This cooling qi gong visualization helps the body to achieve balance and promote healing of:
*Issues involving struggle and resistance in our lives, said to create emotional heat in the Chinese medicine system.
*Health conditions that have a hot or inflammatory nature such as cancer, arthritis ... Views: 3357
Qi gong is one of the most powerful tools for staying young and nourishing longevity. How does it work?
Builds Internal Strength and Suppleness
Unlike other forms of traditional western exercise, qi gong trains the energy of the body to invigorate internal organs to promote balanced health and ... Views: 2939
This qi gong color visualization helps you to strengthen the energy of the pericardium and heart. The pericardium energy is associated spiritually with our intimate relationships.
Thus, when our pericardium energy is low, we find ourselves more challenged to engage intimate relationships ... Views: 2576
The skill of crafting harmonious relationships can increase productive business collaborations, loving personal relationships, and help you to achieve greater growth in the areas of health and spirituality.
People who are prosperous with relationships have developed the skill of creating ... Views: 1149
This qi gong can help to relieve lower back pain, strengthen the kidneys and reproductive organs, and help to release the emotion of fear and build will.
Start this qi gong session in either a sitting or standing position.
Place hands on the lower back with palms facing the lower back.
Step ... Views: 5352
These three powerful strategies can help you to achieve your ideal weight and improve your overall health and vitality.
1. Boost the Energy of Your Spleen to Raise Metabolism
In summer, we tend to drink and eat cold foods. Yet, cold foods and drinks can suppress the energy of the spleen to ... Views: 1751
Note with any herbal remedy, please consult your medical physicians and a trained herbalist as to the appropriateness of using herbs.
Natural Antihistamines
Custom Chinese herbal formulations can be one of the most effective ways to relieve allergies with long lasting results. A trained ... Views: 2473
One of the most powerful forms of cancer-prevention and cancer management exercises is qi gong, a gentle form of healing exercises from China that is similar to Tai Chi.
Qi gong movements not only help us to increase our levels of oxygen to detoxify the body but also specifically impact ... Views: 2691
Detoxify, Decrease Stress and Relax
The mind has a large role in influencing our immunity system and empowering us to recover from cancer. Understanding the energetics of cancer can help us target visualization activities for greater effectiveness in increasing our immunity strength and ... Views: 938
The true art of meditating is integrating practices into everyday life so that you are empowered transform how you are moving through life.
Breath work is a meditative technique that can be performed at any time, while sitting in your car during traffic, walking around a grocery store, or ... Views: 693
In the Chinese medicine system, the liver is associated with conditions involving hypertension, anemia, headaches at the top of the head, and the emotions of anger or compassion.
This simple qi gong liver release will empower you to begin cultivating an internal calmness within the liver ... Views: 8169