Maybe you are here because your relationship is going through rough times. Your relationship is getting stressful but you still want to get your boyfriend to stay with you. For being here it is obvious that you are committed and would like to find out how to save your relationship and that ... Views: 1350
It is sad to know that many marriages now end in divorce. Married life is not a bed of roses but it is accompanied by trials and problems. There are times that marital problems are increasing everyday and many couples tend to choose divorce to put an end to a stressful and bothersome ... Views: 684
Genital herpes is a common viral infection that affects millions of people. In the United States, there are reports that in every four Americans aged 18 and above, one has been infected by the virus causing genital herpes. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) causes genital herpes. Getting the ... Views: 1336
Candida albicans usually grow in the mouth and genital area in the form of yeast. The mere presence of some organisms like yeast in the body is usually not harmful if kept in normal levels. When the body system becomes out of balance, yeast grows rapidly causing infections. Although the ... Views: 865
With the increasing rate of separated couples now, divorce seems to be so common in this generation. It is a sad truth that marriage does not last for most people and it is rare to see couples who have a strong and lasting marriage. Although it is hard to keep a marriage, it is not impossible to ... Views: 921
Marriage is not always a bed of roses, problems may arise anytime and you have to be prepared. Disagreements or conflicts are part of any marriage but this doesn’t mean that the marriage has to end. Knowing how to solve marital conflicts will prevent serious problems in your marriage like ... Views: 775
Maybe you are in a difficult situation now in your marriage and you want to save your failing relationship but you do not know how. In any relationship, there are ups and downs but usually it is hard to deal with the rough times. Do not lose hope because there are proven ways in getting your ... Views: 996
Divorce rate is increasing which means more and more couples are having a hard time keeping a marriage and end up in separation. Marriage is a complex relationship and you need to exert more efforts to stay married and happy. There are ups and downs in a marriage and if you do not know how to ... Views: 641
Marriage is a long journey with your spouse and if you do not know how to add spice to your marriage, it could get stale. A boring marriage can lead to a lot of marriage conflicts like infidelity, misunderstandings and worse lost of interest or love. There are things that you can do to take care ... Views: 1076
They say that marriage is not always a bed of roses and with a lot of people going through marriage counselling and divorce; it is a reality that marriage is indeed not always a bed of roses. Keeping a marriage is not easy and when conflicts arise, you have to learn how to fix a troubled ... Views: 742
Relationships are hard to keep and at some point couples may find themselves caught in a difficult situation putting the marriage in trouble. There are ups and downs in a relationship and rough times make the marriage shaky, but it doesn’t mean that the relationship needs to end. Although ... Views: 619
Keeping a relationship especially marriage is a very difficult task. In involves two people with different minds, views, opinions, attitudes and behavior. Jobs, kids and other responsibilities also make it hard to focus on each other and sometimes marriage becomes a routine instead of a happy, ... Views: 1108
Thrush is an oral fungal infection caused by Candida. The fungus normally lives in the moist areas of the body like the mouth and kept in check by healthy organisms that co-exist with it. The fungus is usually not harmful if kept in its normal quantity. But if the balance is disturbed, the ... Views: 874
If you are experiencing chronic yeast infection or candidiasis, understanding Candida Albicans will help you figure out why you are suffering from recurring yeast infection. Candida is yeast, a type of fungus which is the most frequent cause of candidiasis. It is an organism that normally lives ... Views: 758
Vaginal candidiasis or yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of Candida Albicans fungus in the vagina. Yeast or Candida is always present in the vagina in small amount without causing any problem but if there is an overgrowth, infection occurs. There are reports that approximately 75 ... Views: 588
Oral thrush is one kind of yeast infection that can be very painful and annoying. Candida fungus is normally present in the mouth and as long as it is maintained on its normal level there is no problem. But if the balance of the organism is disturbed, overgrowth of the fungus occurs that leads ... Views: 851
While there are women who get pregnant easily, there are also couples who have to wait longer for the woman to conceive and get pregnant. There are different factors affecting pregnancy and if you have fertility problems there are things that you can do to enhance your chances of ... Views: 641
Getting pregnant is not always easy and there are couples who have to deal with fertility problems. But difficulty conceiving does not always mean you cannot get pregnant at all. There are couples who also took years to conceive. Here are some tips to increase your chances to get ... Views: 2509
Getting pregnant seems easy especially when you and your spouse both decided that this is the best time to get pregnant. But then reality will make you realize that for some people getting pregnant is not that easy. Trying to get pregnant could be really stressful if you are in a hurry. Maybe ... Views: 645
A child is a gift from God. Unfortunately, not all people are given these gifts. Some couples do not get to have children while others had to wait a long time before they were given children. There are actually a host of reasons why women do not get pregnant. With the complexities of both the ... Views: 699
Stop birth control. Birth control in whatever form significantly reduces your chances of becoming pregnant so whatever it is you’re using, stop it now. If you’re one of the really fertile ones, you can begin ovulating during the first few months after you stop. You may also have to deal with ... Views: 621
Having children is the gift that most couples want to have. Unfortunately, there are couples who have been trying for years and yet wasn’t able to conceive due to fertility problems. But the good news is that there are couples who have battled and succeeded on this problem. How many success ... Views: 723
Although pregnancy is a gift that most women should celebrate, it is unavoidable for women to feel insecure and ugly during pregnancy. The physical changes, morning sickness and other difficulties in carrying a child for 9 months gives women so much stress that makes them look exhausted or worn ... Views: 781
Losing weight is sometimes the hardest battle for most women especially those who went through pregnancy. We are in the society that looks definitely matters and women feel bad about their appearance if they have weight issues. If you are dealing with weight issues after giving birth, there are ... Views: 547
Although women are happy to carry their child inside their tummy, it is unavoidable that they also feel some sort of insecurity about their appearance. There are a lot of physical changes during pregnancy that makes women feel bad about their appearance and the most obvious change is the weight ... Views: 631
During pregnancy, women do not usually feel good about their looks. This is the stage where women feel worse because of the physical changes that make them look unattractive. Some of the physical changes include skin discoloration, falling hair, their nose becomes bigger, acne and worst pregnant ... Views: 759
Pregnancy is the best thing that could happen to a woman but the physical changes makes women feel bad about their looks. The very obvious change is the weight issue on pregnant women but gaining too much weight can be avoided if you know how. Although you need to gain weight for your unborn ... Views: 608
Being a mother and pregnancy is one of the best achievements of being a woman. But there are times that women feel bad about pregnancy because of the pregnancy weight problems they are encountering. Most women gain too much weight during pregnancy and find it hard to go back on their ... Views: 610
Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal and part of nurturing the unborn baby. But even though it is necessary to gain weight to nurture your baby, it doesn’t mean that you have to gain excess weight. It is not advisable and dangerous to diet during pregnancy and it is also dangerous to become ... Views: 614
It is a common belief for women that pregnancy is a reason to eat more and gain more weight. While it is recommended to eat more nutritious food for your baby’s nourishment, it is still crucial to monitor your weight and diet to prevent too much pregnancy weight gain. Being overweight during ... Views: 652
Weight and gaining weight is always a concern for women and even on pregnant women. Looking good physically makes someone feel better about themselves and weight is one factor affecting the appearance of a person. For this reason, pregnant women are trying to control pregnancy weight ... Views: 578
Pregnancy should not be a cause for any insecurity. In fact, a pregnant woman is the most beautiful woman in the world because she is performing what God created her to do. But of course, knowing that you are beautiful and appearing beautiful are two different things. It is not enough that you ... Views: 1503
Getting pregnant is perhaps the worst way that a woman can appear in her life. Not only is she as fat as an overgrown pig, she also has swollen legs and feet, swollen cheeks and her hair is falling fast. In addition to this, some pregnant women even morph into someone else when they are ... Views: 621
For most pregnant women, gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. Women tend to eat more to nourish her unborn baby. While it is fascinating to be a mother, frustration comes with it when you have a hard time to lose pregnancy weight after delivery.
Women often feel unattractive during and ... Views: 638
Being a mother is the most miraculous experience a woman could experience. Unfortunately, after pregnancy you have to battle with the excess pounds to regain pre-pregnancy shape. There are some women who can shred excess pounds easily but for the rest, it’s difficult. If you are one of those ... Views: 790
Having a baby is always a wonderful, magical experience. Unfortunately, it also means having to manage the extra bulk after, the result of your pregnancy weight gain. For some women, how to lose pregnancy pounds is unbelievably easy. But for the rest, it could be a bit of a challenge. If you’ve ... Views: 577
Nurturing another life within your body and giving birth are the most miraculous things that could ever happen to a woman. While pregnancy is a wonderful thing, going through with it put women into a lot of stress, pains and insecurities with the way they look. For most women pregnancy is a ... Views: 830
Dating has become really challenging and there are women who find themselves dateless and a failure in attracting the opposite sex. Of course women with active dating life have better chances of meeting the man of their dreams but getting into the dating game is not easy for some women. Are you ... Views: 667
Dating is a process of meeting and getting to know people who could be your lifetime partner. Every single woman who dreams of finding the right guy of course would like to know how to be the girl every man wants to date. Success in the dating arena will give you the chance to create the kind ... Views: 989
Are you one of those women who spend Friday nights at home on your couch with your remote control switching one channel to another and wondering why you are home while girls your age are out there dating their prince charming? Do you want to be more successful with men and get the kind of ... Views: 641
Every woman dreams of meeting the man who will love them for the rest of their lives. But for some women, this is just a fairy tale that could only happen to those women who have the looks and the body that make men drools over them. Is it true that average looking women don’t have a chance of ... Views: 2104
Are you confused if he likes you or not? Men are usually not very transparent with their emotions and if you do not watch him closely and pay attention to his behavior whenever he is with you, it will be really hard to tell if he likes you or not. Would it be nice to know when a guy is ... Views: 731
Men are attracted to certain traits that a woman possesses. So what are the traits that men find attractive in a woman? If you want to be attractive, it is important to know the traits that men find irresistible.
Femininity. One of the traits that men find attractive is being feminine. It is ... Views: 3645
Maybe you are asking yourself why you are spending weekends alone in front of the TV set and some women are out having fun with cool guys. Every woman wants to be the girl every guy wants to date. Dating is the first step in meeting and attracting the right guy. If you are not yet in the dating ... Views: 1757
Women want to be attractive but of course to be irresistible you must posses the qualities of women that attract men. Having the qualities that men are looking for is an advantage if you want to capture the attention of the opposite sex. Men and women think and behave differently, to attract men ... Views: 2669
Women want to unlock the secrets in attracting men not only to achieve success in dating but also to achieve success in their relationships. Knowing the secrets on how to magnetically attract men is important in meeting the guy who might be their mates.
Attracting the opposite sex is an ... Views: 8412
With advance technology now, meeting people and getting dates are a lot easier, but are you attracting the right man? Although dating should be fun, of course you want to create a lasting relationship with someone you’ve always wanted. You want to end up with someone you want to be with and you ... Views: 668
Are you curious to find out what men find attractive about women? There are certain qualities of women that draw men towards them. Knowing what they find lovable in women will help you more in understanding men. Attracting your dream man would be easier if you know what is going on inside his ... Views: 666
Finding the right man is not only based on chance and fate but you also have to make a plan to find the man of your dreams. He will not just appear right in front of you. There are things you can do to find the right loving man. In the dating scene now, finding your Mr. Right could be a real ... Views: 603
In today’s modern dating scene, it seems that women have a lot of competition in getting the attention of the man they want to be with. A lot of single and available women out there are also looking for eligible bachelor or unattached men. If you do not know how to make a man interested in you, ... Views: 1110