People buy based on emotion, but you have to provide them with the logic to explain their emotional decision. Expecting the buyer to do it for you isn't a good plan. If you’ve done your job right you’ve gotten the appointment with a qualified prospect. You’ve uncovered what ... Views: 549
Do you find yourself complaining that you never have enough time? Are other people and things keeping you from getting things done? Perhaps you are a time management strategy victim. Perhaps your own negativity and passiveness are the real source of your time management issues.
Blaming ... Views: 846
When you hear no you're hearing it for a very good reason. You’re told no because: you don’t know how to market yourself so you’re talking to the right people for the right reason, you don’t know how to use your marketing as a filtration process, you don’t ask ... Views: 652
You're either directly responsible or overseeing all functions, and you’re overwhelmed by the details. Rather than focusing on the important you seem to fight the fires and at the end of the day you aren't sure if you've really invested your time in the best way. Long-term your time ... Views: 1255
When customer retention is falling or returns and cancellations are increasing it doesn't take a genius to determine something is terribly wrong. The exact reason(s) these bad things are happening may be related to actions taken by someone other than you. It really doesn’t even matter ... Views: 598
It's actually easier to work in crisis mode than it is to take control and responsibility. After all, when you're in the center of a bunch of activity it looks like, and it can feel like you must be very important. All these people are coming to you to look for direction. You must play a ... Views: 665
Fuzzy insurance marketing is the lazy approach to marketing. It's exactly what you get when you put together a vanilla communication and throw it out there "hoping" something good will happen. It’s worse than sitting in your office “hoping” a new prospect will walk in or call ... Views: 762
The way you approach decision making directly impacts your success strategy. Failure is often a direct result of your inability to make timely decisions and stick with them. When you procrastinate about making a decision you’re really making a decision by default not to make a decision, ... Views: 658
You became a financial advisor because you wanted to help people, but you aren't getting enough people to help. Now you find that you're struggling to get appointments and sales are few and far between. You know people need what you have and that you can really help them. So, what’s ... Views: 564
Investing hard earned dollars for insurance marketing, and getting nothing in return? You can get the leads you want without spending one penny more. That is, if you change how you’re currently structuring your marketing messages so they become lead producing magnets rather than money ... Views: 700
You can get better results than you are now. All it takes is three simple steps leading to better actions. You have a sales plan now, right? But if you aren’t getting the results you want there is something wrong with your plan that is keeping you from getting what you want.
... Views: 3634
92% of all success is achieved through systems. Systems provide the consistency and predictability required to get the results you want. At first glance you may think systems are for big business and that they don’t have any value for you as an individual or small business owner, but ... Views: 657
Invest 15 minutes each week to reduce your stress and get more value from your time. Effective time management is a skill anyone can develop and this technique will help you to develop good skills faster. And it only requires about 15 minutes of your time.
How do you wrap up your week now? ... Views: 724
You may be wondering what a personal operating procedure has to do with your time management skills. Everyone has multi-step things they have to do sometimes, but not often enough to be able to do them automatically when it’s time to do those things again. Consequently, when it’s ... Views: 666
You’re all fired up. You want to succeed and you seem so close, but then things begin to crumble and fall apart. Why? It seemed like you were on the right track doing the right things. Historically when you look at those who succeed and succeed in a big way you’ll find they all: ... Views: 634
Are you finding it difficult to find enough people to have a selling conversation with? Are the people you do have selling conversations with really good prospects for you? Could it be that your marketing is the source of the lower than wanted and needed sales results you’re ... Views: 536
Sales can be a hectic business. This time management tip will help you regain control of your time and improve your sales. Your sales funnel is a commonly used phrase to indicate the stage people are in the selling or buying process. With so many people entering and leaving your sales funnel ... Views: 883
You want to succeed, but can you? This self-analysis will help you to get a better understanding of where you have the most opportunity to improve. Ideally you should be able to rate yourself higher in each area each year on your journey to success. Rate yourself against each statement with 1 ... Views: 669
You don’t understand that you need to aim small miss small and fail forward to succeed fast. Why do 97% of the people entering the industry fail within 5 years? Because they have no clue how to aim small miss small and fail forward fast. Aim small miss small and fail forward fast is a ... Views: 720
Email the instant communication highway can be a communication nightmare, and this time management tip will help you to deal with the email mania. Many of you receive literally hundreds of emails in your inbox each and every day. Some are important and need immediate action, some need action ... Views: 763
Have you tried to succeed yet continually fail? Perhaps you’re missing one of the fundamentals required for success. If you are, you’re fighting an uphill battle and you may not know why. Are any of these success killers derailing your efforts?
You lack a clearly defined ... Views: 648
At some point in your career your sales will be down. When this happens you have a natural desire to do the very three things that will keep your sales down. The three things you don’t want to do are: panic, be pushy, and allow your self-confidence to tank.
As your bank account ... Views: 660
You’ve said it, I know you have. At one point or another you’ve looked at the results achieved by another sales person and you thought to yourself that person sure is lucky. Those who have tremendous success in their sales careers are never lucky. They’re never accidentally ... Views: 772
Success means different things to different people. You may evaluate your success by: what you can buy, how you get paid, or what you can do. When most people are asked what success means to them they start off listing things they could buy, or the amount of money they would have. Sometimes ... Views: 899
If you’re a daily To Do List maker you probably enter a lot of stuff in your day planner that shouldn’t be there. First, daily To Do Lists require seven times the effort and attention that a weekly To Do List takes. This redundancy reduces your efficiency because you’re ... Views: 689
When you delegate or you have to wait for someone else to do something before you can take your next action this time management tip will keep you from having things fall through the cracks. If you’ve found some things you can delegate good for you, but ultimately you’re still ... Views: 690
Achieving success will require personal growth and development. Part of that growth development process includes the development of success habits. You acquire success habits by consistently responding and behaving in accordance with the attitudes and habits required for success. Persistence ... Views: 827
You forget sales boils down to people liking you because you’re real. The first step in the sales process is gaining an introduction and establishing rapport. When you try killer sales lines and gimmicks you spoil your chance to establish rapport. You’re perceived as a fake and ... Views: 633
Your time management skills are directly proportional to your ability to take the right actions at the right time for the right reasons. Are your in boxes overflowing: physical “in” stack tray, email, and voice mail? Perhaps all these things are building up because you just ... Views: 683
Leadership is a key to success. There are certain leadership flaws that will cause you to fail. One of these flaws is the inability to organize the details.
You have to effectively organize and master the details for success. There are way too many things you could be doing and way too ... Views: 632
You want the quick fix instant solution. There is no quick fix instant solution if you want to be a top producing professional. There is a solution that will steadily move you into a top producer spot. Your success won’t be found when you only focus on developing one aspect of the ... Views: 680
You may think an offer is only for someone who has something tangible to sell. But you’d be wrong and the fact that you don’t have a valuable offer means you’re missing the boat. You’re marketing like everyone else in your industry and absolutely throwing your time, ... Views: 677
Technology, time management strategy friend or foe. When you read the word technology you probably think of technological devices, tools, and software. But did you know the word also refers to methods used to solve problems? When technology works in terms of the technological devices we all ... Views: 724
Temporary defeat means there’s something wrong with your plan and that’s all it means. Don’t allow temporary defeats to get you off track and keep you from getting the success that is yours to have. When you recognize that a temporary defeat just means you need to go back to ... Views: 731
You don’t work on being the best. If you want to be the best you have to have a plan for being the best and work your plan. The more you invest in yourself and what it takes to be the best the better you’ll become. The better you become the easier sales become because you ... Views: 642
You’re trying to succeed by being someone else? In your training you were probably given or mandated to follow a sales system. The problem is you don’t feel comfortable doing a lot of the things you’re required to do as part of the system. Because you don’t feel ... Views: 616
You know how to sell so marketing shouldn’t be a mystery. Think about some of the cardinal rules in selling. If you talk about you or you talk too much you aren’t selling. If the prospect doesn’t understand why you’re meeting you aren’t selling. If the prospect ... Views: 734
Don’t confuse imagination with invention. You don’t necessarily need to come up with something that doesn’t exist now and figure out a way to make it exist. How you can use imagination as your success strategy is to use imagination to use something in a way that isn’t ... Views: 624
If you have projects and clutter that are so overwhelming you just can’t bring yourself to even start them, this time management technique is for you. Does your office or garage look like the city dump with heaping piles of both good and useless stuff everywhere? This is an example of ... Views: 5203
There are two ways to make it in this business, the hard way and the smart way. Most agent’s think if they just work hard enough and pay their dues they’ll make it. Yet the statistics prove that’s far from the truth. Working yourself to death doesn’t get you wealth. ... Views: 562
There are two ways to make it in this business, the hard way and the smart way. Most agent’s think if they just work hard enough and pay their dues they’ll make it. Yet the statistics prove that’s far from the truth. Working yourself to death doesn’t get you wealth. ... Views: 709
Don’t confuse a marketing strategy with random marketing activities. A marketing strategy means you have a clear plan with systems in place that allow you to repeat those systems and obtain consistent results. A marketing strategy isn’t about hoping you will get a result, but ... Views: 708
Clutter is an enemy of time management. Some people more than others have a need to save everything, but doing so increases your stress and reduces your efficiency. A long time ago a friend of mine made the statement that possessions always cost you more in time and money than the purchase ... Views: 921
Top producer’s don’t become top producers by being “also rans” in the business. Sales is risky business, and if you want to succeed you need to be willing to take some risks. Now I’m not talking about willy-nilly risks or life threatening risks I’m talking ... Views: 581
Less than 5% of the people who start in the business remain in the business after 5 years. How do you prevent yourself from being just another count in the statistics for those who failed? Coming into the business you know that for some the potential is huge and life changing, as far as, ... Views: 795
Do you know you want to succeed, but at this moment you don’t have any idea how you will do that? You belong to the same group as the vast majority of people. You think something looks good so you follow that path for a while, and then things just begin to fall apart and you feel like ... Views: 684
Procedures and systems are the core of this time management tip. Now, don’t get scared and think procedures and systems are complicated and something you can’t use. Even though you don’t use those terms you already have some procedures and systems that you follow every day of ... Views: 770
Tired of dialing for dollars and being told it’s just a numbers game? If you’re currently just making phone calls off a list and are tired of getting abysmal results stop doing that, and start working smarter rather than harder. First, only call people that you’ve specifically targeted and ... Views: 610
Career sales training not getting you the results you want? Is it the training that’s letting you down or the actions you aren’t taking? Sales success is all about the actions you take. Taking more right actions than wrong actions means you get to success that much faster. Continuously ... Views: 617
The knowledge you hold or the knowledge you gain is a fundamental requirement for success. That knowledge only represents the potential you have to succeed. Knowledge alone will never in and of itself make you succeed. It’s how you use it and what you do with it that will make you succeed. ... Views: 703