All different kinds of success and achievements are born out of a goal. Goals are behind the worlds leading business tycoons and winning sports teams, and without a goal you are playing Russian roulette with your fat loss efforts. Success stories that happen by chance are few and far between. ... Views: 1113
Believe it or not, the body has no physiological need for a carbohydrate unlike it has for protein and fat. Despite this fact most of the population overeats these types of calories everyday because they are easily available and more convenient than some healthy alternatives. This daily habit ... Views: 939
People often get confused about what results really are. I remind people all the time about how far they have come and how much they have achieved in terms of turning their life around for the better. There's more to achieving results than just associating success with a number on the scales ... Views: 1133
Weight loss clubs can be intrusive for a lot of people or just plain boring. Below are two examples on how to start your own weight loss club; one is for discreet dieters and the other for more outgoing people.
Option #1 – If You Don't Like Weight Loss Clubs Find A Support Partner ... Views: 5128
Beginners and in particularly men who take up training with weights normally need to gain weight and bulk up. Once this is achieved the individual can be well over 30 pounds heavier from when they first began training. There will come a time when the individual can't gain any more weight or ... Views: 1357
Just spent a week reading about the latest diet crazes where they all recommend cutting calories or fasting. So I decided to join a slimming club where I saw different people that seemed to be wasting their time and effort. They were allowed to continue to eat certain junk food. This sounded ... Views: 933
Anything containing sugar needs to be avoided, it is highly addictive and highly detrimental to health and fat loss goals. It is important to teach yourself to become a sugar detective by knowing how to read food labels.
Some foods will have half a dozen different types of sugar in the ... Views: 1787
I’m going to share with you the list of foods I’ve bought this week for the week ahead. My six-pack is visible, I have 3 millimetres of fat on my waist and these are the foods I buy and eat in a typical week. Note the variety I include, proof you can have a six-pack without living on chicken ... Views: 3874
I get endless amounts of questions from people asking me what type of workout works best and how much needs to be done to achieve fat loss. Lets face it, most gym members participate in unproductive exercise programmes that they endlessly seem to do year after year without achieving results, ... Views: 992
Just because you regularly clock in at the gym doesn’t mean you are on the road to fast fat loss results. Marathon type workouts and going at it half-heartedly isn’t the way to train to look your best in the shortest amount of time. It is time to stop guessing and livings in hope of ... Views: 1118
Finally there is a way to achieve fat loss without missing your favourite television show. I'm going to show you a way to exercise without leaving the house. No more excuses, this is the ultimate exercise plan for the couch potato.
You have always wanted a six-pack but there is just one ... Views: 1815
There’s a fine line between dieting for weight loss and building a good physique. Some bodybuilders have reverse anorexia and will compromise the quality of food just to get their desired daily calorie intake in the hope it will pack on the muscle. It’s not that easy and is one of the many ... Views: 1225
The main drawback with someone on a diet is the mind; the mind can stand in the way of progress. At the front of a dieters’ mental consciousness is their relationship with calories and the bathroom scales. This can become a vicious circle and a recipe for failure.
Dieters imprison ... Views: 1056
Have you seen the film Castaway starring Tom Hanks? This isn’t a film review but rather a review of how we live our lives today compared to our primitive ancestors. On the film Castaway the character played by Tom Hanks ends up stranded on a remote island for four years, having no choice but ... Views: 2348
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for fat loss and weight loss. You should never miss this essential feeding time slot if you want to get rid of man boobs and achieve a six-pack or improve muscle tone or build lean body mass. It is equally as important for dieters as it is for ... Views: 1264
Ever wondered why diets never seem to work for permanent results? Have you tried and failed to lose weight or shift stubborn body fat in the past by counting calories, weighing food, eliminating food groups and exercising like mad? I recommend the first and one of the most important actions to ... Views: 1023
Fat loss and the true cost of low calorie diets.
Did you know you have to eat to lose weight? You need calories to burn calories or your metabolism will slow down (metabolism is the rate your body burns calories). Following are consequences associated with skipping meals and not eating ... Views: 1919