threatened in your home or not. These types of spells are not only used to keep negative energy and evil spirits out of your home, but can also help in creating a barrier against physical threats and harm as well.
All protection ... Views: 4360
At the dawn of a Golden Era every great thinker of the world yearns that it passes the test of great ideals. People should imbibe greatness and must mature to such an extent that its glory influences one and all. Further it should be followed by all that the world’s atmosphere becomes heavenly ... Views: 1184
The difference between a psychic medium and other psychics is that they are able to communicate with the people who have already passed on through the spirits. They are able to see, feel and hear them. They are also able to communicate with other spirits like guardian angels and guides. They are ... Views: 6123
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Overview of 10/3/11 “Creation Energies Channeled by Brenda Hoffman” 15-minute show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: You have increased the totality of your being from 10% to 20% or 30%. You are now strong ... Views: 1125
Let us extend our hand to you. In it you will find love, strength, courage, reassurance, confidence and much more. When you hold this hand that is already attached to your Higher Self, the only outcome for you is that love and success in life will be greatly enhanced. Today, allow yourself to be ... Views: 1304
Today, we speak to you about the power of life and the immense power and love upon the physical existence coming to an end. Reality is that the soul never dies, nor does energy ever disappear or dissipate into nothingness. The essence of who you are is imprinted within your soul, and it is this ... Views: 1411
Life’s most important moment is NOW, not yesterday, not tomorrow. When we live with conscious awareness of the beauty and magnificence of the present, we conserve energy and remain centered, even during life’s complexities.
Present-moment awareness is vital to our growth as human beings. ... Views: 1990
Heaven is depicted in a certain way and yet we do not see those characteristics anywhere on earth. Hence we remain contented with the explanation that heaven is some planet hanging above earth in interstellar space. Astronomers have researched into every ... Views: 2018