You may be familiar with the six stages within the process of breaking addictions and other unhealthful habits. You may even be able to name them: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Termination. Today, let's get down to some practical advice for putting it ... Views: 1099
Traffic jam? Stress. Family disagreements? Stress. New boss making waves? Stress, big time.
A decadent wedge of cheesecake and a little relaxation before the TV to put the mind at ease over it all...what? MORE stress?
Yes, indeed.
We're very aware that high-pressure, high-emotion ... Views: 1127
Stress, a cascade of physical reactions to an overload of the hormone cortisol, can wreak all manner of damage on the human body. Your best defense? Understanding what causes it (and there are many triggers) so you can take steps to prevent those negative effects.
Perhaps the most well-known ... Views: 1067
In one form or another, stress is all around us every day. (I know some of you right now are saying "No kidding! I live and breathe stress!") But what is stress, and what triggers it? Answer those questions, and you're on your way to regaining control over it.
Physiologically, stress is the ... Views: 973
"Oh, my back is killing me!" Sound familiar?
While top nutrition and being careful to avoid further strain and injury are excellent starting points for treating back pain, serious or persistent discomfort may need more attention. If you are one of the numerous souls suffering from back ... Views: 1236
Fact: Approximately 8 out of 10 people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives.
Wow. With that many sufferers among us, it's no surprise that I often hear complaints of back trouble as an acupuncturist and alternative practitioner in my New York wellness center.
"Throwing ... Views: 1008
You've heard the wisdom a thousand times: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
There's a lot of truth in that saying. Fuel your body with a balanced, nutritious diet, and you're likely to avoid many a painful, inconvenient health concern. So it may come as no surprise that, like so many ... Views: 1069
Do a little clever searching, and you'll find plenty of information on specific ingredients to add to your recipes for an extra boost of energy and nutrients. Likewise, it's not too hard to find recipes or even whole menus composed of nutrient-rich, healthful choices. That's all fine for ... Views: 984
Are you more active in the summer? Do you need a boost of energy to get you through the day?
I've got just the menu additions you need. The summer superfoods below are so easy to use that once you've tried them, you just might want to keep them on your grocery list all year long. Many are ... Views: 3338
If my observations at coffee shops, airports, and checkout counters are accurate, many of us are wild about the flavor of chocolate. And yes, I'm one of them. If you are too, I have great news: You do not--do not!--have to swear off your favorite treat to remain committed to healthful eating. ... Views: 1031
"Honor where you are." Chances are you've heard this guideline for wellness before. It's a concept common to eastern modalities such as yoga and is evidenced in western psychology as well.
But what exactly does it mean? Honoring where you are is about embracing the moment and what you ... Views: 948
As owner and practitioner of a fully-booked alternative wellness center in New York City, and as a weight and energy mentor for individuals across the country, I have the privilege of working with many people every week. Together with each patient, I use a combination of eastern and western ... Views: 1446
"You look like sisters" was a comment I heard many times last week from fellow guests at the fabulous vacation spot that I visited with my daughter. After a beautiful week of me- and us-time, I returned recharged, more toned, and ready for the summer season. I am also glowing from all those ... Views: 1310
Neck pain is one of the most frequent reasons people give for coming in to my office. Persistent neck pain, if left unaddressed, is a problem that not only decreases productivity at work but cripples quality of life after-hours.
The causes of neck pain are many. Among my first ... Views: 1343
It's probably no secret to you that bad computer habits can lead to neck pain. But when it comes to the workaday world, the truth is, computer usage is not the only pain in the neck. Even people who don't spend a lot of time with computers end up with neck stiffness and strain at the end of a ... Views: 1985
There isn't a day that passes when someone doesn't come into my office seeking solutions to neck pain. As an acupuncturist, I can attest that complaints about neck pain are among the most frequent reasons people seek help.
It's not only that the pain is so sharp or persistent. The greater ... Views: 1921
There can be no question that Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any number of other social networking sites come with benefits. With countless users worldwide, and more joining daily, it's clear social media is a force to be reckoned with.
But are you getting more than you bargained for? ... Views: 1370
"Jane Doe wants to be your friend on Facebook." Well, that wasn't the actual name, but it was the message that greeted me in my inbox this morning.
I don't remember who Jane is. Hmmm...
Did I ever have an actual conversation with Jane, or did she find me online? Did she fill out a detox ... Views: 904
Ah, spring. The grass is greening up, the pear and cherry trees are blooming, everything looks fresh and vibrant...except your head. You're feeling cranky and irritated by all the sneezing and that puffy, stuffy sensation that won't go away.
Many spring allergies are caused by trees which ... Views: 987
We all have a hard time getting ourselves into the exercise mindset sometimes. (Yes, I admit, there are days I'm so busy I'm tempted to skip it, too.) And when life gets complicated, it's even easier to think of reasons we just "can't" afford to take time out for exercise.
If you're in a ... Views: 894
Stuck. Frustrated. Guilty. Restless. Lethargic. Sedentary. Disappointed.
These are some of the words many of us use to describe how we feel when we are in a rut and don't take action--or don't even want to--although we know we should. And one area that all too often suffers is exercising for ... Views: 1177
"I'll have what she's having!"
Remember that famous order from "When Harry Met Sally"? Yes, I know nutritional supplements are not exactly what Meg Ryan's fellow diner was thinking of--wink--when she said "I'll have what she's having." Still, I think of that line and smile when my patients ... Views: 956
Struggling with coffee dependence? Let's face it, old habits die hard. Many of us can trace our fondness for the aroma of coffee in the morning all the way back to childhood since our parents were hooked, too!
When you get past the nostalgia, there's a bigger picture to consider. Coffee has ... Views: 1296
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee signals the start of the day in many households. But too often, coffee consumption doesn't end with the cup in the morning. Drinking coffee--and all the caffeine it provides--is an American pastime and a popular social activity. Look around. Everywhere you see ... Views: 1029
Everywhere you look these days, "green" is catching on! And no wonder. Green principles in action mean more conscientious, responsible, and healthful living.
What does it mean to "go green"? The goal of "going green" is to minimize harm to the Earth by maintaining its natural ecological ... Views: 1067
Maybe you already know some of the symptoms and triggers of seasonal affective disorder ("SAD"). Maybe you recognize that your own winter-season negativity and inertia are, in fact, evidence that this condition is at work in you. That's good! The only way to begin aleviating SAD is to first ... Views: 663
When you hear "January," do you think of days cut short, clouds, and gloomy skies? Do you miss the excitement of the recent holidays and instead feel a little down, with flagging energy? Or perhaps this time of year, you kick yourself for having a hard time completing simple daily tasks. These ... Views: 1594
Are you a healthy, fit individual who takes steps to stay that way? Or do you take your good health for granted? If you ever imagine that you'll live forever in the same body, feeling exactly the same way you do now, those rose-colored glasses may not be a good thing. You may be entertaining the ... Views: 712
All too often I hear, "If it's not broken, why fix it?" When you're referring to an old refrigerator or an outdated computer, it's a valid decision to avoid investing more time and repair than the item is worth. Maybe you'll be able to squeak by until it breaks down. Then, at that time, you can ... Views: 573
How about a little holiday pop quiz? I'm thinking of a gift that has these qualities: It doesn't have to cost a dime, yet is priceless; you may not recognize that you already possess it until you, or someone close to you, loses it.
What is it? Drum roll, please. It's your health.
Good ... Views: 873
If you're ready to start on a journey to renewed mental and physical wellness, these questions are a great road map. Curious where this leads? Grab a paper and pen, and let's begin.
Question 1: What do you hate most about your body?
a) List the body part(s) that you wish you could ... Views: 1244
Hanging on to a negative body image can limit our chance of success in weight loss as well as health and life in general. Here are three questions that, if you answer honestly, can help you blast past old, worn out, self-sabotaging ideas about your body.
Are you over-enrolled in celebrity ... Views: 1375
When new patients come into my office, I consult with them at great length about what makes them unique, including their medical, emotional, nutritional, physical, immune, and allergic history. When the conversation turns to weight and self-image, it's as if a cloud has overtaken an otherwise ... Views: 1821
When was the last time you found a piece of clothing marked "One-size-fits-all" that truly was a comfortable, flattering fit, the right color, the right fabric, and the right level of warmth for anyone who wore it? Right, me either. One-size-fits-all doesn't often work for clothing. And it ... Views: 1354
My washing machine always gets a chuckle out of me (good thing when you're doing lots of laundry, right?). Take a look at the dial. There's a setting for "normal." Apparently the manufacturer assumes that we, as intelligent consumers, identify, understand, and collectively agree that a certain ... Views: 1212
Who said you must lose weight to be healthy? They were dead wrong. It's time to realize that you must get healthy in order to lose weight, not the reverse. The diet mentality doesn't work, often using recommendations that are boring, restrictive, and unsatisfying, if not downright unhealthy. And ... Views: 1154
I'm excited about my new way of looking at eating. I've decided to totally eliminate the concept of "bad" foods. I refuse to feel guilty if and when I splurge. And so far I've resisted the impulse to buy every tabloid that highlights a new fad diet modeled by a svelte, bikini-clad starlet.
I ... Views: 1165
Sticking needles in someone to relieve problems? Really?
A technique with more than 3,000 years of success behind it, acupuncture is gaining such acceptance worldwide that even Western doctors have begun to realize how powerful its application can be.
1) What exactly is acupuncture, and ... Views: 1640
The fight-or-flight reaction is one way the body physically reacts to emotional stimuli. It's an entirely natural reaction that, in the wild, can literally mean the difference between surviving or falling victim to any number of threats. When your body reacts with fight-or-flight too often, ... Views: 744
Ever think that pain, discomfort, and other symptoms all feel worse when you're stressed? You're not alone...and you're right on the money!
In fact, various studies have shown that anxiety, stress, and other emotional conditions can actually decrease the body's immunity and leave us open to ... Views: 687
It's true that overexposure to the sun can lead to skin damage. But there's a flip side to that story: Not all sun exposure is excessive. Yes, you CAN have your sun and go burn-free, too. In fact, you should make a point of including a little sunshine in your routine every day.
According to ... Views: 865
Summer is well underway already. Particularly at this time of year, the sun--and both the damage and the benefits it can offer--is intense. Are you taking good care of your skin? Here are twelve must-know facts and guidelines about the sun and your health.
The difference between the rays: In ... Views: 762
Vacations are all about "R and R," rest and relaxation. During my recent vacation, though, I learned they can also give us another "r"--renewal that lasts even after returning home. The fresh thinking I gained from this trip is too good not to pass along. Here are two great ideas I picked up ... Views: 647
If you're a headache sufferer, you know that there are times when it's virtually impossible to look, feel, think, and live your best. Debilitating headaches can cripple your personal as well as professional life, often resulting in postponing activities, deadlines, and daily tasks for hours or ... Views: 1685
If you think a taste of chocolate, a glass of wine, and sleeping late on weekends are harmless vices, think again. Those innocent indulgences are just a few of the most common triggers of headaches.
But don't give up hope just yet. It's possible you may be able to enjoy your favorite things ... Views: 3463
Do you dream? Good question, especially if you are wondering about the quality and quantity of your sleep. A "yes" answer is what we're looking for.
Remember the four stages of sleep? Phase One is the preparation stage during which your brainwaves and blood pressure slow and muscles relax. ... Views: 873
Patients tell me a lack of energy makes the day feel long, difficult, and unproductive. Does this pattern sound familiar? First, lack of energy leads to a loss of sharpness in focus and memory. Then, especially in the late afternoon when blood sugar gets low, less than optimal mindset and mood ... Views: 1309
Sleep is a key component to health. Getting under 8 hours of sleep can lead to illness, obesity, and poor overall daytime performance.
Feeling trapped in a cycle of daily fatigue and nighttime wakefulness? Applying the 3Rs will give you some solutions from the integrative, holistic ... Views: 1237
What's so important about getting those zzzzzz's? Think about the last time you woke up after a really good night's sleep. Remember how energized and refreshed you felt? Your body's natural daily cycles of expansion, activity, and growth are taxing. Periods of nightly restorative rest and repair ... Views: 986
So you've read my previous article about which foods are most likely to cause or aggravate your symptoms of acid reflux and IBS. You know the mechanics of your body's engine, your digestive system. And you know there are things you can do to take an active role in how your engine works. But ... Views: 1232