One of the first things you need to do when you are choosing to fully engage in a self-healing practice is to quiet your body and mind, bringing your body into a relaxed state that allows healing to occur. Getting to this relaxed state is the challenge and the opportunity. As I discuss at ... Views: 2091
In your healing journey, you may have heard about the importance of quieting your mind in order to receive intuitive insights and guidance to assist you in your healing. But if you have never meditated before, the thought of doing so can be overwhelming. And if you have ever sat down to ... Views: 1863
The greatest mysteries to healing in life are right here in front of us, part of us, each and every day. The reason we do not recognize them is because we are so busy surviving.We rarely slow down long enough to notice the spirit of life hidden within every living thing.
You do not have to ... Views: 2134
It took me a lot of years to figure this one out. I grew up in a family that practiced cynicism like a religion. Nothing was exempt from our familial cynical eye. Anything that wasn’t part of our family’s dogma was suspect and therefore, frequently ridiculed during the family meal or late night ... Views: 1394
If you aren’t certain about where to begin accessing your intuition or you want to be able to tap into more of your intuitive guidance, one of the best and most enjoyable ways to access you inner wisdom is through creative expression.
Why? Inspiration and intuition are kissing cousins. Ask a ... Views: 1551
I was just going about my day, when a little voice in the back of my head said, “Turn on the television.”
“What?” I argued with myself. “I don’t watch TV during the day. Sure, at night when I’m winding down my day, but day-time hours are for being productive.”
Regardless of my logical ... Views: 1756
Knowing how to approach your self-healing process can be a real quandary, particularly if you don’t have a favorite and specific energy healing modality. You can spend a lot of energy just figuring out how to think of self-healing in a general context.
Recently, one of my readers asked a ... Views: 1780
This morning, as I was meditating, I had one of those special moments of awakening. As I was in the moment, I remembered that the last time I had a profound experience of awakening, I tried to cling to it, thinking, “I want life to be like this forever.” The moment I attached to the experience, ... Views: 1960
Intuition is one of those elusive concepts that many of us know we should be using to enhance our opportunities for healing, but often, don’t quite know how to access. I remember a friend that had been a meditator for many years asking me how he would know when his intuition was speaking to ... Views: 2075
Some of the most significant feelings we have that can keep us trapped in our pain include, regret, guilt, and shame. Many of us have an easier time forgiving someone else than we do ourselves. If we don’t transform these feelings they easily lead to depression and even serious ... Views: 3419
My healing took a huge leap forward when I discovered that my own sounds could heal. So one of the first skills I teach new sound healers to develop is the ability to sound their feelings. Why?
Sounds express pain in a way that goes beyond what you can state in words. It expresses feelings ... Views: 3627
A teacher once said to me, “Most people are lying to themselves most of the time.”
“Yah, right,” I thought as I blew off the concept as nonsense.
However, that kind of statement has a way of sticking with you, and I couldn’t get it out of my thoughts. “How often am I lying to myself?” I ... Views: 1119
I was at a party recently where I was telling someone about my book. Not everyone is enamored with the concept of self-healing and taking full responsibility for your healing journey.
In this case, the woman I was speaking with said out loud what I believe a lot of us really want but don’t ... Views: 1851
Someone recently asked me, “As an intuitive, how do you make decisions about what medical or healing care to receive? When I’m not feeling well or I’ve had an injury, I just go to the doctor. How do you figure out what to do?”
No one had ever asked me that question. I really had to think ... Views: 4514
Have you ever considered making a change you knew would probably positively and significantly improve your health, and then chose not to do it?
I know I have. Those are moments that became regrets. Those are the illnesses I suffered longer than necessary because I was ignoring the discomfort, ... Views: 1181
When someone comes to me looking for an instantaneous healing, I know we are not likely to make very much progress. Are you wondering why? Doesn’t it seem to make sense that the more the person is able to believe in instant healing, the more likely it is going to happen?
Indeed, I love to ... Views: 1745
A while back my husband and I were in a class where we were asked to spend a day keeping a tally of how often we complained. I thought I was a pretty positive person so this exercise would be pretty easy to do. Oh my gosh, was I surprised to discover how often I was thinking complaining ... Views: 1853
Have you seen the movie, The Snow Walker? I know I don’t usually recommend films, but this one that I watched for the first time the other night, is worth telling you about if you are seriously dedicated to your self-healing.
Now, I’m not going to give away the plot, but I am going to tell ... Views: 1234
To date, I haven’t met anyone that has told me they can see them, taste them or smell negative ions. Yet, in nature, they are there all around us.
Visit the ocean and you are in the company of negative ions. Visit the mountains, splash around in a stream, or take a walk in the woods and ... Views: 1836
If you have an “incurable” condition, you may be asking yourself if there is any possibility that incurable conditions can be reversed. The answer is, “Yes.”
Just because modern allopathic medicine may not have a cure, doesn’t mean that healing isn’t possible. The journey of self-healing is ... Views: 1789
Emotions tell stories about what is really going on. You’ve just got to be willing to sit with the uncomfortable ones long enough and with enough self-honesty to discover what they are telling you about what you need for your healing.
This is going to make a lot more sense if I share a ... Views: 1327
It is your responsibility as the receiver of other people’s prayers to set the intention for prayers and energetic forms of spiritual healing that are in alignment with your own your clear desire. That means your intention needs to be very clear.
A clear intention is dependent upon how you ... Views: 2503
Have you had the experience of leaving a luscious other-worldly experience only to come back to this reality feeling cranky?
I’ve caught myself more than once thinking to myself, “That’s real spiritual, Misa! Open your heart wide in compassion during your meditation and then, in this world, ... Views: 1268
During this holiday season, if you spend more time with your family, you may find your buttons getting pushed. Here is the thing about healing.
Those buttons—those are the very places where you store pent up feelings and ignore unmet core needs that lead to or contribute to illnesses. This ... Views: 1418
Winter can be such a challenging time when it comes to depression. The days are shorter, in the US more people die in winter than in warmer seasons, and grey skies can dampen your spirits. Of course, physical illness, stress, emotional turmoil, and abusive experiences from our past or present ... Views: 1748