Vitamin K is one of those vitamins that you do not seem to hear a lot about in the media or in the doctor’s office. So what is vitamin K and why should you care about it?
Vitamin K is an important nutrient for heart and bone health. There are two natural forms utilized by the body, including ... Views: 811
There has been recent research exposing the harm of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup in our daily diets. While too much sugar can contribute to metabolic syndrome, it appears now that not all sugar is created equal. In fact, fructose is much more harmful than previously thought.
The three ... Views: 916
To successfully treat breast cancer therapies must be designed individually and strategically in order to outsmart the disease and restore a patient’s health. The problem is that many treatments are so invasive and aggressive that they can destroy the health of the patient along with the ... Views: 4052
In recent months, the issue of "breast density" has received more widespread publicity. This bit of information has been contained all along in your mammogram report, but no one was talking about it and how important this piece of information is in determining the accuracy of a mammogram. Dense ... Views: 867
Even though we are well into spring, some of us may still be experiencing the winter blues, while for others, fighting off depression remains an uphill battle. That’s why I was struck by a December 2009 preliminary study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which found that regular ... Views: 1499
According to the CDC, a coronary event occurs in the United States every 25 seconds. This sobering statistic is indicative of the unhealthy state of American hearts, both for men and women. Becoming aware of what you can do to maintain and promote a healthy cardiovascular system is the first ... Views: 944
Accurate breast imaging technologies have been a hot political issue in the world of medicine for the last decade. With the re-evaluation of the effectiveness of mammograms by the American Cancer Society in 2009, experts have begun to debate whether mammography is indeed a flawed technology, ... Views: 1238
Cardiovascular disease is a growing epidemic in this country. Estimated costs of treating heart disease in the United States will increase by approximately 545 billion dollars over the next two decades.
Large pharmaceutical companies continue to push dangerous and minimally-effective statin ... Views: 989
What is Integrative Medicine and how does it compare to Biomedicine? Integrative Medicine and Biomedicine are both relatively new terms within the field of health and healing; however, Biomedicine appears to be a more recently evolved term, used loosely to describe medical doctors who take ... Views: 1042
The nuclear crisis in Japan may be slowly improving, but we are not completely out of the clear when it comes to radiation exposure. Despite assurances by the U.S. government that there is no real risk of radiation exposure here in North America, fears are continuing to rise over the potential ... Views: 836
As the nuclear crisis escalates in Japan, people across the world but particularly in the US are asking what they can do to protect themselves from exposure to nuclear radiation fallout. Self-medicating with ongoing high doses of potassium iodine is strongly discouraged because of the negative ... Views: 1371
The heart is an important muscle, responsible for circulating blood that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. Since your body needs a constant supply of blood in order to function properly, it is critical to maintain optimal circulation through diet, exercise and ... Views: 4174
Whether you’re talking about a cold or the flu, there are various recommendations for preventing and treating them. If you start early on prevention, you'll likely be among the lucky people who sail through the winter without catching either. By far the best defense is prevention. A strong ... Views: 1300
With all of the stresses of today’s modern world, depression is unfortunately becoming a common household word for many people in this country and abroad. During the cold winter months, many also struggle with seasonal depression or “winter blues,” known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). ... Views: 933
Homeopathy is essentially an alternative medical practice that treats a disease by the administration of diluted or minute doses of a remedy that would, in healthy persons, produce symptoms similar to those of the disease. Chinese Medicine is the general term to describe the numerous methods of ... Views: 811
Inflammation is your body's natural response to threats from germs, harmful toxins, environmental pollutants, injury and stress, and others. The process involves immune, vascular, and cellular biochemical reactions which work to remove the offenders and protect tissues from damage. Symptoms of ... Views: 1034
More and more research is showing just how important vitamin D is to your overall health. It is vital for the immune system, regulating inflammation, calcium absorption, and decreasing the risk for chronic diseases. It is estimated that 70 percent of the U.S. population is deficient in vitamin ... Views: 993
Americans are overweight. It’s not just what we eat, but how we eat that contributes to the obesity epidemic.
As you probably know, most Americans were thinner when we sat down to home cooked meals. Now, we barely glance at or taste what we are eating, since we are usually either driving, ... Views: 1415
There are five prevalent toxins in our environment that many of us now carry in our bodies. These five chemicals are possibly linked to certain illnesses, developmental problems, and behavioral problems. They are: bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates, PFOA, formaldehyde, and PDBEs.
Bisphenol-A (BPA) ... Views: 1053
You may have noticed an increasing number of stories in health news recently about wheat, gluten, and digestive disorders. Many are claiming that wheat is bad for us. But how can this be?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat that can cause an allergic response by the body’s immune system. This ... Views: 967
Many of us, especially women, are deficient in calcium and magnesium. In fact, having a magnesium deficiency actually decreases the amount of calcium in your body! That’s because magnesium is necessary for calcium absorption. Supplementing with calcium won’t drastically improve your calcium ... Views: 938
Of all the recommended strategies for fighting disease and promoting overall health and well being, few are as critical and profound as the practice of healthy eating. Healthy eating is a lifelong process of nourishing our bodies, minds and spirits. It is not about depriving ourselves completely ... Views: 875
The holidays are over and we are now deep into the winter season. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the winter is about conservation of energy, efficiency and slowing down our pace in concert with nature. As nature slows down and everything grows slower or stops, the potential for new growth in ... Views: 991
The holidays are over and we are now deep into the winter season. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the winter is about conservation of energy, efficiency and slowing down our pace in concert with nature. As nature slows down and everything grows slower or stops, the potential for new growth in ... Views: 836
Winter is in full force but spring will be here before you know it, allowing you to engage in more outdoor activities, such as gardening and yard work—clearing your garden beds for new seeds, raking leaves and getting your backyard ready for barbecues. But just as you clean up your home ... Views: 831
To many people, the New Year symbolizes a chance to start over and make new commitments to their health and wellness. It is a time of resolutions and strict dietary plans, when new memberships to fitness facilities are at an annual peak, and vows are renewed to abstain from eating fattening, ... Views: 814
To understand how to achieve good metabolic health, it is important to understand the hormones that influence your metabolism, which include insulin, ghrelin and leptin. While insulin is made in the pancreas and allows cells to use glucose from the bloodstream for energy, ghrelin is made ... Views: 1035
When practiced regularly, meditation can promote physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Many Westerners use meditation as a way of improving overall health, and to improve issues ranging from cardiovascular disease, inflammation and immune activity, to pain, anxiety, depression, and ... Views: 912
Following an organic, whole foods-based diet that contains a variety of fresh vegetables is essential for maintaining optimal health. Vegetables have significant phytochemical (plant nutrient and antioxidant) profiles and are many are rich in fiber, which contribute to gastrointestinal health as ... Views: 490
We all know the old adage of the frog that is placed in the pot of cold water. The water heats so slowly that the frog merrily goes about its froggy business never realizing its fate until it’s too late to jump out. The point is we allow ourselves to adapt to unrelenting “stress” in multiple ... Views: 533
A new year has begun and with resolutions in high gear, many people are looking to improve their overall health. Of all the recommended strategies for fighting disease and promoting vitality, few are as critical and profound as the practice of healthy eating. In general, it is best to follow a ... Views: 491