Garlic has immense medicinal value. It is used as main ingredient in many ayurvedic preparations.
Preparation of Garlic coconut spread (garlic dry chutney)
1. ½ dry grated coconut
2. Dry Red chillies –(according to taste)
3. Garlic cloves – 8 to 10
4. Sugar – ½ tea ... Views: 1370
Psoriasis is a prolonged inflammation of skin. The causes of psoriasis are still unclear. This condition is neither infectious (Do not spread from one person to another) nor does it affect the general health. It affects both the genders and may start at any age.
Psoriasis is quite common, ... Views: 1371
Panchakarma involves 5 types of detoxification methods. They are
1. vamana
2. Virechana
3. Anuvasana basthi
4. Niruha basthi
5. Nasya karma
Vamana means expelling doshas through oral route . It is emesis therapy. Before inducing vamana the toxins and vitiated doshas are ... Views: 1066
According to ayurvedic texts our body is crisscrossed by srotas or channels or tube like structures. This net work contains both microscopic and macroscopic channels. ( Digestive system, nervous system , circulatory system etc are few examples of these channels). Innumerable physiological ... Views: 1909
The herbaceous plant onion grows in temperate zones. It belongs to family “Liliaceae” and has latin name “Allium Cepa”. The plant reaches a height of 2-5 ft and bears cluster of greenish white flowers. Onions develop from the base of leaves to form underground bulbs. Seeds of onion are black in ... Views: 1320
Definition of Obesity
Excess amount of body fat is Obesity.
Excess weight of muscles, bone, fat and water in the body (like body builders and athletes) is Overweight.
Over weighted persons are at increased health risk than normal persons. They are more prone to chronic diseases like ... Views: 1234
Neem is known for its immeasurable medicinal properties and is used as a main ingredient in many home remedies. Commending the medicinal properties of neem, numerous sanskrit names have been coined by our ayurveda acharyas . Few of them are mentioned below.
1. It is known as Nimba as it ... Views: 1349
First showers of monsoon are heartily welcomed by everyone after experiencing the scorching heat of summer. But monsoons reduce the immunity of our body and make us susceptible to many diseases which are commonly associated with this season. It is time for us to keep our body resistant against ... Views: 1457
Massage has been used as a remedial measure from centuries. Massaging causes various physiological effects which comfort the body. Manually kneading or manipulating the soft tissues to relieve pain, discomfort, stress and to promote health and wellness is called as ‘massage’. The techniques of ... Views: 1354
Mango belongs to the family “Anacardiaceae”. It has the scientific name “Magnifera Indica” and is widely found in India and south East Asia. Mango trees have deep roots and reach the height of 40 ft - 120 ft . Young mango leaves are copper in color and matured ones have deep green color. The ... Views: 1464
Low sperm count, reduced sperm motility and malformed sperms are main causes for male infertility. There are various biological and environmental factors which affect sperm count, motility and morphology. Many of these factors have been mentioned in ayurvedic texts. The causes of low sperm ... Views: 1821
In texts of Ayurveda the herb Crocus Sativus or kumkuma or saffron is grouped under “Varnya” gana. Varnya means the one which imparts fairness and glow to skin.
Saffron is one of the costliest spices used in Ayurveda, Unani and Chinese medicinal preparations. It is used extensively in ... Views: 2343
Kumkumadi lepam is an age old ayurveda remedy for acne and pimples ( known as youvana pitikas in ayurveda), dark circles, pigments, scars and stretch marks. Kumkumadi lepam contains skin friendly herbs like Saffron, sandal wood and Turmeric .
Action of Ingredients:
Saffron: Saffron helps ... Views: 3397
Sida Cordifolia is an erect hairy plant which grows up to 180 cm. It grows as a weed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of India and Srilanka. Sida Cordifolia belongs to family Malvaceae. It has heart shaped leaves (hence name Cordifolia) and yellow coloured flower. Seeds are black or ... Views: 1805
Walking is the best exercise for everyone. Its innumerable benefits are lauded by health experts from all fields. Walking is the best and safe form of exercises, which can be adopted by persons irrespective of their age. Hippocrates has said “Walking is man's best medicine “.
Men who ... Views: 1390
Cummin seed or jeera is seeds of flowering plant Cuminum Cyminum . This plant, native of east India and east Mediterranean, belongs to family Apeaceae. The herbaceous plant Cuminum Cyminum grows to a height of 20- 30 cms. Leaves of this plant are pinnate and bear thread like leaflets.
The ... Views: 1495
The word “Indigestion” is commonly used to describe the discomfort in one’s belly mostly caused after food consumption. Fullness, bloating, nausea, heart burn are other symptoms of Indigestion.
Before discussing Indigestion, understanding the process of digestion is very essential. The ... Views: 1278
Major cause for male infertility is low sperm count, low sperm motility and a large number of malformed or abnormal sperms. Various environmental and biological factors affect the sperm count. Numerous ways are explained in ayurveda to increase sperm count, sperm motility and thus increase ... Views: 3011
Monsoon brings joy as plants wear a green look, rivers swell to brim and dry lands become wet. The grim side of this season is increased humidity, which troubles humans.
What is humidity?
Humidity is the amount of water vapour in air. It is usually described as “relative humidity” and ... Views: 1887
In herpes there is an involvement of three doshas (vata, pitta , kapha) and four tissues (blood, lymph, skin and muscle).It is caused by imbalance of three doshas which in turn vitiate four tissues .The ratio of involvement of doshas can be decided by carefully examining the symptoms exhibited ... Views: 1424
Headaches are one of the most common health grievances of students, adults and even children, Headaches are very common and usually do not point to a serious illness. But even a mild headache can disrupt your daily activities
What actually happens in your body to cause headache?
The ... Views: 1457
Hair loss is experienced by all of us at one or the other time. To know the causes of hair fall, it is very essential to know the structure of hair and its normal growth cycle.
Structure of hair
The hair on our scalp can be divided into two parts, the root and shaft. The root part of hair ... Views: 1342
Texts of ayurveda and ayurveda acahryas have lauded medicinal properties of guduchi. This medicinal herb is a climber and known as Tinospora Cordifolia or Guduchi or Giloy. In ancient times the whole plant was used to treat different conditions. Now the extract of guduchi or giloy is ... Views: 2997
The herb Guduchi is a climber. It belongs to Minispermaceae family and has a botanical name Tinospora Cardifolia. This herb usually grows in tropical regions and is available in abundance in India, Myanmar and Srilanaka . The climber bears heart shaped leaves and yellow colored flowers. The ... Views: 1508
Gout usually affects big toe, heel, ankle, elbow or wrist. It is a form of arthritis which is acute in onset. The gout attack occurs suddenly and passes away after a week or ten days. Severe pain, redness and swelling in joints are typical symptoms of gout. Gout occurs when uric acid level ... Views: 1416
The plant Tribulus terrestris is known for its medicinal properties. It is known as “gokshura “ in ayurveda. Tribulus terrestris is widely used in alternative systems of medicines. In European folk medicine it is used to treat headache, dizziness and sexual dysfunction like premature ... Views: 2258
Ghee and oil are widely used in ayurveda system of medicine as mediums to administer herbal preparations. Herbs, pastes of herbs or decoction of herbs are infused in oil or ghee and later administered to patients after diagnosing the conditions and diseases.
Properties of ghee: Ghee ... Views: 1285
Dosha theory which help in diagnosis of the diseases
According to ayurveda three doshas or three energetic forces control the activities of the body. These doshas are
1. Vata
2. Pitta
3. Kapha
VATA: The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. It has been said in ayurveda ... Views: 2060
The plant foxnut belongs to the family Nymphaeaceae. It is popularly known as “Makhana” in India. It grows in water and is found in India, Korea, Japan and Russia.
Fox nut plant does not have stem. It has large round leaves and produces bright purple flowers. The whole plant is covered with ... Views: 5806
In medical terms, the word ‘fasting’ can be defined as “voluntary abstinence from consuming food for varying lengths of time.” Fasting is used as a therapy for several medical conditions. It is also a vital component of ritualistic and spiritual practices in many religions.
Almost all medical ... Views: 2086
Diseases which are related to blood vessels are called vascular diseases. Blood vessels play an important role in the process of erection. The two chambers of penis (corpora cavernosa,) which run throughout the organ are filled with spongy tissue. The corpora cavernosa are surrounded by a ... Views: 1508
Definition of Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as “impotence”.
The term "erectile dysfunction" can mean the ... Views: 2202
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as “impotence”.
The term "erectile dysfunction" can mean the inability to achieve erection, an ... Views: 1426
According to ayurveda the properties of curd are described as follows.
1.The curd is sour (amla) to taste.
2.It absorbs water from intestines (hence called as Grahi). By the virtue of this property it is widely used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.
3.It causes heaviness when used in ... Views: 1607
Cracked heels are one of the most common beauty problems caused by drying of skin. The desire to wear attractive foot wear will remain just that with cracked heels. Cracked heels are also referred to as heel fissures. When these fissures are deep they may bleed and become painful. Some times ... Views: 1923
Butter milk is known as “Takra” in ayurveda. Its properties and medicinal qualities are described in as follows.
Takram laghu kashayaamlam deepanam kaphavaatajit ||
Showphodaraarshowgrahanidoshamootragrahaaruchee |
Pleehagulmaghritavyaapadgarpaanduvaamayaan jayeth ||
Butter milk does ... Views: 1848
Black musli (Curculigo orchioides) is a herb that belongs to the family Hypoxidaceae. It is a native of temperate regions such as Chota-Nagapur plateau and Deccan plateau in India.
The medicinal properties of this herb are elucidated in several texts of ayurveda. It is also a major ingredient ... Views: 1160
What is back acne?
Back acne is same condition as facial acne. The sebaceous glands on skin get stimulated by androgen and produce excess sebum. Sebum is an oily substance produced by oil glands of skin. Over produced sebum clog’s pores on skin and prevent the release of dead skin cells. Thus ... Views: 1468
Naturally fresh and healthy skin is protector of body and a thing of beauty. Ayurveda our ancient science of medicine has suggested many herbal remedies and natural methods to protect our skin from pimples, acne, dark circles, wrinkles and marks left by pimples and to increase the fairness of ... Views: 1645
Once while browsing through the internet, I came across a short and sweet poem, written by an unknown author, describing the beauty of eyes and expressions hidden in them. The poem was so beautiful that I just made a note of it. Here is the poem.
In Your Eyes
In your eyes I see a thousand ... Views: 1127
Dry skin looks dull and life less due to lack of moisture. Well hydrated skin glows and exhibits a healthy look. Wrinkles develop at an early age due to prolonged dryness of skin. Dry, rough and wrinkled skin gives an aged appearance. Dry and cracked skin harbor microbes and cause fungal ... Views: 3702
Cummin seed or jeera is seeds of flowering plant Cuminum Cyminum . This plant, native of east India and east Mediterranean, belongs to family Apeaceae. The herbaceous plant Cuminum Cyminum grows to a height of 20- 30 cms. Leaves of this plant are pinnate and bear thread like leaflets.
The ... Views: 1591
Neem is known for its immeasurable medicinal properties and is used as a main ingredient in many home remedies. Commending the medicinal properties of neem, numerous sanskrit names have been coined by our ayurveda acharyas . Few of them are mentioned below.
1. It is known as Nimba as it ... Views: 1280
75% of earth’s area is covered by water. Water is the major component of all living beings and it is the major constituent of human cells. Ayurveda considers water (aap or jala) as one of panchamahabhutas. ( Panchamahabhutas constitute human body). Water provides a good medium for most of ... Views: 1273
Dark circles under eyes are a common beauty problem. These under eye dark circles give us an appearance of tiredness or illness. They make us to feel worse and are rather detrimental to our self esteem.
What are dark circles under eyes?
The skin below our eyes is very thin and is sparsely ... Views: 5106
Benign prostatic hypertrophy is swelling of Prostate gland. The prostate is a walnut sized gland that is only present in men. It is located just below the bladder and top of the penis. This gland surrounds the urethra ( the tube through which urine flows from the bladder and out ... Views: 1169
Back pain is the most common complaint among adults under 45. Back pain brings their activities to a complete halt and intervenes in the progress of their career. Researchers say that it is really a challenge to a physician to find out the true cause of back pain.
Here is a ... Views: 1181
Acne is a very common skin problem which affects young people at their puberty and few adults till they reach 45. Acne are referred as Youvana pitikas (which means the eruptions of youth) in ayurveda. This shows the prevalence of acne from ages. Ayurveda has described the causes of acne and ... Views: 795