Speed reading is a vastly popular keyword internet search term with several million searches per month. Many people want to discover how to do this vital information management skill today. However, before someone learns to speed read, it might be helpful to take a step back and observe ... Views: 4334
When learning to speed read, the saying that a little information can be a dangerous thing still applies. Consider the term "eye-span." Even though I've been teaching people from all walks of life how to speed read for 30 years, I have only recently received many questions about it. For new ... Views: 5930
Speed reading has become an essential business and academic success tool in the knowledge economy. With the onset of PCs, and the internet, live classes have diminished as a result of "instant access." One of the seemingly easiest choices someone might take to learn the skills is to buy a ... Views: 2877
One of the most frequently questions I get before someone starts a speed reading course with us is, "How do I stop subvocalization?" Beginning learners also ask. The goal of this article is to put that old habit into its proper place when learning to read better and faster and give some powerful ... Views: 3841
Learning to speed read can be a daunting challenge for those who want to master the skills in the very beginning. One of the biggest limiting factors of traditional reading is that as adults we read with a see-say-hear-know method known as subvocalization. It limits the speed you read to the ... Views: 6245
After 30 years of teaching speed reading to people from all walks of life inside and outside of workplace organizations, I've come to realize that there are three big problems people have to overcome if they really want to master the skills involved in speed reading. Listening to people who have ... Views: 2193
Speed Reading is a term that has so many instant meanings, many of which are myths, in the minds of those who are seeking to find out its potential for them. Additionally, to the potential new learner, it brings a perception of dread and hard work because they have difficulty envisioning ... Views: 2206
A recent visitor to my site inquiring about speed reading asked, "How can I move away from actually saying the words, and learn how to identify the symbols?" The question demonstrates a knowledge of one of the difficult habits to overcome in learning to speed read - sub-vocalization. ... Views: 8191
The most often question I get asked is, "How can I read over 1500 words per minute and still understand, or comprehend the material?" Stated in another form, "Does speed reading really work?" Without writing an entire course, this article will try to answer these questions.
When people ... Views: 3125
I just got an email from someone who writes, " The reason I am writing is that a client of mine is doing a computer speed reading program called (name protected). He mentioned that while his speed has increased dramatically, his comprehension has gone down. Is this normal? ... Views: 2362
The most often asked question I get when people either see me read or when they submit a question to my website goes like this: “Does it really work?” Or, “Can you really comprehend when you read really fast? The short answer is yes! This article will explore the question behind that ... Views: 3453
This tip title will probably cause you to go, "huh?" or have an
"aha!" when reflecting on your own experience trying to learn to read faster.
This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get about speed reading – ”Can you really read fast and still comprehend and remember?” The ... Views: 2650
There are many misconceptions concerning speed reading. An
effective speed reading system is not one that involves flipping
through pages of text, or how fast your eyes can move over a page and somehow absorb knowledge like a vacuum cleaner. The real secret deals with one word - comprehension. ... Views: 2229
Speed Reading Myths Debunked
There is so much misinformation about speed reading that as a user for over 30 years, and as an instructor of tens of thousands of learners from all walks of life and all levels of education, I feel compelled to debunk some of the most prevalent and popular myths. ... Views: 5578