We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Motivational Products and Services". If you have expertise in Motivational Products and Services and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You will often hear it said that things come in 3’s. My Grandma used to say, “Good news, bad news, and blind mice all come in 3’s.” Well, she was right, and, over the years, I have discovered the 3 most important things needed to be successful.
I’ve found that Motivation, Belief, and Action ... Views: 1221
It seems that lately I’ve been reading an awful lot of articles in e-zines about the difficulty of doing business online. They talk about all the hype, all the scams, all the lies and false promises. They talk about all the worthless web sites, loaded with affiliate links, promising millions and ... Views: 971
Publishing Guidelines: We hope that the following article, an
extract from Craig's first published book HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE
may be informative and helpful to your e-zine readers, or on
your web site. This article may be freely reproduced
electronically or in print. If it helps others "out ... Views: 934
Emotionetics is a 21st century human performance enhancement technology for both business and individuals. It is the awareness, understanding, management and upgrading of our undermining mental programs: beliefs, values, attitudes and perceptions, which will in turn influence reactions and ... Views: 1286
Once we know what intention is, and is not, this distinction allows us to become specifically aware of its location in our bodies. Just like no one puts their shoes up in the same way when they get home, everyone has a different place where they store the energy of their intentions. This ... Views: 967
Are you a perfectionist? Let me reveal to you this important fact…
Perfectionism can hinder you from achieving excellence at anything you do.
Usually, Perfectionists are procrastinators. They don’t start unless everything is just perfect. They don’t even finish a task. They keep on delaying ... Views: 1850
Once we know what intention is, and is not, this distinction allows us to become specifically aware of its location in our bodies. Just like no one puts their shoes up in the same way when they get home, everyone has a different place where they store the energy of their intentions. This ... Views: 944
What is the number one pre-requisite for success? Yes! It is a Dream
But what is a dream. Is it something that you see when you are asleep? No! We are not talking about that kind of a dream. This is the one that you will have to see while you are awake. Think about it! Today’s airplanes can fly ... Views: 1104
What is it about giving up that provides temporary relief of obstacles? Obstacles have a very important role in helping us stay focused and committed to our goals. I believe that obstacles are meant to help us strengthen our resolve to win. Winning is the objective, isn’t it? So what happens ... Views: 981
Picture this: A sales manager gathers his team around him and then says something like ‘Well, um, hello guys. I have this idea that I would, um, like to tell you about. I admit it’s not all that brilliant, but times are hard out there in the marketplace and it is the only thing I could think of, ... Views: 1295
It seems to me there is only one real and proper way to live a joyful life, and that is to do the thing you are meant to be doing. There are people out there who make it seem like rolling out of bed, But I know from experience -- pursuing your dream 'ain't always so easy.
I spent a good chunk ... Views: 1095
In our search for wellness and health, we increasingly look for science and technology to bring us the balance we crave. We are all susceptible to wanting the latest miracle pill, the new sleek workout machine, the latest "Improved Eating Plan." But in truth, health and wellness are about ... Views: 4315
In today's climate, many people are concerned that it's harder to succeed and move ahead. The stock market is in the tank. The job market it tough. People are holding on to their money, making retailing and any kind of selling just that much tougher.
So is it true that it is harder to move ... Views: 991
My husband Theo always takes the change out of his pockets and puts it in a big jug in the corner. It used to be that I'd look at that jug longingly any time I had to do laundry or needed change for some other reason, and I'd get tempted to take some money out. "Just some quarters," I'd tell ... Views: 1684
My husband Theo always takes the change out of his pockets and puts it in a big jug in the corner. It used to be that I'd look at that jug longingly any time I had to do laundry or needed change for some other reason, and I'd get tempted to take some money out. "Just some quarters," I'd tell ... Views: 772
I wanted to encourage you to be a little bit more “foolish” in your life. There is power in daring to be different.
Great advances have never come from the conventionally minded among us. It’s always comes from us idiots who believe in love and freedom and goodness and peace. ... Views: 965
All of us have dreams. All of us have wants and desires and things and vision of our life that we want it to be like. There are places we want to go and stuff we want to accomplish. You probably even find yourself talking about what it will be like when. Or what you will do after you have this ... Views: 1261
Daily motivation, why is that important? Consider this, what is the likelihood that you will even attempt any goal without some sort of motivation? Lack of motivation has stopped more people from achieving their personal greatness than anything else.
Daily motivation keeps you focused. ... Views: 952
"Motivation is just a word"
Motivation is a term that is so widely used today. We are seeking motivation, we are trying to stay motivated and we look to motivational speakers to inspire us. People think if they are just motivated enough they can achieve all the goals they set out for ... Views: 1632
I receive many emails from people that basically ask the same question: How can I keep myself motivated long term? This seems to be quite a common dilemma for many people so I want to address it because it can be done! Here are my tips for staying motivated:
1. Get motivated every day.
Zig ... Views: 1027
How do you spell success? Is it M-I-L-L-I-O-N? Is it $25 an hour? Is it $12 an hour? Being able to comfortably pay all your bills with an extra $50 in the bank? How do you personally define success? If you have not reached that level of achievement, how close are you?
We must be consciously ... Views: 932
I feel pretty safe in saying that at one time or another we have all had a dream. I am not talking about the dreams you have had while sleeping. I am talking about a strongly desired purpose or vision for yourself. You know the dream of owning your own business, running a marathon, getting ... Views: 928
If the movies have taught us anything it’s that there will be a time when the hero looks defeated and all is lost., (such as the case in real life ) especially when we are trying to achieve our life’s dream. It seems as though the universe plops a huge wall in front of you just as ... Views: 986
Motivate Yourself To Move - No Matter What
"Be miserable.
Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
-Wayne Dyer
I'm absolutely miserable our first morning back in town after a marvelous month spent in sunny, but quite cool, Florida. I find myself faced with ... Views: 1943
As a crucified criminal in the eyes of the Law, what kind of burial do you suppose Jesus of Nazareth would normally have received?
His body would probably have been thrown into a common grave set apart for criminals. It would be risky to ask for the body of a crucified criminal so that the ... Views: 7822
I don't know how many times I've been asked. "Many People ask How do I get traffic to my website?"
To best discuss this topic I should break this down into categories
1. Title Tags
The title Should contain keywords and keyword phrases that is important to your site. Our recommended maximum ... Views: 2250
Are you one of these people that continually live in hope, but never actually find a way to 'Live Your Dreams?'
Do you find that at the end of every month, however good your take-home pay seems to be, it is never quite enough to do more than just break even?
Have you dabbled in the internet, ... Views: 1006
By means of something different, everybody is motivated. For any kind of goal, that is the similar. Since their high school reunion is around the corner, someone may want to lose weight, while another may want to discard those extra pounds to get into the mood. Some reasonable goals, incentives, ... Views: 1155
You lost your job! But don’t look now, because what’s coming down the track is even worse! Let me spell it out for you. Not only You-lost-your-job, but more important…YOU HAVE LOST YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE. The real sad thing about this is..YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT!
If you are like most people you ... Views: 1810
If you walk around a Walt Disney World resort or theme park, you are likely to witness something that in most other settings would seem bizarre. Not the presence of a large animated character, although you may witness that also. Rather, at any given moment, a person in dress clothes will be ... Views: 15872
As children get beyond the preschool/ kindergarten stage, many of them lose the joy in learning that is the characteristic of those early years. They may have had challenges in the classroom, or have been exposed to older children and heard some of their “school is boring” comments. The savvy ... Views: 1918
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
Zig Ziglar, Author & Speaker
There are times in my life, sometimes often, sometimes not depending on my which project I’m working on, where I need some extra help with ... Views: 1055
Excerpt Article From: Succes Academy "Successercising - Successful Living Course Series" - Course #1
The Equivalent Of A PhD In Success From The University Of Hard Knocks
Copyright 2013, all rights reserved worldwide by Rick Gettle
What Do You Want To Accomplish In ... Views: 3247
How can you tell if you’re in a summer season?
1. You have lots of energy to tackle projects.
2. You enjoy life and see the positive in everything.
3. You have higher self-confidence.
4. There is more balance in your life.
5. You no longer allow the stress to ... Views: 1066
Are we paying attention to the right stuff?
Take biology for instance. I never took a biology course in my life. I really have no idea how my body works, and yet I remain in good health. But when I visit the doctor, it’s the same as visiting an auto mechanic or a computer technician. They ... Views: 2690
If we all got everything we wanted, most of us would have won the lottery by now. So what happens when we notice that we aren't getting what we want, even when we've been using Law of Attraction to manifest a particular desire for an extended period of time?
Wanting to win the lottery is a ... Views: 12094
Imagine this scenario.
You are an incredible athlete. You’ve been training in your sport since you were thirteen years old and you’re on the fast track to being at the top of your game. You’re winning race after race and well on your way to being the absolute best you can be. You’ve also ... Views: 2452
Are you ready for a new beginning in your life? No really, are you? I know you probably think you are, but are you really? Are you ready to take action? Are you ready to live your dreams? I certainly hope so. If you are, Attraction-U can help you.
What does starting over mean? And can ... Views: 35596
We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one’s sense of self-worth and happiness are strong incentives for these changes.
Too often trials and errors affect our ... Views: 1083
Perhaps, you have heard the phrase “May the force be with you” from your favorite Episode of the Star Wars movies. The Star Wars movies explore the power of our choices, the wonder of destiny, and the manifesting power that is in us and all around us. However, what if the force could truly be ... Views: 1574
Change Your Life With a Simple Habit
You've worked for hours on dinner - doing the best
you can - and he says ...................nothing.
How do you feel? Feel like cooking tomorrow night?
What if he says: "Jenny, I really appreciate you taking the time to cook. Aside from the food being ... Views: 1625
Your motivation is one of the core resources you have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve.Let us get one thing clear though before we handle this resource called motivation.You may have listened to people who refer to themselves as 'motivational speakers'. And you may have attended ... Views: 1100
Sometimes you’re not nice and, for whatever reason, you can’t go back and apologize to people for having been mean, malicious, or unkind to them. The main thing to realize is that feeling guilty will only delay and obstruct the lessons and practices of becoming a nicer person. It seems and feels ... Views: 3684
Everyone wants to be rich. A lot of people want to besuccessful. Yet, only a few people are willing to pay theprice. There is a price to success as there is a price tofailure. Here are 5 reasons that keep people fromaccomplishing their dreams.
A lack of motivation.
Success comes from loving ... Views: 1278
Have you ever wondered why is it that after we go through a bad phase in life we seem to come out better for it? It use topuzzle me too until recently after I stared down a gunman’snozzle I realized why.
If you have ever been in a situation like I did and survived totell the tale you would be ... Views: 1517
SUCCESS-ME Newsletter vol.2
SUCCESS-ME just means Success Made Easy.
This is part of a 5-lesson course from SUCCESS-ME.COM
LESSON 2 : From KG to K-HOW!
Dear friend
How was your day? Hope it has been a good one. Hope too that you enjoyed your first Lesson on SUCCESS IS NOT A MYTH and had a ... Views: 1730
1. Get a life purpose statement.
A well thought out life purpose statement is a powerful way to boost your self-esteem. It will define whom you truly are, draw out your essence and affirm you. Each time you read your life purpose statement, you will be reminded about who you are, what you ... Views: 1260
Procrastination is a delay tactic that has the ability to choke your dreams and abort the plans and purposes you have for your life.
It has to be nipped in the bud. It should not be given a chance to put your life and your dreams on hold.
The following are 7 benefits of not procrastinating. Not ... Views: 5163