Many of us have some type of social network we connect to online for various reasons. Some of us may be out there just to check on others we know and see what they are doing. Some of us may be out there to find that special someone in our lives we can spend some time with. Some of us may be out ... Views: 953
Most anything we have in life; we have to take care of. There are few maintenance free things in the world since everything eventually wears out and has to be replaced. That is why while we have these things, we are required to take care of them so they work to their full potential.
Even as ... Views: 1011
There are many things in life we wish we could change. We may not like the job we have. We may be upset about a relationship that has gone bad. We may have health issues we would like to improve. We may be so far in debt, we don’t know how it happened and can’t seem to figure out how to get out ... Views: 830
If there was a book today written similar to the Bible containing life stories of people in our generations, who do we believe would be in that book? Who do we know who has lived for God and made a difference? Whose lives have been examples to many because they let God lead their lives? Have we ... Views: 870
We all have moved something around in our house or cleaned out an area of our home just to make things a little different. We may have wanted to get rid of something. We may have wanted to add something to the room so we had to shift some other things around. Or we may have wanted to get a new ... Views: 953
There are days where we have plans to do things but by the end of the day nothing we planned to do was accomplished. It could have been due to distractions, other people’s situations or something even greater than what we could have ever imagined. Plans don’t always go as we would like for them ... Views: 916
We all have forgotten something at some point in our lives. Some of us need reminders about most everything. We get so caught up in life, we tend to forget what is important. We tend to forget the big picture. Yet God continues to remind us. He watches us as we listen to His word in church, as ... Views: 1006
We all know people who always want more. They wonder why they didn’t get the promotion. They wonder why they didn’t get special recognition. They wonder why they don’t have the bigger house, the better cars, and the best of everything.
It is so easy to think of all the things we don’t have. ... Views: 996
How often do we feel alone? How many times when there is no one around to talk to do we feel like no one cares? When we try to reach out to others whether we have good news to share or bad news to share and can’t find anyone who has time to listen, why is it we feel so down?
God tells us to ... Views: 881
We sometimes wonder why things keep happening to us. We wonder why we continually have issues to deal with and problems on our minds. We think about and get overwhelmed at times in many areas of our lives and can't seem to understand why things aren't getting any easier. The answer is life isn't ... Views: 883
If we were honest with ourselves, we could say there are times when we feel inadequate and worthless. There are times when we feel we aren’t good enough to do something or be who we feel we need to be. We feel worthless at times because we fail or have struggles and we think no one else has to ... Views: 1468
There are hundreds and thousands of quotes and clips which we have passed down through the ages. We have words of wisdom from men and women who have been through trials and struggles who share their experiences with us through short, yet thought provoking, words. Many of them are similar in ... Views: 871
As we go through our daily lives, we may not always see the blessings we have around us. We are too busy; we are deep in thought or just carrying on with our regular routines. However, we all have many blessings every day and if we aren’t careful, the day could pass and we could miss ... Views: 2494
We all go through times in our lives where we feel like things are just not going the way we had hoped. We have financial problems, relationship issues, career changes or health challenges. We know, however, these things will pass and they are only temporary. But as we go through them, we have ... Views: 886
It’s funny how we run around every day working for what we believe we need, when God clearly tells us to seek Him first and He will give us everything we need. Why do we continue to look everywhere for the things we think we need when all we have to do is go to Him? Do we really believe we can ... Views: 709
It’s funny how we run around every day working for what we believe we need, when God clearly tells us to seek Him first and He will give us everything we need. Why do we continue to look everywhere for the things we think we need when all we have to do is go to Him? Do we really believe we can ... Views: 828
We are all guilty of not doing the right thing at certain times in our lives. As children, we may cheat on a test at school, take a little money from our mom’s purse without asking or lie about where we were so we wouldn’t get in trouble. However, as we grow older we learn doing the right thing ... Views: 944
Our minds are always busy thinking about things. We sometimes think about what all we have to do. We may think about what someone else has done. We may form opinions about others in our heads or talk back to someone in our minds. We tend to think things we really wouldn’t say out loud.
If we ... Views: 1374
There are some days when we feel like nothing really significant happened. We go through the motions of the day and go to bed at night thinking how tired we are but not really realizing how great the day has been. We wake up the next day feeling like we wasted a day; however, we need to stop and ... Views: 1168
We all have problems. We can’t really get away from them. We have troubles at home, issues that come up at work, financial problems, etc. Once we get over one problem, another problem seems like it is just around the corner. We pay off one bill only to find we have another to pay. We get over ... Views: 1071
So many times we allow ourselves to give in. Not necessarily to others but to ourselves. We make a decision to do something we know may not be the best decision but we do it because we are tired, we are looking for an easy way out or we are looking for something better. It is so important to be ... Views: 973
It is so common to think about what we need or what we don’t have. We may spend more time dwelling on things we think we have to have in life rather than being happy and satisfied with what we do have. The same is true with what is going wrong in our lives. We hear other people ask us what is ... Views: 921
There are things we do out of habit and routine that if we didn’t do them we wouldn’t feel right all day. We brush our get out of bed, brush our teeth, eat about three meals a day, etc. and skipping any part of our routine would not seem natural. These habits are just a part of life which we ... Views: 856
Think about places we have gone and what we have done to arrive early to get a good seat or a good place in line. We head out early to get a good buy at a local store, a good seat at the movies or in a restaurant. We share these things with others and encourage them to go as well.
Matthew ... Views: 1079
When we get upset about how someone acts or how they treat us, we tend to be resentful toward them. We believe, in our minds, they should act one way; however, they continue to act another. It may be their actions are not wrong. It may just be we want them to be different so we resent them ... Views: 4506
There are times when situations happen to others and we don’t really know what to say or do. We feel like we need to something to help them with the hurt they have but our words are just not enough. We want to do something, take some type of action, but nothing we do would really help them. ... Views: 1188
It’s all about how we say things. Ever notice how two people can say the same thing but get different results? One person may say it in a kind and loving way. Another may say it in a loud demanding voice. When we want to make a difference in the lives of others, we need to be aware of how we say ... Views: 2291
There are many brief encounters in life with others who we may only see for a moment. We have time to talk with them only for a few minutes about whatever comes to our minds. There are other times when we have meetings or encounters where we spend a few hours, or even a day with someone we may ... Views: 1058
We all have a deep sense of awe or urgency to help someone at some point in our lives. We see or hear of something tragic happen and want to give of our time or money. We learn about someone in our work or school who is going through a hard time and we want to help. We have a friend or family ... Views: 1092
Judges 2:22 “I did this to test Israel – to see whether or not they would obey the Lord as their ancestors did.”
When we look back on history, we see so many examples of where God allowed certain things to happen to His people to test them and strengthen them. The people of Israel had to put ... Views: 995
Think about a time when there were clear directions on how to get to a certain place but we somehow turned down the wrong road. Think about a time when a specific recipe wasn’t followed and the taste was just not as good as our grandmothers. When seamstresses are making clothing, the pattern has ... Views: 1030
Have you ever looked back on a day, week or period of time and think about the time wasted? Not necessarily the time waiting in line or in meetings but gaps of time where we spent time doing something or nothing of particular importance. If we added up those hours we spend daily watching ... Views: 965
Poverty and scarcity can happen while we are sleeping. Not only poverty for ourselves but for others. When we choose to sleep and rest, we are allowing poverty and scarcity to happen to others as well. Sleeping and resting is not just about laying or sitting down, it is about continuing in our ... Views: 918
There are times when we have a disagreement with someone, we feel so strongly about being right and we are so sure we are not going to ever hang around with them again. We feel whatever the situation, we are done with them. We are going to disassociate ourselves from them and move on. However, ... Views: 1110
We all have situations come up where one thing is more important to one person than it is to the other. There are times when there are misunderstandings and we don’t always know the whole story. Other times we make things that are somewhat unimportant blow up into something really big that ... Views: 1145
We have all types of reasons to celebrate. There are birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, graduations and many other opportunities for everyone to get together and have a good time to remember a significant person or time in history. There are only two real important dates to celebrate which has ... Views: 1007
Ever tried to focus on something but no matter how hard you tried your mind continued to drift off to something else? The distractions and thoughts in our minds alone can keep us from getting things done without any other influences such as other people, noises or other interruptions. Focusing ... Views: 4122
If someone asked us to sell everything we had and give them to the poor, would we be willing? Are the things we think we can’t live without really worth living for? We easily get upset when something in the house breaks like the dishwasher or the Internet is down. When we run out of our favorite ... Views: 1521
How many times do we wish people would change or circumstances would change? We often remark how we don’t understand how people act how they do or why bad things continue to happen to us. We see others who don’t do what they are supposed to do and continue to get ahead while we are trying to do ... Views: 1023
The First Move
How many times have we been in a situation where we were waiting on someone else to make the first move? We may have been in a disagreement with a friend and felt like he or she should approach us first. We may have wanted to help in the church or another organization and were ... Views: 946
Everyone gets busy with their own things to do. We all have priorities and spend time doing what we feel is important throughout the day. We make our own decisions whether we are going to work, if we are going to exercise, if we are going to have a good attitude about things and if we are going ... Views: 937
Many times we feel like we are bombarded with things to do. We have responsibilities at home, at work, at school. We have obligations to God, to others and to ourselves. We want a balanced life with a clean home, great relationships and good health. We want to have enough money to tithe and pay ... Views: 854
Many times we feel like we are bombarded with things to do. We have responsibilities at home, at work, at school. We have obligations to God, to others and to ourselves. We want a balanced life with a clean home, great relationships and good health. We want to have enough money to tithe and pay ... Views: 958
When we hear someone speak about a subject we know nothing about, we think how smart they must be. We wonder how they got to know all they did. We sometimes we wish we were that knowledgeable in the subject and may get motivated to learn more about it. We may buy their books, subscribe to their ... Views: 1063
How quickly our lives change and our thought processes change as we experience situations in our lives. The loss of a loved one or a close call of a dear friend quickly makes us realize how short life is and can be. Also, there are times when we are hit with a rather large blow about our health, ... Views: 1168
Many times we pray asking God for certain things. We may ask He give us strength to handle a situation. We may ask He help us in the area of our finances. We may ask for His guidance in what to do in a relationship. We may ask that He help us have more patience or a more caring attitude with a ... Views: 1021
1 Peter 2:21 “For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.”
Everyone goes through troubling times where we are having issues with our health, relationships, money, or work. Many times, we wonder ... Views: 881
Philippians 2:8-9 "And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminals’ death on a cross. Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name"
The process of being obedient is not always easy. There are ... Views: 1153
We all have, at one time or another, been so tired we felt like we just couldn’t go on. We have had days where we knew we would fall right asleep once our head hit the pillow. We have worked on some things so hard that we were so tired we couldn’t think straight until we found some time to rest. ... Views: 1553
We don’t really know other people’s situation or how God has prepared their heart to respond or react to what we do or say. Just as God hardened Pharaoh’s heart when Moses wanted him to let the people go, he prepares hearts to be softened to allow us to witness to them. God knows who will accept ... Views: 876