Job searches are often difficult enough without throwing curveballs into the equation like age. But age is definitely a factor, even at the executive level where one would think that expertise would be valued over all else.
If you’re over 50 and are running into problems being considered for ... Views: 593
Going Christmas shopping is usually better after Thanksgiving. Going skiing is usually better in the winter after a good snow has fallen. Going hunting for beautiful flowers is usually better in the spring. And some argue that searching for a job is usually better in the summer.
Never heard ... Views: 1137
Have you ever thought about sending out a cold cover letter to company in search of a job that you’re not sure even exists? The thought of a cold cover letter just may give you cold feet. But it’s good to know that there are plenty of success stories that come out of sending out these types of ... Views: 1827
You’ve probably heard about the various ways to improve your resume so that it can be moved to the top of the talent pool instead of the top of a trash pile. One way that has been suggested in more recent times is the use of keywords, especially with advancements in technology that can capture ... Views: 1176
As an executive, you’ve probably been on plenty of interviews in your lifetime – from that entry-level position to the management positions you’ve held. But nothing quite compares to the executive-level interview; if you’ve been on even one you know this is a true statement.
So how do you ... Views: 1474
The education field is one of few out there that is still managing relatively well in the midst of the recession. However, this doesn’t mean that snagging a great job will be a piece of cake. It may still require some work, especially in terms of creating a great resume.
So if you have ... Views: 1154
If you are currently out of work, or are thinking about leaving your job then there’s a chance that you’ve written at least one cover letter in your lifetime. But the question is what type of cover letter did you write? Many people utilize templates or carbon copy-styled cover letters that allow ... Views: 1257
As an executive, it’s customary to feel that the only way to find employment is through networking. While this is a vital aspect in job seeking at such a high level, it’s not the only way. In fact, a trend has been set in recent years for executives to find their employment opportunities through ... Views: 1406
The technology industry is booming more than ever. Even with many hard workers losing their jobs left and right, the IT field is doing just fine thanks to the Internet.
If you have experience in a tech field - or want to scoot over to this industry - and are looking for work, you're going to ... Views: 1212
Possibly one of the largest mistakes that an executive could make when searching for a job is conducting the job search as if he were a manager. Once you reach the level of an executive, you have entered a new world and have to treat your job search as such. This means taking different avenues ... Views: 1217
If you have worked your way up the corporate ladder from an entry-level position to that of a professional – and now executive – you know how different the world can look at each stage in the game. As an executive, a lot more is expected of you, and probably no one is a harsher critic of you ... Views: 1194
If you’ve been laid off from your job because the industry is drying up – or think you’re in jeopardy of this happening – and want to find a solution to your problem, you’re not alone. There are a lot of people who started out in the industry of their choice only to realize that it is dying out ... Views: 662
No matter how you’ve become unemployed over the past year or more – whether through choice or force – if you’re looking to regain employment, this is a tough time to make your dream a reality. With millions of jobs lost in the past few months, acquiring a new gig is not a simple task.
In fact, ... Views: 613
If you’ve been on multiple job interviews then you know that you might encounter a different environment depending on the company you interview with. This is pretty common because every company has its own culture. And more importantly, each company – and even department – instills its own ... Views: 745
If you’ve been thinking about starting a new career, you may be feeling confused as to where to start. You know you don’t want to continue on your current path, but you don’t exactly know what new path to take.
One very important aspect of reinventing your career is knowing exactly who you are ... Views: 800
You’ve probably heard of the show “Pimp My Ride,” where a lucky person has a chance to turn an otherwise crappy vehicle into the beautiful car of their dreams. Well, as beautiful as a 1978 Ford Pinto can get, that is.
The point is that there are ways to turn something not-so-beautiful into ... Views: 1089
In the new world of technology, it’s very common for job seekers to work via the Internet to find their employment. This is mainly because many employers have moved their application processes to the Internet – as well as their headhunters. In other words, if you want to find employment, your ... Views: 600
It’s not uncommon for an intern-hopeful to feel shocked after realizing that they need to create a resume in order to apply for a position. Because many on-campus jobs are obtainable without a resume, some students never assume they will need it to apply for an internship. They’re wrong.
The ... Views: 631
If you’ve conducted online job searches, you know that as you apply to companies, you may have to enter a ton of personal information to complete the application. For some, this process is no big deal. However, others feel it’s too invasive and potentially puts them at risk of identity theft. ... Views: 856
When applying for a job, it’s not uncommon to send in a cover letter with the resume. In fact, many experts suggest that even if one is not requested, it be sent anyway to show professionalism and enthusiasm for the job.
However, not all cover letters are good cover letters. In fact, it is ... Views: 1256
The process of applying for jobs can be so taxing that at the end of a long day of searching, it’s pretty common to just collapse from exhaustion. With so much work involved in the process, it’s no wonder that some candidates can get a little desperate.
If you feel you are in a position of ... Views: 846
It’s not always easy to work for a big company – especially when that big company lays you off and leaves you unwanted by smaller companies. Unfortunately, this scenario is true for too many veterans who have been let go from business giants only to be shot down by smaller companies that are ... Views: 895
We’re living in an electronic world, which means it’s pretty important that when it comes to resumes you learn to be an electronic girl – or boy. There are a high percentage of companies that prefer that job candidates submit applications and resumes online. So if you don’t know how to do so, ... Views: 616
Being a college grad in the middle of a recession is one of the toughest times to try to find a job. Unfortunately, there are thousands of students who have recently graduated – or are about to cross the stage – who will be looking for employment with 4 million others who have recently been laid ... Views: 555
Whether you’ve written one or one hundred cover letters in your lifetime, they can present enough challenges to make you dread the process each time. It’s for this reason that many people resort to the “carbon copy” cover letter as opposed to creating an original one for each job application. ... Views: 526
One of the greatest mysteries associated with applying for a job is how to create a good reference list. Because not every employer even requests this list as a part of the application process, it can often be difficult to know exactly who should be listed and when.
One key to remember is even ... Views: 2430
The process of creating a resume can definitely be a daunting one. There are so many aspects to consider throughout the creation process, including spelling, grammar, and of course, making sure to incorporate the right jobs, duties fulfilled, and anything else that ensures the hiring manager ... Views: 885
Searching for a job in a tough economy can be extremely challenging. This is especially true if it seems impossible to get past the first interview. Unfortunately, some people seem to have this sort of luck. So what can be done about it? Is there a secret to getting the employer of your choice ... Views: 860
We all know that in 2009 some major adjustments have been occurring on the job front, including a new stimulus bill that is proposing to create 3.5 million new jobs. But how are you affected by this new bill? If you have been recently laid off from an employer affected by the recession, or are ... Views: 588
Writing a cover letter is a commonplace aspect of conducting any job search. When you apply for a job, even if the prospective employer does not ask you for one, it’s good to send one as a way to give them a little more insight into who you are and what you’re capable of.
But despite the fact ... Views: 750
So you’ve recently been let go from your company and are receiving unemployment benefits when an amazing thing happens – you get a job offer. But it’s not the offer you were hoping for. While it will definitely pay the bills, it will result in you taking less than 50-percent of what you were ... Views: 1360
With over 500,000 people losing their jobs in the month of November 2008, and over 10 million unemployed in the United States to date, the thought of acquiring a job can almost seem hopeless. But it’s not. Companies are still hiring, jobs are still available, and you can have one – ... Views: 620
Just because you may be entering retirement age does not mean that you are too old to work if you still want (or need) to. In fact, many companies are looking to the Baby Boomer generation and beyond to fill in roles that require years of experience.
So if you’re looking to come out of ... Views: 499
With various sectors of our economy falling apart left and right, many businesses are closing, or cutting back at the very least. As a result, thousands of employees each month are being let go.
Some of the businesses that have been around longer are handling the need to let employees go by ... Views: 884
Sometimes it may feel that your time in your current career has just about run its course. It may seem that you’ve contributed all that you can and are now looking for new ways to make contributions to society; ways that involve you using different aspects of your creativity. If this is ... Views: 710
If you’re just graduating from college, or deciding to enter the workforce after spending your adult years involved in other projects, then you have the benefit many others don’t: building your career from the ground up.
For some, this prospect may sound scary – especially if ... Views: 597
It’s not as difficult as you may think. In fact, in many ways it can be similar to any other business transaction. So if you’ve been thinking that it’s time to get a raise, or ask for a specific salary with a new job, take a look at some ways to get it done.
Approaching the ... Views: 516
When searching for employment, you will find that most employers will at some point ask you to provide a list of your references. This may seem like a simple request to fulfill, but in actuality, choosing references is something that should be done with care. So before you throw your own list ... Views: 592
One of the most challenging dreams to realize for many people is identifying then fulfilling their goal to acquire a great career. Sometimes it can seem that it will take a lifetime to actually get a foot in the door. But if you have an idea of what you would like to do in your professional ... Views: 738
As you make this determination, it is important to acquire experiences along the way that can help develop your career. One of the best ways to get this done is through an internship. If you’re looking to open the door to some great internship opportunities, here are some tips to get you ... Views: 491
The world is constantly changing before our eyes. Technology has created advancements that we could never have imagined 20 years ago. But with many of the advancements have come negative changes to our environment like pollution and global warming that affect the way we live our lives.
As a ... Views: 571
There are a number of ways that you can acquire the job you want. You can go the traditional route of finding an ad and applying for the job, or going through the temp agency where you can get your feet wet in certain fields.
But another great way to get a job is through networking. Whether you ... Views: 551
The world of job recruiting has changed drastically in recent years. Whereas in the past, the route to securing employment was simply getting your resume together and responding to help-wanted ads – or even getting approached by a headhunter – now much of the recruitment process is ... Views: 674
It can be a nerve-wrecking prospect to think about your impending job interview. What will you say? How will you dress? What if the interviewer asks questions for which you don’t know the answers? These are all questions you may run through your mind before ever meeting the prospective ... Views: 582
As the Internet becomes more popular, there are increasing opportunities to not only become employed by this medium, but also work from home while doing so. However, not every online opportunity is trustworthy. There are tons of scam artists ready to take advantage of the naïve.
This is ... Views: 620
The path to finding the career of your dreams can sometimes feel so daunting. To make matters worse, it can seem that while you struggle to figure out just what it is you want to do, others have the good fortune of recognizing and living out their dreams everyday.
But rest assured that these ... Views: 616
Sometimes finding the job you want requires that you take unorthodox methods to get there. More and more people are finding this out as the economy dries up and competition for employment gets stiffer.
This is why, for many, temporary work is a great route to take to get their foot in the door. ... Views: 543
Have you recently thought about enhancing your career? The thought of making more money and having more responsibility can sound very exciting; that is, until you think about what you would need to do to fulfill your goal.
Often times, you can make moves within your field with the experience ... Views: 563
You’re fresh out of college, or have been a stay-at-home mom for years, and are now ready to take on your first job. You’ve turned in multiple applications at various employers, and out of that you’ve secured your first interview.
Nail-biting time, right? Not necessarily. The ... Views: 560
Job searches nowadays are much more in-depth than they have been in the past. Before, you simply drafted a good resume, printed it on quality paper, and submitted it to the companies you were interested in working for. Now, however, most companies prefer to have their applications completed ... Views: 1009