As I often do, I heard words in my head this morning. Thankfully, if Why Settle for Mediocrity with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Boussonyou’ve been following me you know I’m intuitive, so you’re aware that it’s spirit talking to me.
I’m out of town this morning and while sitting at my ... Views: 1295
“What do you do for a living?” I often get questioned. Yes, people may use this question as a conversation starter, but when you come out of the closet and admit you’re a psychic medium, they often turn their backs. Many close friends have said, “Oh really?” And then rolled their eyes when I’ve ... Views: 1157
It’s official… My house is inhabited!
My grandson kept pulling at his mother (my daughter) to “come here”. Since there was no one else in the house she thought he only wanted to play. His persistence paid off and my daughter followed him to my reading room (the door was closed). “Come here,” ... Views: 1235
I’ve seen a shift within the past few years. The “win-at-any-cost” mentality, which has prevailed for over the last twenty years, is changing. Thank goodness! Most of my clients are now seeking a simpler way of life, a deeper connection within themselves and within their family unit. More and ... Views: 954
Was there one defining moment in your spiritual growth? Did you have an accident, a near death experience, or a revelation? For many people the awakening to spirit comes directly after a traumatic event or life-altering experience.
Like many children, I remember seeing “imaginary” faces in ... Views: 873
When we’re young, we often try to be who we aren’t. Many of us, as adults, still wish that we had the life of another. We think that the lives of others have less stress, less anxiety or less heartache than our own – and we may be right!
Karmic lessons and family issues aside (because these ... Views: 1117
While playing with my grandson last night I took my glasses off to make bunny faces and SNAP, my glasses broke. I was recently at the optometrist to have my glasses adjusted as the lens kept popping out. Maybe it wasn’t a loose screw that needed adjusting after all. So here I sit, with the ... Views: 904
It’s often when we are faced with a challenging situation that we ask God, “Why?” Why did this happen? How could God have allowed this? Why me?
Is It Fate or Karma Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa BoussonWhy not you? God hasn’t put these situations or obstacles in your way to harm you – YOU DID. ... Views: 1271
“How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?”— Albert Einstein
We each perceive love in our own way. Your perception of love would be determined by your past experiences. If you were raised by particularly ... Views: 995
I’ve recently discussed with a few people, their unhappiness with their current working situations. Seemingly unable, or unwilling, to make a work move they stay in a less than desirable situation. They realize that their work is making them unhappy, not only while at work, but is also in their ... Views: 1194
Do I know what “It” is? Nope! One of the drawbacks of being a Psychic Medium is that we have difficulty reading for ourselves. Although, I can sense something big is about to happen, I usually don’t know exactly what it is.
Clairsentience is “Clear Sensing,” – the psychic knowledge through ... Views: 1543
I have much to accomplish today and I’m excited about it! Is my renewed energy a “symptom” of renewed health following a month long battle with a cold/sinus infection? Or is the renewed energy a bonus effect of Spring, warm weather, and sunshine? Both, I say!
We often bemoan the fact that ... Views: 1545
Having been raised without religion for most of my life, maybe I’m not the God please help them see Michigan psychic medium Lisa Boussonone who should be writing about religious zealots. But, as a victim of both, I must speak out!I recently received an email from someone who filled out the ... Views: 1206
Quite often we go about our daily lives, doing the same old thing in the same old manner. Even when we know that we’re going to get what we’ve always gotten, we can’t seem to pull ourselves out of our rut. In times like this you are stagnating. Like a cesspool of waste water, you are growing – ... Views: 903
“We look back in fondness, to our loved ones who remain on the physical plane. We see their sorrow, joy, and triumphs. We applaud the shortcomings for we know that they are opportunities for growth. We feel the joy and only wish to share it with you – please know that we do. We also remain ... Views: 1255
I’m often asked how I know that spirit is trying to connect with me. And if I know, how do I determine who it is? Many inquire as to the symbols used in spirit communication. My answer is always that your guides, angels and ancestors initially will try to get you to understand that they’re near ... Views: 1168
I visited with my niece last night (we’ll call her Bonnie). Bonnie is visiting from Alaska where she lives with her husband. Which, in itself, never ceases to amaze me.Years ago, while doing a reading for Bonnie, I saw her in a large city working in the design field. Boy, did her life path ... Views: 3375
Lily Dale, NY that is.
Do you remember the movie Somewhere In Time? If you don’t – a brief synopsis. Life in Lily Dale with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa BoussonSIT is a sort of mystical and magical love story where Jane Seymore and Christopher Reeve are in different era’s and they’re bound to ... Views: 887
Today’s classes in Lily Dale, NY were Ghost Investigation in Battlefields as well as Ghost Investigation in Gettysburg.
Mark Nesbitt and Charles Emmons, instructors of these courses, were very knowledgeable in their fields. Owner of “Ghosts of Fredericksburg Tours” and “Ghosts of Gettysburg ... Views: 1192
When I recommitted myself to a daily meditation practice back in 2006, I was told that I would be a full time medium and minister by 01/01/2008. I was excited and made this my goal. I stuck a bright orange affirmation on my bathroom mirror so that I would see it daily, keeping me on track – ... Views: 945
I spent the last two days with my grandson, who is almost 11 months old. What a fun, enlightening, and exhausting two days they were too!
I’m luck to have the ability to take time off work when needed so that I can spend time with my grandson. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. It’s such a ... Views: 1165
I just finished watching The Ghost Whisperer. The show is about a young womanEarthbound or Crossed over Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson who can see, hear, and interact with spirits that have not yet crossed over into the light. Yes, you may find this eerie, hogwash, or even intriguing. ... Views: 1190
There’s always more. There’s enough for everyone. We live in the land of plenty.
In the profession of mediumship/psychism, I’ve seen, all too often, greed. One would think that people, who are supposed to live what they are preaching and would know better than to act out of greed. Referring a ... Views: 3067
Imagine you couldn’t speak. How would you get your message across to others? How would you communicate that you want someone’s attention? You might wave your arms wildly hoping that someone would see the movement. You might tap someone on the shoulder.
Small children who are yet unable to ... Views: 997
There’s no question about it, change is difficult. Even when we are aware that something in our lives is no longer suitable for us, we remain unchanged because we’re more comfortable with what’s familiar. You keep yourself tucked, safe and sound, into something that’s smothering you because ... Views: 901
Once in a physical body, Spirit Guides are masters at helping you achieve your life goals. Keeping in mind that you really are the creator of your universe, Spirit Guides try to steer you toward your original goal that was originated prior to your physical birth. There are always bumps and ... Views: 1233
A few years ago I was contacted by a woman who told me that she was moving out of her home because her husband’s work had transferred him out of state. She told me that there were a few paranormal events while her husband was in residence but since he moved the activity was becoming unbearable. ... Views: 1119
All too often I have clients that come to me asking one question… “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” It may come as a surprise to you, but there’s no pat answer. And while I truly believe that this is why many are stuck in the rut of their lives, they stay grounded to the trap that ... Views: 1123
Years of preparation have molded you into a young woman who is worthy of great things, and you know you’re capable of reaching wondrous heights. We have always had faith that you could reach your goals, and at times wished that you could see your own true potential. Slowly, but surely – one step ... Views: 1112
I had a very short dream last night. In the dream I was in an airplane soaring in a clear blue sky. I was with a group of people and it was obvious that our intent was to skydive from the plane. The door was wide open and as I walked toward it a man pushed me out.
I awoke with a start, ... Views: 1052
Since childhood I have perceived faces in what seemed to be everyday objects. I can perceive energy with my spiritual vision, seeing what appears to be molecular structures. And I often acknowledge the presence of spirit around me through means other than clairvoyance, clairsentience and ... Views: 1493
Zen is a form of meditation with focusing on the mindful awareness of the present moment. The phrase “being Zen” or “having a Zen attitude” has come to mean viewing life calmly with self-control. Zen is the harmonious state of the mind, body, and soul. It can help you relax, have a positive ... Views: 1211
Have you ever thought you saw someone standing next to you, but when you turned there was no one there? Peripherally you may have seen what appeared to be the shadow of a person. The shadow could have been very light gray to dark gray. You may even have felt their presence at the time you saw ... Views: 1583
Do you ever feel that life is rushing past you? Can you relate to the saying, “Stop the world, I want to get off!” How about the phrase, “Calgon, take me away!” Sometimes the world seems to spin too fast; one day melding into another, and despite our harried pace we fall further and further ... Views: 1153
I’m writing this note as I sit in Tampa International Airport people watching as I’m waiting for my flight to board. I’ve enjoyed people watching for as long as I can remember. I get a lot of info from just watching people. I’m not psychically tapping into them or their energy, I’m simply ... Views: 823
As I sit in the park watching my grandson play tag with other kids on the playscape, the noise from all the children is deafening, yet I can pick out my grandson’s voice amidst the din. It makes me wonder how we are able to tune things out that are not important to us at the time, and yet when ... Views: 1097
As I was reading the internet "hot topics" this morning, a title caught my eye. "Create a beautiful image for women over 50," it read. Never having been one bothered by disclosing my age or laugh lines, I eagerly clicked the link in my quest to capture illusive beauty.
As the film clip began ... Views: 1573
I was recently given the opportunity to be in the presence of a man who inspired me, healed me, and gave me the gift of witnessing someone who was truly walking his path under the direction of God. Solomon Wickey is an Amish Iridologist and Herbalist who's approximately 80 years of age. His face ... Views: 2185
After formulating my grocery strategy for the week, I notice something has gone haywire!
Recently I attended a Couponing class - you know, the ones where they teach you the hoarding methods? :) My original goal in taking the class is to save more than I had been, which was no more than $4.00 ... Views: 1673
“As you move through your day, do so with love, caring and sustenance, for you are the caretaker of the world. Your job, as a human animal is to ensure not only the survival of your species, but also the quality of such.”
As I heard this quote I instantly felt that we have all the knowledge ... Views: 1424
Do you ever get the feeling that something is not right about your body, but you can not put your finger on it? You just don’t feel right, your usual standards appear sub-standard. Some may find that they are a bit woozy, but not quite dizzy. Maybe you’re sluggish and unmotivated, or in a ... Views: 5664
As children, our first few years are pivotal to our future growth. Optimally, our parents or caretakers teach us our alphabet, numbers and social skills, all of which we will continue to use until our passing. These, then, are some of the most important skills we can learn.
We stress to our ... Views: 1881
When we’re in our teens, and then throughout our lives, we often attempt to portrait ourselves as someone we are not. Of course, we act in a manner in which we believe others will find appealing. Whether we dress our best to appear more financially abundant than we actually are, or maybe we ... Views: 2568
Before you were born you signed a contract – with yourself! What unfinished business was left lying around from a past life? Whom did you have problematic relationships with? Let me tell you this… Much of what you’re going through now is a direct result of what was accomplished, or left undone, ... Views: 12906
Even well into our lives many people ask, “What am I here for? What is the purpose of my life?” The follow paragraphs were channeled long ago and are part of my upcoming book Walking With Jesus; Lessons Along the Pathway.
“As you continue on in years you arrive at a place where you return ... Views: 1893
It is true that sometimes we have to struggle to get where we want to be, but it doesn’t always have to be this way.
When we are amidst trouble and strife, we inherently search the horizon for more. Doing so brings only long term misery, which serves no one.
Can you live this way? Many do ... Views: 1915
“Jesus stands before me and says, “Come,” extending his hand out to me. Standing, I take His hand and walk with Him a short distance where a merry-go-round appears before us in its colorful splendor. The carousel was adorned with beautiful crystal lights and multi-colored flags that waved in the ... Views: 1611
If you’re like most people on the planet you’ve questioned why you’re here, on Earth, at this difficult time. As an ordained minister, please allow me to speak on a soul level… There’s much to be learned by living in struggling times. The current hardships are much, but when you face them with ... Views: 1603