Restoring and building tomorrow's healthy voices!
"If you could do it alone, you would have done it already" - States weight loss guru, Harvey Brooks.
We totally agree with his statement and are more then willing to offer you a big help employing our Vocal Science™ Method, which will greatly ... Views: 1017
- Turn to vocal surgery?
- Embark onto conventional speech therapy?
- Choose homeopathic treatments… perhaps?
- Or choose an alternative method of restoration of the damaged and
compromised voice via the unique and non-surgical approach to
Voice Mechanics…?
Take a wild ... Views: 1011
I am lately receiving more and more clients which require non-surgical voice repair, possessing voice disorders like muscle tension dysphonia and/or spasmodic dysphonia. With our very hectic and stress-induced lives, a multitude of sufferers with the above mentioned voice disorders have their ... Views: 962
What do we mean by that? Let’s find out!
If I could say so myself, The Vocal Science™ method and technique is truly “engineered” to amaze!
For many years, we have been attending to all kinds of people with all kinds of voice/vocal disorders (speakers and singers). Our voice repair ... Views: 928
For many years, we have been attending to various people with speech problems, possessing voice disorders like:
- Muscle Tension Dysphonia
- Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Polyps on the vocal cords
- Nodules on the vocal cords
- Cysts and lesions on the vocal cords
- Acid reflux & simply… ... Views: 892
In the previous years, I had worked a lot with amateur singers who were labeled as wannabe singers. A lot of them were recognized by various talent scouts and agents, especially when they were appearing in karaoke clubs or open mic events in a variety of bars and clubs.
Once upon a time, one ... Views: 885
Were you also, perhaps, ordered to keep your mouth shut and not to sing…ever…?
For the majority of you, it was happening in your childhood, but had this “minor insult” really left your mind now that you are in your adulthood? Not really… as it appears to be. More and more people are inquiring ... Views: 976
Our Vocal Science™ Program can help your child achieve all of the above with guaranteed results.
Let’s say that your child desires to be in a school musical play, may want to sing in a choir, would also want to have better presentations and thus, better marks at school. - Let’s make it ... Views: 892
Spasmodic Dysphonia is a voice disorder caused by a neurological condition, affecting your speech. This disorder can affect all ages and can develop at any time.
With this voice-related problem, movement of the vocal cords if forced and strained resulting in a jerky, hoarse, tight or groaning ... Views: 1299
Chronic Laryngitis
In laryngitis, you will find that laryngeal mucous membrane is congested, swollen and is full of mucus. Chronic laryngitis happens as a result of continual attacks of acute laryngitis. Since the larynx is responsible for producing voice, this can naturally affect the voice ... Views: 1043
Short but intense round of alternative speech therapy may be a better solution for restoring language skills lost to a stroke than any traditional methods.
Specialists have found that stroke/post-stroke survivors who have difficulty in speaking or understanding speech, showed some good ... Views: 1089
I am sure, my readers, that you, most likely, are puzzled with the very intriguing title of this blog. What do we mean by “sweat and drench workout of the body”, you may ask?
I have explained in numerous publications that the Vocal Science™ method is a very unique and holistic approach to ... Views: 869
We have many people inquiring about various voice disorders; but the most nasty of them I would qualify as Spasmodic Dysphonia – especially for sufferers whose speech has been severely compromised due to that disorder.
The above-described voice disorder sufferers have been experiencing ... Views: 1328
“We offer 'Cadillac' quality of voice/vocal coaching and voice repair. Our services are classy, timely, high-end & simply unprecedented.”
The Royans Professional Vocal School, aka, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts, was founded on February the 15th, 1984.
Originally, it was ... Views: 925
Almost anyone, at one time or the other, experiences hoarseness, or even loss of voice due to the occurrence of various circumstances. Some of the causes of hoarseness could be due to the common cold, exposure to high volumes of sound in a concert or even simply cheering for your favorite team ... Views: 1111
The Royans Professional Vocal School (a.k.a, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts), was founded in 1984 by my partner Ted Kowalczyk & myself. Prior to that, Ted and I performed as a duo around the Toronto area which was called Toronto Mini Caravan.
Both of us were involved in ... Views: 1102
Vocal cord paralysis, also known as the vocal cord paresis, is the inability of one or both vocal cords to move. It can greatly impact the daily life of the sufferer, including, job, social interactions and leisure time activities.
The condition is caused by damage to nerves going to the ... Views: 930
Nevertheless, over many years, we treated and cured a lot of people with all kinds of different speech and singing problems.
Some of the voice/vocal disorders were straight forward, but some of them not so much; and I really had to figure out what the exact cause would be in order to correct ... Views: 1132
For over many years of my Non-Surgical Voice Repair practice, I have been personally answering numerous emails and phone calls with all sorts of inquiries with regards to people possessing various voice/vocal problems. Some of them had been already diagnosed with a voice/vocal disorder; others ... Views: 872
Voice or vocal cord problems generally include pain or discomfort when you speak or have difficulty in controlling the pitch, volume and quality of your voice overall.
It may sound a little surprising, but it’s true that a variety of medical conditions are the cause of most voice/vocal cord ... Views: 1061
Nevertheless, I have been getting a lot of calls regarding the non-surgical voice repair program.
The people who are inquiring are usually very desperate and very emotional, which is quite understandable. They're pleading for help and, at the glance, appear that they would do anything that ... Views: 1043
Being in the music and voice business for over four decades, I've met a lot of people with good voices, bad voices and also, so to speak, broken voices. Some of them were singers, some of them had nothing to do with singing. Those who had nothing to do with singing, however, had a lot to do ... Views: 1175
- Yes... She was forced to cancel the rest of her tour! -
You may wonder why this had occurred one more time again…?
That happened because if nothing gets changed with respect of how the artist is using his/her voice, it will inevitably reoccur again and again… unfortunately.
The very ... Views: 1116
If I can say so myself, the Vocal Science™ method and technique is truly revolutionary!
To date, I have coached and treated over 20,000 clients; and I can say with absolute certainty that none of them came to me with any accountable/tangible ... Views: 793
My business, “The Royans Professional Vocal School and The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair” use to be located in a quite prestigious area in the northeast part of Toronto, Canada. However, in the building where my studio was located, the washrooms were not kept up to standards, ... Views: 852
Dealing with. various voice disorders are my specialty.
Over many years, I have attended to hundreds, if not thousands of people with different voice injuries of their speaking and/or singing voices. In general, they were all, one way or another, physically and, nevertheless, emotionally hurt ... Views: 1208
Well, yesterday is gone… but today is still (hopefully) not too late! However, you yourself may think that the recovery of your voice (after you waited for so long), could not even be on the radar… but please think again.
We definitely can help!
And not only in the restoration of your ... Views: 1085
If so, we can help to restore your speaking and/or singing voice!
Fix your voice, regain your voice and maintain your voice for a lifetime! - This is our motto!
More often then before, we are getting inquiries from people who (at one time or another) had been involved in some kind of an ... Views: 1170
My answer would be: “No, you should not.”
With that said, if you want to learn something valuable from your coach/mentor, or your voice specialist for that matter, YOU are the one who has to be submissive to such learning and NEVER DOMINANT!
For example.. during my session, one of my ... Views: 818
I've been teaching, consulting and recording vocalists for close to four decades. I've also been conducting group vocal interactive workshops and seminars for the longest time. It is extremely interesting to watch and experience the changes with each generation.
What was happening before is ... Views: 825
For some people, the loss of their voice is equivalent to a plane crash, nevertheless! Obviously they would feel lost and confused, as (for most of the times) they are not even aware of what exactly happened to them and their voice for that matter… and why?
They are desperately looking for ... Views: 864
Let us explain:
The voice repair process, by itself, is very complex. And if not approached holistically, it most likely will not produce any meaningful results with respect of the voice-issue(s).
The fact is that if the vocal problem had been induced only by lack of the proper ... Views: 849
Would you consider yourself someone who uses their voice a great deal? Are you a professional singer, a professional voice artist or someone that uses their voice at work more than usual? If yes, then you know that your voice is a very important tool/resource that needs to be protected; and if ... Views: 955
Some singers who come to me for non-surgical voice repair are not necessarily the professional singers. Which means, that a lot of them have a daytime job or even their own businesses. Some of the professions require speaking on the phone all day, running meetings, doing presentations, and what ... Views: 1009
Apparently there is! And yes, it is possible and it is fixable… however, with great difficulty.
For comparison, let’s look at classical ballet dancers: Everybody knows that ballerinas have to have a certain arch in their feet, especially females. It is detrimental to their careers if their ... Views: 770
I have to say that, in the past, the above sentences were not even up for discussion.
Everybody (or almost everybody) were more then willing to “spread their wings, in a manner of speaking; and thus, unleash their voices and their spirits. Of course, to unleash the voice/spirit is easier said ... Views: 1249
Lately, more and more phone calls and e-mails from various church leaders are pouring our way. Interestingly enough that those requests are primarily coming from the US.
The US people seem to be very devoted to their church, religion and faith, which is definitely very commendable! Not only ... Views: 715
Lately, I guess due to the recession, and the market of the employers (and certainly not employees), I often attend to people who are very unhappy professionally and otherwise; and desperately looking for desirable employment, but failing (over and over) numerous of interviews.
There are ... Views: 713
Why People, who’s Lives Depend On Their Voice, Especially Singing Voice, Thinking That ENT Specialists Will Be Able To Conquer All Of Their Voice/Vocal Problems?
Getting all these inquiries, it never ceases to amaze me that (especially) singers rely on ENT specialists to treat and cure their ... Views: 782
You are experiencing voice problems:
Sore throat, hard to swallow, burning vocal cords, difficulty speaking/singing, etc.
“Should I ignore all of this and hope that my voice will come back on its own and will be as good as before or better?”
“Should I agree for a surgical ... Views: 812
More and more, my practice seems to consist of non-surgical voice repair cases.
The speakers, the singers and the wannabe singers, are pouring into my studio in Toronto as well as in my alternative location in UK.
Nevertheless, people always had problems with their voices and perhaps not ... Views: 752
When I reached Canada in 1980 and almost right from the start began teaching voice (speaking and singing), I noticed that, in general, nobody per say paid attention to the way they were speaking/singing or, for that matter, even conducting a proper posture while trying to deliver a message. Some ... Views: 888
A HOLISTIC Approach To A Person's Vocal "Instrument".
What do we mean by that?
Throughout the last 33 years, I have been bombarded with phone calls and e-mails from people who have experienced voice or vocal problems. Some of them thought that it had happened to them "out of the blue", so ... Views: 712
If you think that it does not, ask us how you can obtain it!
Everybody lately is speaking about a “WOW factor”.
During the vocal competitions like American/British Idol or shows like America Got Talent or Britain Got Talent, judges constantly looking for that WOW factor in their contestants. ... Views: 768
When the person ends up with some voice/vocal disorder, his/her life is definitely altered in one way or the other. Just like a person who, after the tragic accident, became disabled, his/her life would definitely take a drastic turn. Now those people had to learn how to live their life in a ... Views: 942
Everybody knows that the private one-on-one singing or speech lessons are very beneficial to ones’ development. All of the instructors’ attention is drawn to one individual and catered specifically to the person in front of the instructor.
If the student is not a novice and has a strong ... Views: 574
This blog is my point of view on my non-surgical voice repair clients, who lately, I have no lack of...
Yes, more and more people are approaching me with various voice disorders (speakers and singers). Some of them have tried everything, but nothing worked and they ended up suffering for ... Views: 632
One day, you wake up and you notice that suddenly, your voice is not the same as it normally is. You think to yourself; "maybe, its just morning raspiness and it will go away later in the day". Five (or more) days pass and you realize that your voice is not getting any better. It’s actually ... Views: 807
This Holiday season, we wish you the best of voice and the best of health and prosperity for this upcoming New Year, and always!
For the last 42 years, I have worked on a lot of voices; fixing them, restoring them, or just turning amateur speakers and singers into professionals. I have noticed ... Views: 735
Do not ever give up hope! Do not ever listen to the, so-called medical professionals prompting you to accept your voice condition and learn how to live with it!
How pathetic is that?
Those medical professionals do not offer any solutions and could not care less that you had spent most of ... Views: 646