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So, there you are, dragging your patooty through one grey day after another, wondering where your brain went, why your body aches and if you’ll ever feel good again.
Even doctors who test for thyroid problems typically prescribe the ineffective medicine Synthroid or its generic equivalent. It ... Views: 2414
What in the world, you might ask, does eating canned food have to do with getting pregnant? Well, it’s a risk. As is drinking anything that comes in a can.
You see, to prevent corrosion, companies coat the inside of food and beverage cans with the plastic Bisphenol A (BPA), which, despite ... Views: 1829
I’m one of five siblings, and we’ve all had heart surgery. Like most people with heart problems, none of us ever had any of the so-called risk factors. No high cholesterol. No high triglycerides. No high blood pressure. Nothing.
My ‘turn’ arrived on Christmas Eve, 2005. Of course, nobody ... Views: 1462
My doctor no longer practices medicine, so I had to find another.
Like most long-time thyroid patients, I’ve been through the proverbial mill. I knew for sure I didn’t want to be bullied into taking Synthroid, which most doctors prefer–even though it doesn’t work.
I found a listing for ... Views: 1643
I ran into an acquaintance at a conference the other day. We got to talking about vitamins. (Somehow I always end up talking about vitamins; I could bore a stone.)
Doctors recently installed her second pacemaker. She said her ejection fraction–the force with which her heart pumps blood–was ... Views: 1598
I read that the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill mandating vaccinations of all sorts. And if the good citizens of Massachusetts decline the honor, they get smacked with a $1000 a day fine.
Now, Massachusetts proudly passed socialized medicine statutes a few years back, so the Senators ... Views: 1443
So, there you are, dragging your patooty and wondering what in the world happened to you.
A friend suggests that you probably have thyroid problems. Another friend jumps in to say, no, you probably have adrenal problems. So you poke around the internet, getting nowhere. When they talk about ... Views: 2104
So, you go to the doctor and spill your bucket of symptoms–fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, etc. If you happened upon an alert doctor, you’ll get a thyroid test. And you’ll celebrate that help is on the way.
Well, maybe. While doctors love blood tests–and disdain symptoms–thyroid tests aren’t ... Views: 2750
50% of the U.S. population has thyroid problems, most of which go undiagnosed. I don’t have worldwide statistics, but I can’t imagine they differ by much, if at all.
And the numbers keep heading up! Yikes!
And the thyroid never suffers alone. When one endocrine gland, such as the thyroid, ... Views: 1630
The latest thing in medicine is the ‘fact’ that all medicine is based on solid, scientific evidence.
Excuse me? At least 70% of all medical practice has no scientific basis, relying instead on tradition, rumor and best guess. Meanwhile, doctors, according to the latest statistics available, ... Views: 1532
Some years ago, self-appointed busybodies screamed and yelled and hollered about McDonalds using beef fat to cook their fries. Deciding ahead of time that McDonalds was evil incarnate, they accused McDonalds of purposely risking our very lives with saturated fat.
And so it was in 1990 that ... Views: 2087
Some years back, about thirty or so, the medicos labeled the sun an enemy agent. We all needed to slather on sun screen all day, every day, or risk dying of melanoma in slightly more than a trice.
If, like me, you’ve lost a loved one to melanoma, you reacted quickly and positively, making sun ... Views: 1478
If you belong to the longer-is-better treadmill school of thought, you might want to reconsider.
And if long distance running takes your time, you really need to think it through. Especially if you buy into the idea of high carb fueling.
High carb fueling burns the fire hotter, that’s for ... Views: 1923
People in the health biz throw around the lingo as if everybody has a clue. Well, some do, but some don’t. And even those that do may recognize the word without understanding its meaning.
So, lets talk some terminology.
Especially about things that drag us down–including body parts that ... Views: 1540
Exercise can kill you. Well, so can lots of other things, but people tout exercise as all good, all the time.
Before couch potatoes get excited here, life as an inanimate object doesn’t get excellent results either.
Well, then, obviously, some middle ground exists. However, since slugs ... Views: 1676
Muscle problems tend to accompany endocrine issues, especially adrenal glands that can’t or won’t keep up.
Of course, they also tend to accompany life as a jock or a do-it-yourselfer. But with endocrine people, muscles act up without a cause. As the song says, that’s life.
Our muscles get ... Views: 1386
Conventional wisdom says coffee’s bad. Doctors agree. Magazines second the motion. You can hardly find a kind word about coffee.
Which is just a tad bizarre because coffee is a health drink. Since nearly 90% of the U. S. population drinks the stuff, this comes under the heading of good ... Views: 1253
We have before us multiple scenarios, all of which start and end in the same place. (This is going to be a tad long, so grab a cup of coffee to see you through to the end.)
The adventure starts when you drag into the doctor’s office complaining about weight gain, extreme fatigue, thinning ... Views: 2069
Did you know that some animals produce their own Vitamin C? They never get heart disease. No atherosclerosis. No heart attacks. Just singing a song all the day long.
Sad to report, humans aren’t part of that happy group. Heart disease runs rampant amongst humans. Hark, Sherlock, might that ... Views: 1500
Have you been reading about phthalate? (Phthal as in thal, rhymes with Hal.) Yikes! Talk about your basic poison! This stuff is murder!
Phthalate is a “softener” added to plastics, cosmetics and everything else they can lay their hands on.
It goes without saying that it knocks the ... Views: 1533
Can we all get over our fixation on cholesterol? I mean, now that it’s clear that cholesterol isn’t what’s causing heart disease?
But, but, but, if cholesterol is building up in my arteries, doesn’t that mean cholesterol’s the problem?
Actually, no. Your cholesterol is simply trying to ... Views: 1416
A dismayed grandmother said her precious grandson was diagnosed and treated as autistic–when, in fact, he has lyme disease. She reports that a recent study said 90% of California kids diagnosed with autism actually had lyme.
Then she asked the jackpot question: How come doctors don’t know ... Views: 1458
The latest Big Thing in medicine is “Standard of Care.” It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? The name alone makes you believe that no matter what doctor you go to, there’s a Standard of Care ensuring a quality outcome. What a comforting thought.
Clever name, that. The sad truth is ... Views: 1343
Did’ja ever get the feeling you’re in Wonderland looking for Alice? Where two plus two doesn’t equal four any more, and too much of what you see offers only puzzlement?
For instance, our powers that be outlawed mercury thermometers. Better you shouldn’t know your temperature than risk ... Views: 1347
Fish oil’s good for you. Everybody says so. Yeah, fish oil, that’s the ticket.
Well, what about all the warnings about mercury in fish?
Okay then, flaxseed’s good for you. Everybody says so. Yeah, flaxseed, that’s the ticket.
Begging your pardon and all, but there’s a teensy problem ... Views: 1750
Here’s the scene: You go to the doctor dragging your patooty behind you.
Your body got fat, but your hair got thin. Overwhelmed by a whole new definition of tired, you find yourself doing beached whale impressions while life goes to pot. Well, who could cope anyway? For all you know, your ... Views: 1275
Enough with the fluoride already! Communities began adding fluoride to our drinking water based on “scientific” studies–which turned out to be bogus–claiming fluoride would protect our teeth from cavities. Based on the same “science,” companies put the stuff in toothpaste.
Fact is, fluoride ... Views: 1349
Every day of every year, people across the fruited plain engage in do-it-yourself brain damage. Sadly, they have no idea.
How can this be? I’m glad you asked.
First, some background: Along the bottom of the brain is a small, sort of pancake-shaped thingy called the hypothalamus. And ... Views: 1347
Problems of the endocrine system are everywhere, often unacknowledged and untreated by most doctors. People talk freely about the thyroid, and they should; it’s estimated 40% of us have thyroid problems. Adrenal fatigue is in style–and uglier than massive shoulder pads ever were–so we’re ... Views: 1592
The incidence of thyroid disease doubled in the last thirty-or-so years. Auto-immune diseases, which relate to the endocrine system, are skyrocketing. So, too, are diseases of the brain, such as autism, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer Disease.
A significant part of the problem is the ... Views: 1200
So, let’s talk about salt. Poor salt! It pours out its very life to benefit mankind and gets only disdain in return. Well, maybe that’s a little over the top, but salt doesn’t deserve the bad rap it gets. It’s not manna from heaven, but it’s good stuff. Essential to life stuff.
Here’s ... Views: 1219
My mom lived with Parkinson’s Disease the last seventeen ears of her life, Let me tell you for sure and for certain that Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is more like scaling Everest than walking in the park. It’s uphill all the way, with no certainty about the about the twists and turns you’ll ...My ... Views: 1228
There’s a huge soy bandwagon roaring down the tracks. It’s everywhere; 60% of prepared foods contain soy. Even some vitamins, too.
Can we talk about this?
Of course it’s everywhere; it’s the cheapest and easiest crop to grow. Farmers make some money. Food ... Views: 1211
Back in the olden days–say 1960–doctors diagnosed thyroid problems by asking about symptoms, then working to alleviate them. Simple system, that. And it worked for the 20% of the population with flaky thyroid glands.
Ah, but then blood tests, purportedly able to diagnose thyroid ... Views: 1534
I’ve been dealing with an underperforming pituitary gland most of my life–possibly from a seemingly minor head injury when a drunk driver hit my parent’s car during my eleventh month.
However it happened, the deal is this: When the pituitary ain’t happy, ain’t ... Views: 1285
Vitamin D, the Immune System, and Heart Attack and Atherosclerosis
The June 9, 2008 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine published by the American Medical Association presented the finding of Harvard researchers that men who have deficient vitamin D levels have a greater risk of myocardial ... Views: 3785
Living in Metro Cities one cannot escape polluted environment. Every
one is vulnerable to respiratory and digestive problems; AS also
unpredictable, known or unknown viral infections with seasonal changes
in weather.
The best way to fight pollution is to build body immunity. But what ... Views: 2830
The immune system is filled with protective cells called white blood cells. There are many types and all work to kill bacteria, pathogens, eat harmful cells, and neutralize toxins including metabolic waste. Some even make antibodies. Our bodies must constantly regenerate and build new white ... Views: 3391
article found at: dietary sources of glutathione
Glutathione (GSH) is an antioxidant and detoxifying agent whose protective role has been demonstrated in numerous clinical studies. GSH is synthesized rapidly in the liver, kidneys, and other tissues of the ... Views: 8439
Benzodiazepines are prescription medications that fall into the classification of Anti-Anxiety Agents. A few that you will be familiar with include Valium, Xanax, and Ativan. These prescription medications are typically used for anxiety and as a sleep aid. The major drawback with ... Views: 4641
Immunocal bioactive whey protein (which is also called HMS90 in Canada) is a nutritional supplement manufactured by Immunotec Research LTD of Canada. Immunocal bioactive whey protein is a highly concentrated, highly bio-available milk serum isolate which is rich in un-denatured whey proteins ... Views: 7278
The concept of immunity, Vyadhi Ksamatva or Bala, as it is known in Ayurveda is a fascinating and vast subject. The body’s resistance is of tremendous importance in the daily welfare of living beings; for prevention and rapid recovery from diseases, immunity plays a key role.
It can be ... Views: 8540