No Work Impressive
Chicken and Sweet Potato
with no pot to scrub
You know those thin frozen cardboard chicken breasts that come in a heavy bag, that only a dieter would choose?
Well, we are going to make them gourmet: This recipe makes your reputation.
Today you are exhausted and want ... Views: 3199
Barbecue Sauce Beneficial
Chicken Wing Drumettes
Easy barbecue sauce is not only healthful, not only easy, but it clings thickly to the food, isn't sugary, and is mouthwatering.
Get out your blender. Fetch a head of jumbo garlic, your best friend. Keep this a secret: You don't have ... Views: 3154
Peel about half a head of garlic and leave it in tiny pieces in your food chopper. If you don't have a food chopper, get one – and for now just smash the garlic in a baggie with a hammer. This will motivate you to get a food chopper. I know this!
Cut any red meat into bite-sized thin ... Views: 3472
Spend two weeks deep in thought about what your favorite foods are. All your favorite foods. Including junk foods, alcohol . . . think, think, because we don't eat our favorite foods just like we don't live the life we would prefer. Example: You love canned pineapple, but classify it as a ... Views: 2487
Owly and his sidekick Iggy.
Molly and her sidekick Li'l Dude.
The same story.
Molly was a Jerry Lee type of German Sheppard: the medium brown body and black muzzle. She was from the pound, a young adult who had lived in the truck of an unemployed homeless rural western dude, with him. ... Views: 2961
Trying to pick the winning number is going about it backasswards. This story is how to win in any type of gamble but of course it doesn't guarantee you will succeed any given incident. It may work for gambles in business and in getting away with your mischief, but I am less sure of ... Views: 2962
The old orange grove had seen its last bearing days years ago. The trees were ancient gnarled and unattended. Everyone knew there was to be no citrus coming from there. It was the 1920s in south Florida, then a backwater swamp populated by vacationers who spent all their cash and never could ... Views: 2343
From desperation, creative solutions often arise. When all else fails, reach for that inspired thought. The more often you reach, the more accurate your reach is. Such was the occasion when Emily discovered some idiot had put duck pullet eggs into her incubator "So my son can see birth." It ... Views: 4796
There is no such thing as the human body. Lately even the medical industry is beginning to face this fact. ("Oh? How old is it? What race and gender? Is it in good health? What are its habits and living conditions?") Well, in the good old days it used to be a 40-year-old American urban ... Views: 4037
The categories that human languages lock things into in our minds stifle creative thinking and block extrasensory perception. The categories are the 'box' to 'think out of.' Language fetters awareness: *Most people won't think of or even sense something they have no words for. *We dream of ... Views: 2945
The making of American Indian shamans includes illness, sometimes serious illness: It is a common thread in their biographies, and also in the biographies of well-known mystic saints. You don't have to be a shaman or a saint for sickness to be part of your spiritual training; it is a phase in ... Views: 3236
Everything is going swell, and I am really, really happy. And here are tears on my cheeks, some psychic pain. I ask my body 'What's up?' and it replies it is deeply sad. At that moment, I would attach that sad feeling to what is going on around me, and conclude my job is depressing. But I ... Views: 2790
The more things change, the more they are the same especially when it comes to human behavior. So many things appear to be happening...and they are...and yet there are templates that overlay the events, patterns and sequences that the events fit into. The question is: Where in the pattern, ... Views: 2708
The mystique. Everyone wants to be A Poet. Don't we? Poets can flaunt their self-discovery...and their moods. Poets take their brains and their hearts out and play with public...and no one can say anything about it because they're poets. Just as the second million is much easier ... Views: 4879
Small stresses lessen ability to focus on the meaningful stressors. They operate just below the radar of consciousness because often we deal with them by suppressing them so we can focus on important things. The problem is: a myriad of these gnats are as large a drain on us as a 'real ... Views: 2793
What people used to openly call good and evil in others must now be considered a matter of personal style or personality instead. This is the politically correct mores imposed by—hmm, the media perhaps? So now one can feel the same illicit thrill saying so-and-so is evil as one can saying a ... Views: 2884
Where I live, in the dead of night people whose gardens have produced many of those monster zucchini will sneak onto the doorsteps of their neighbors and leave them. Here is a recipe to make easy and fantastic use of one or more of the monsters.
Got a steamer? If not put a colander or large ... Views: 2482
Here is a picture of ducks who have been slimed by the latest oil spill. They are doomed, and the water they float in is doomed. But here they are doing what ducks do, up until the very last minute of their lives. They have no horror on their faces, just a relaxed but miserable expression. ... Views: 2619
Success: The First Step,
How George got out of the Ghetto
Here is this book that was old in l959. George Washington Carver (the renowned head professor of the Agriculture Department at Tuskegee University; researcher into, and promoter of, alternative crops to cotton in the Reconstruction ... Views: 2768
The lanky blond man bends to come in the door of the deposition room. I am there with my Stenograph set up ready to go. It's always best when an expert witness is the first to arrive: You can chitchat with him, put him at ease, find out what he is an expert in and how he talks, because you ... Views: 2909
The laws of random distribution are not some theory; they are principles written in the same stone as the laws of physics. Actuaries, persons who calculate chances of things for a living (Really!), base your insurance premiums on the FACT that, when there is a hazard that could cause a ... Views: 2563
The laws of random distribution are not some theory; they are principles written in the same stone as the laws of physics. Actuaries, persons who calculate chances of things for a living (Really!), base your insurance premiums on the FACT that, when there is a hazard that could cause a ... Views: 2563
It is an act of will – a decision, that's all – that starts a person on the mystic path of being one with the Almighty. After that initiation, it is events of the person's life, and the “voice in your gut” that are the training, the lessons. Seeing a pattern in the events of your life is ... Views: 2820