Who wouldn’t like to get more done in less time, have excess hours and energy to devote to family, hobbies, and rest? If you looked at the actions and habits of the average worker, you would wonder. We seem to be increasing productivity to levels formerly seen as impossible, lengthening our ... Views: 1400
Have you recently observed the steam coming out of the ears of a few women over forty? Not sure what’s up and what started it all? Let me clue you in. It’s a reaction to a just published McKinsey & Company report in conjunction (some would say cahoots) with The Wall Street Journal. In the spirit ... Views: 1829
Diseases, disorders, and conditions seem to go in and out of public favor. Not so long ago everyone seemed to have dyslexia, and then it was ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder). Charlie Sheehan put mania back on the radar. With the widespread success of the movie “Social Media,” ... Views: 2702
Each of us, at some time in our career, dreamed of “designing” the perfect boss. You know what I mean. Type in the specifications and out would come exactly who you needed to get your job done with none of the flaws we’ve all tolerated in mere mortals. The question is “what would you want in a ... Views: 1365
s I see it, there are really three places you can exist in your career--Comfort, Growth, or Fear zones. Let’s assess where you are. Think of a work issue, your current status, or even take a bird’s eye view of the recent past. Ask yourself “Where am I?” “Am I operating mostly in my comfort ... Views: 1656
Atul Gawande is an accomplished scholar (Mac Arthur Fellow), a staff writer for The New Yorker, and a Harvard professor, in addition to being a well-respected surgeon. He is also an astute observer with a curious mind. In the world of surgery, infection kills more people than the operations. ... Views: 1443
Executive coaching clients wanting to enhance their role and impact in their current workplace continuously ask me, “How do I get greater recognition?” “Make sure my boss doesn’t get all of the credit?” “What’s the best way to be found by potential employers and thought leaders in my field?” My ... Views: 1726
The word civility is surely not new to the language, yet it is not a term you hear spoken every day. It took a “shellacking,” a tea party, and a deadly shooting for a few people to step back and ask “is this really the way ‘we’ want to treat one another?” Of course, most of us, myself included, ... Views: 2320
Time off gave me the opportunity to read and listen to more news and pop culture media than usual. The myriad of suggestions is staggering. I have chosen a few I found interesting and doable. Try some and you will be well ahead of the curve.
In 2011 I will:
Backup personal data as ... Views: 1337
Here is the second part of “Resume Essentials.” In this section, we’ll discuss some of the nuances of a resume and how it can attract the right people to you and your work history.
Brand Names: Everyone likes the familiar, so if you’ve worked with an organization that has high recognition, ... Views: 1311
We will discuss, exclusively, chronological resumes. They are the most common, generally preferred by HR pros, and if you know how to create them, the easiest to write. They’re not well-suited to career changers, people with gaps in work, and possibly recent grads.
We all need to remember a ... Views: 1414
The tone and stiff upper lip image the phrase “Keep Calm and Carry On” portrays tells a lot about its origins. It’s 1939 and Hitler’s forces are bombing England day and night. The government prints motivational posters telling the people “Keep Calm and Carry On.” And they did.
Fast forward ... Views: 2196
When I say NUTs I am not referring to some of the crazies my clients tell me are hanging around their workplace. I mean Nagging Unfinished Tasks. You know what I’m talking about, those things you are going to file (electronically or physically), the calls you should make, the networking you ... Views: 1172
One of things I love about being a coach is the variety of people and situations that come to my office or call on the phone. In no particular order here are some of the presenting challenges brought to coaching sessions. You will note—I fired no one.
A client comes to executive coaching ... Views: 1617
You probably know the work of Matt Richtel, though his name may not be familiar to you. Richtel won the Pulitzer Prize in National Reporting for the New York Times for his series titled “Driven to Distraction.” The series, where he addressed the impact of multitasking, texting, and phoning while ... Views: 1515
In the Business section of the New York Times (August 8, 2010 ), the author, Stephanie Rosenbloom, wrote about people who had successfully downsized their lives, sometimes to a level many of us would deem extreme, particularly when it came to possessions. Whether by choice or circumstances, such ... Views: 1633
Bob Sheppard, the announcer for the New York Yankees, for more than almost six decades, applied three simple principles to his extraordinary delivery. Surely his beautiful baritone made him highly listenable and memorable; however, it was his discipline that made him a lifetime member of the ... Views: 8665
Too quickly, and too often the answer given to this question is “yes.” “Of course you have to move to get to the next level, make more money.” “Everyone knows home-growns are paid less.” True? Not necessarily, according to Monika Hamori, professor of Human Resource Management at the IE Business ... Views: 2702
I’ve been thinking about, and sharing with my executive coaching clients, the idea of validation. What I mean is the need of almost all of us to be told, in word or reaction, that who we are and what we contribute is relevant, valuable, and special.
People on the job interview circuit ... Views: 1497
Are you envious of people who can go on vacation and not give work, home, or other obligations a thought? I use to be but then decided it really wasn’t the right mindset for me.
As many of you know, I am an advocate of “the blended life” (to read more take a look at my past article on the ... Views: 2444
Are you a renter or an owner? The question is generally asked about living space or maybe an office. Today, I ‘m asking about it with regards to your job and/or career.
Think about it. A renter generally has a defined time commitment, a lease. They may have an exit plan from the get go “we’ll ... Views: 1079
“Love my work, hate my job” is the lament of too many people. Since layoffs appear to have reduced in numbers and the workplace seems to be settling into the new normal, people have the luxury of contemplating whether they're happy in the workplace.
Being out of work, or even the threat of ... Views: 5801
How do you predict the outcome of a behavior, project, or idea?
A few days ago, an executive career-coaching client came to a session with an interesting PowerPoint presentation. It was a proposal to a potential employer. My client hoped the company would gain a better appreciation of his ... Views: 6328
I'm always surprised at how many of my executive career coaching clients are hesitant to contact former colleagues and supervisors when they need advice or information. I call these their “networking hurdles.” It seems particularly true when they’re looking for a job. Why is that? I gave it some ... Views: 1509
I learned the W-A-I-T acronym in my graduate school training. I’ve always posted a small note on my wall, out of the client’s view, as a reminder. The letters stand for “Why Am I Talking?”
Why do people talk too much in business situations?
They’re anxious. Maybe the gathering is about a ... Views: 5670
My last Competitive Edge Report article “Is the Key Still in Your Ignition?” hit a sweet cord with a number of you and sour note with others. I thought I’d continue the discussion this week by looking back as well as forward.
The impetus for the original piece, where I advocated when you take ... Views: 1510
Last week, while I was considering subjects for this article, I found myself thinking about a tip my daughter-in-law, Mary, gave me. Since she was trained by the military as a truck mechanic, I take her automotive advice seriously. Then, I had to laugh. I think this is the third Competitive Edge ... Views: 1435
There aren’t many people who could say their opponents shed a tear at their funeral; however, that is reportedly what happened at the services for the late Edward Kennedy.
As with most current events, I found myself curious for the lesson(s) behind the story.
While researching Kennedy’s ... Views: 1495
I decided autumn was a great time to clean out the garage. Thought, while I was at it, to get rid of the things that had been replaced or whose time had come. The answer was clear—sell it at my first ever yard sale.
Here’s what I learned and how I think we can all apply some of the lessons to ... Views: 1274
Conversations with a number of coaching clients have focused on the need to network and develop a networking strategy. While job seekers may not want to “get out there in a big way,” they generally appreciate the role that reconnecting and meeting new people plays in identifying positions and ... Views: 1331
I hear it all the time from my coaching clients, “I want to get to the next level and in order to do that, I have to take on a leadership role.”
“Really? And do you want to be a leader?”
“I don’t know, seems like I have to if I want to get ahead.”
This is a treacherous and potentially ... Views: 1301
Having been on both sides of the layoff table I can tell you with great confidence that few employment decisions are based strictly on contribution or goal attainment. Don’t get me wrong, making money for the firm is important, doing superior work is essential; however, there is that less ... Views: 1208
Whether you call it laid-off, downsized, or losing a perfectly good position you love, being told you no longer have a job is not fun.
While not totally preventable. it is possible to do things, or not do them, to lessen your chances of making the expendable list.
Here are some of my ... Views: 1356
Many people are asking themselves this question. Whether it is because the industry you know has lost its purpose (CD anyone?), your lifestyle demands your increased presence (twins!), or you are unmotivated, disenchanted, burned-out, under-stimulated, or just can’t face looking at that guy in ... Views: 1477
At its essence, networking is connecting with people. It can be individuals you know, want to know better, or are considering bringing into your sphere. As social beings the behavior is not only normal but instinctual. So why when I put “business” or “career” in front of networking do many of my ... Views: 1211
Times are tough. It is hard to avoid the challenges of the day whether it is your job, wallet, optimism or health that has been impacted.
Earlier in the year I was redoing my kitchen. Clearing out twenty years of accumulation was a bigger task than I expected. I was shocked at how much ... Views: 820
Malcolm Gladwell made a name for himself by writing three bestselling books “Blink,” “The Tipping Point,” and now “Outliers.” His latest is currently number 5 on the bestseller list. The word outlier refers to “a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from others of the ... Views: 1622
For nine consecutive years, info marketing guru Dan Kennedy had been a presenter at the number 1 seminar tour in the US. You only have to be around Dan an hour to observe his certain kind of genius as well as understand that maverick is not an understatement. Despite his eccentric behavior he ... Views: 1095
Sound golf advice. I can think of a few applications—fat heads often have trouble with finesse and close-ups; bigger isn’t always better and there is the right tool for almost every task.
When I think of applying the idea to challenges in the workplace I am drawn first to bullying. Some time ... Views: 738
How does a company, firm, or individual determine if they have, want, or are striving toward the competitive edge? Questioning “what is professional success?” is a good first step. For many, the easy answer is money and status. But, when these are attained (or lost) it is surprising how ethereal ... Views: 904
If you want your resume to get noticed, open doors and land you the job you want and deserve …
1. State accomplishments - what have you done in past positions that has made the company money, saved them money, found them time, saved them time or brought prestige to the organization or the ... Views: 941
“Liars, Bigger Liars and d’em that figure.” An uncle often used this expression when knocking politicians and accountants. This week his words resonated with me as it seems everyone is accusing everyone else of either not telling the truth or lying by omission. The political debate is more about ... Views: 769
Social Networking gets your job search noticed
When I speak of social networking I am referring primarily to Facebook.com (growing the fastest) LinkedIn.com (I call it the Facebook.com of business), My Space.com (huge globally) and Twitter.com (getting the most buzz). Not to say there are ... Views: 727
Top 4 Resume Writing Mistakes Smart People Make (and how to avoid them)
1. Underselling Accomplishments. You would be amazed how many people either forget or minimize their achievements. Some managers are too quick to give, rather than take credit, and often couch their successes in ... Views: 716
Watching the news coverage of the commercial airplane’s emergency landing into the river in New York I found myself curious about the captain. Who was he? What did he know? How had he learned it? Was it instinct or training, skill or luck?
So what does this have to do with you, your career ... Views: 751
Watching the news coverage of the commercial airplane’s emergency landing into the river in New York I found myself curious about the captain. Who was he? What did he know? How had he learned it? Was it instinct or training, skill or luck?
So what does this have to do with you, your career ... Views: 1389
You just heard the news - you were passed over for the big promotion.
Now what should you do?
Here are some simple steps that might ease the frustration, give you some insight and help you plan your next career move.
Step 1 – Take a deep breath, assess the situation and ask yourself ... Views: 2644
People who are afraid to speak in public think nothing of writing everything about them self on line either in blogs, personal web sites, through social networking or e-mail.
You could buy a billboard in Times Square and fewer people would have access to your information than if you posted on ... Views: 676
If the 80s was the decade of the manager (remember The One-Minute Manager?), and the 90s focused on leaders (sometimes more like celebrities), the 00s is the time of team leadership. No longer are companies relying on a single person to drive the vision. The risks are too high, the talent ... Views: 631