In order to awaken who you really are, you have to set free everything that is not you. Any part of yourself that has been built up, transformed, or altered and doesn’t feel real is not you. By becoming your true self, you are able to find peace within yourself. True happiness and contentment ... Views: 683
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Healing Your Heart - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
During certain experiences, we may find ourselves trying to protect ourselves by closing off our heart. We close off our emotions and shield ourselves from others and their behaviors so that our heart will not become hurt even more than it is. How others behave toward us affects our openness. ... Views: 825
Forgiving someone after they have hurt you is the best and only option you have to release what happened. Forgiving something that happened in your past is also another way to let it go and move on. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that is often left abandoned, for we often choose to instead ... Views: 697
Communicating in a way that is easily understood can happen when you are truly present with the conversation and the person you are talking to. If we are lost in our thoughts, then what we say and how we say it could be different than what we mean. If we are emotionally distracted, our words ... Views: 700
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Finding Friends - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
How do you create a new friendship and find someone who fits you and connects with you? It can feel hard, for if your job doesn’t provide that kind of openness or availability with others, then where do you look? Begin by finding a way to do what you like. If you are doing what you love, you ... Views: 926
It is easy to get locked into patterns with another person and to find yourself expecting things to always stay the same. Patterns evolve usually because we are not allowing change to take place. We behave in set ways to either make ourselves feel comfortable or to protect ourselves. Patterns ... Views: 867
When we like someone, we may be afraid to approach them. We may have developed a crush and feelings toward them, but because of our fear of rejection, we haven’t spoken to them about the possibility of getting together. When we really like someone, approaching them feels even hard because they ... Views: 3778
When our children reach their teen years, they can become defiant and seem to be working against us. Why is this? Because they are trying to search out who they are, and in the process, their perception of you tends to change. This can be the hardest part; a once loving and rather obedient ... Views: 986
When we are angry, we feel like we have no control over it and that it overtakes us. Anger is such a strong emotion that once we go there, we are so riled up that the experience and how we feel tends to last a long time. Anger is an experience of not accepting life because it is when we choose ... Views: 1053
What do you do when others think they are more important than you? How do you deal with people who always put themselves first? It seems like there is always someone who believes they deserve more than others. It is not just that they put themselves first, but it is that they put you second. ... Views: 2508
Sometimes we don’t look that closely at our relationships because we fear that we might realize something we don’t want to see. If we keep our understanding of each other at a superficial level, then our expectations will be met. We try not to look too closely at what may be wrong within each ... Views: 1081
Expectations of oneself or others can be a hard thing to live with. If we do not live up to our own expectations, we feel lost at our own inability. If others let us down, we have a hard time understanding or even forgiving them. Expectations are ideas of how things should be and work out in ... Views: 1266
When we are in a close relationship with another person, sometimes we can feel the walls between each other. Sometimes, one of us may be trying to protect ourselves or hiding what we really are from the other person. After a while, this behavior becomes normal and thus is prolonged. If you ... Views: 1513
Opening up to your true self can be a very rewarding experience. It can shed light on not only who you are, but what you have become. Often, we do not see the real us. We get lost in our day-to-day lives, the managing of our existence, and forget to connect to the real us. Sometimes we may ... Views: 1199
Learning to recover from moments of stress can be a valuable tool to have. Letting go of the stress connected to a moment that has passed can feel hard and sometimes difficult, for even though the moment has passed, our bodies and minds are still replaying the event and holding onto how it ... Views: 816
Understanding your siblings can be hard for we often have ideas of who they are based on our childhood and our connections with them. We may not see the real person they are or have become. Instead, we come from a place of relating to them as if they are still the same person in our memories. ... Views: 594
Letting go of everything that has been holding you back in life is not only beneficial, but it is also imperative for your well-being and who you really are. We are constantly changing and evolving, but often we lack the ability to free ourselves up from old ways of being and old habits. In ... Views: 720
Seeing the world as new is about letting go of what feels old. It is about realizing the world is constantly changing and that you are too. Because of this, everything around you is constantly evolving, growing, changing, and nothing is repeated. The only thing that holds onto repetition is ... Views: 778
Finding out who you really are is about letting go of who you think you are. We develop certain ideas of who we are and hold onto them, even if they do not fit the real us. Sometimes our habits and even certain ways of being feel so real that we cannot imagine living without them. What do you ... Views: 4687
Creating your own happiness is letting go of what is holding it back, for we are all meant to be happy in our lives, living from a place of enjoyment, contentment ,and love. Why then does it feel like sometimes your life is missing this element; why are you without it? It can feel this way and ... Views: 1063
Understanding the best way to relax is something that is very personal. It of course has a lot to do with what is bothering you and what is going on in your life. We tend to hold onto the stress, the worry, and the tension in our lives which causes us to lose a relaxed state of being. ... Views: 728
Stress is a learned behavior; it is holding onto something that bothers us, affects us, and imbalances us. We choose, in a way, to accept it and prolong it by holding onto it. Stress was once a factor in our lives when we related it to fear, a response brought on by stimuli and a need to ... Views: 864
When we choose to come from a place that is real, that touches who we really are, we are then coming from our true selves. We are empowering our destiny, our truth, and our calling in this life when we act from our true form, from who we really are and not just from our idea or perception of ... Views: 816
Contemplation of our existence is primordial; it is forever within our consciousness. It is part us to question where we come from, who we are, where we are going, and what is really important in our lives. We may think that we are living how we are meant to; holding onto the idea that what we ... Views: 658
Feeling the need to be in control is a strong habit. It helps us to feel safe, at peace, and content, but only on the surface, for under the desired effect of trying to control lies the real discontentment that is causing the action. The continued desire for control will override any ... Views: 2899
There can be times in life where we feel like we are not up to the challenge, lost, or in need. We tend to look elsewhere for comfort, acceptance, and for our desires to be met. However, underneath it all we are really looking to ourselves for self-acceptance so that we can fully see our ... Views: 671
How do you relate to the moment you are in when you feel like you are struggling or having a hard time? First, one must look at the reality of what is happening and where you are. It is very important not to confuse the present moment with moments from the past or worry about the future, ... Views: 805
Often times in life, we interact with people we do not know and try to find a way to relate to them. Without feeling uncomfortable, how does one interact with someone else they know nothing about? How do you get the conversation started, where do you begin? Some of us are natural talkers and ... Views: 2138
Fear is something we all have at one level or another. Why is it there, what good does it do us? It used to be important as a tool to warn us of danger, to keep us on our toes, and to be more aware. Now, we live in a time where this is almost uncalled for. We go through life aware enough to ... Views: 782
Learning how to live peacefully is about no longer viewing life as a struggle and no longer feeling that you need to be in control or manage anything around you. Finding peace is about acceptance of everything, of not only yourself, but about accepting your place in life. This doesn’t mean in ... Views: 885
Letting go of a relationship, whether it is a divorce, a separation, or ending a friendship, can be a very hard moment to go through. When we let go of anything we are emotionally attached to, we tend to prolong the moment with our desire and thoughts, especially if we are not the ones wishing ... Views: 965
Awakening the source of your happiness is about letting go of the idea that you are waiting for something or holding yourself back. It is about being present with where you are in life. It is about connecting to your true self and letting yourself be you just as you are. All of these things ... Views: 1089
Understanding your true nature is a fundamental part of your happiness. We tend to overlook this; instead, we act as who we think we are. We look for our behaviors to correlate with who we think we are rather than what we really are. We act a certain way so that the idea of ourselves is ... Views: 1050
As we go through life, we tend to add up what has happened to us, what has gone wrong, and how we made it through it. We take and add up what has come before and hold onto it, instead of letting go of it. Therefore, by adding up our troubles, our mistakes, and our problems, we are creating a ... Views: 655
As we go through life, sometimes we lose the idea of hope; we give up on things changing, on ourselves, on our world becoming better. We lose the hope that resides within, so that we can come to terms with what has already happened thus far in our lives. We see what has come before and assume ... Views: 2750
Waking up to your destiny is about finding your path; it is about letting yourself be led by instinct, emotion, feeling, knowledge, and with what feels right. Destiny is not about control or how you see things. Instead, it is about becoming part of where and who you should be; it is not about ... Views: 760
So you try to do all the right things in life; you try to be present and engaged, relating to the moment, seeking truth, and yet you still feel lost and drawn away from reality. How do you stay centered even when you try? There can be many things that unbalance us and keep us from staying ... Views: 930
Understanding your path in life is more about finding out who you are than being who you think you should be. We often go through life living a blueprint of our lives. Following plans laid down ages ago, acting out a future to please others or even ourselves. We choose not to let go of the ... Views: 1143
Seeing the moment for what it is, is important for how we relate to it. Without construing false pretenses or imagining outcomes, we let the moment be just as it is without further interpretation. To let the moment exist how it is, to be present with it, allows us to not only fully experience ... Views: 920
Losing yourself in a relationship is a common occurrence. It happens when we forgo our own happiness for that of another, when we give up on our self so that the relationship stays as how we think it should. We give our identity over to the combined effort of keeping the relationship in ... Views: 3107
Becoming who you are meant to be is to set yourself up for success in life. It is allowing yourself to become not only the best possible you, but activating all the initiative related to your success. If we live our lives in the dark, pretending to be happy because we see success in a certain ... Views: 761
We are all meant for something; that is what is real in life. When this thing we are meant for is not part of us, not with us, that is when we are at a loss in life, in our careers, and in our personal lives. All of this is connected, for when we connect to what we are meant for, where we are ... Views: 686
Perception or truth, which dominates your reality more strongly, which is more present in how you relate to the world and even yourself? We can all exist in both or more heavily in one or the other. If we fall too heavily on our own perceptions, we become clouded, our judgment is altered, and ... Views: 599
We all walk through life differently, seeking different options and looking in different directions, but there is one thing we are all the same at and that is how we believe in ourselves plays a huge role in our success as a person. In letting go of old habits we are releasing something that is ... Views: 839
Sometimes the people we work with are not the ones we would choose to be around. We often do not click our co-workers and we find it hard to accept our place within the confines of who we must be to do so. Work alone can sometimes be stressful and hard to cope with, but adding the stress of ... Views: 715
When we go through life sometimes we create an idea of ourselves, one which may not correlate to who we truly are, but only fits with what we think we are. There can be an imbalance between the two, that one outweighs the other. How do you find yourself when you have created layers of ... Views: 611
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Relax and Let Go - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
In life we find ourselves always pushing, working, and striving for something better, whether it is ourselves, our situation, or something around us. We work very hard at this, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, finding that we can never fully relax and let it be. Who we are is capable of ... Views: 837
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Letting Go Of Fear - by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young at Answers in Writing
When we are faced with events or moments in our lives that cause us to fear something it is easy to slip into the role of always behaving this way. If an event or moment were to come along that reminds us of something that came before, something we had a hard time with, it is easy to associate ... Views: 832
Often in life we find we are not being who we truly are, that we are holding something back, a feeling that we are not fully connected to what we are as a person. It is like we are going through life as someone else, playing a role and not being true to who we really are. Often the truth of ... Views: 640
Staying clear in the moment is giving up on the idea of trying to manage it. It is letting go of any control and allowing yourself and the moment to exist just as it is. With control there is a fight and when this occurs, we are betraying ourselves; we are letting ourselves be controlled. To ... Views: 552